I Have a Godly Devouring System

Chapter 687: A little practice is a little!

Jiang Ao held the slab in his hand, and the Thunder Lord looked at him in a daze.

Isn't this the thing that Jiang Ao directly smashed Tianxie Xianjun to death before?

He said he knew the things of the gods, could it be said that they were gods?

Seeing the incredibly unbelievable look of the Thunder King, Jiang Ao smiled and said, "You guessed it right, this is a divine object, and it is also a grain of sand that the Lord of Chaos brought when he escaped from the God Realm!"

After speaking, Jiang Ao threw the slabs away, "Stones, change."

When the voice fell, the stone turned into a human form.

"the host."

I saw him expressionless, although he was transformed into a human form, but because his strength was still limited and the divine power in his body was not enough, the transformed person couldn't make a decent expression at all.

Raiden Karmapa looked at the bricks suspiciously.

If it wasn't for Jiang Ao, he might just slap and call it over, and who would he play with?

"Jiang Ao, is it really a fetish?"

The Thunder Lord subconsciously spread his fairy knowledge.

I found myself unable to see through the stone at all.

Now, he somewhat believed it.

In terms of strength, Raiden Karmapa is also a first-class existence in the fairy world.

If he can't see through it, it is enough to show that the level of existence of this stone is much higher than him!

"Yes, you still don't believe me after I told you?"

Jiang Ao laughed, and then ordered the stone to turn back into sand and retracted the sleeve.

"If he hadn't told me that there was a lower realm of gods and men, and he was looking for one hundred thousand heavenly Taoism, how would I know so much?"

"This is a coincidence..."

The Thunder King was speechless for a while, and the immortal world was so big that Jiang Ao had encountered this god.

"Then does this fetish have any effect on the Lord?"

Raiden Karmapa quickly asked.

"I don't know about this for the time being. The divine power in the stone is still small. He can only become stronger if he absorbs enough divine power. After all, your Patriarch is nothing more than a central god."

Jiang Ao didn't say anything to death.

In fact, if the Thunder Sword and the stone were in hand at the same time, he would be confident.

The 30% or so I mentioned before is actually modest.

"You should hold Lei Lingzhu first, I don't need much of this thing."

As Jiang Ao said, he handed back the Lei Lingzhu that the Thunder King had previously given.

The Thunder King quickly declined, saying: "Jiang Ao, the immortal power in my body is completely sufficient now, and the effect of Thunder Lingzhu is not great."

"Take it, my body is full of divine power right now, which is also a waste to me. You can use enough to get enough, just in case."

Seeing what Jiang Ao said, the Thunder King couldn't help but put the Lei Lingzhu away.

This is the treasure of the immortal world, who would have thought that someone would reject each other.

After putting them away, the two were silent again.

The Thunder King suddenly said: "Jiang Ao, why don't we take advantage of this time to find your Lei Lei sword? Although it is no different from looking for a needle in a haystack, you can be idle as well. What if luck comes?"

Jiang Ao gave a wry smile, and said, "How many different dimensions are there, where is such good luck?"

The Thunder King shook his head, "Jiang Ao, if it were before, we wouldn't have had that good luck. But... you now have so many space monsters, you can let them open the different space for you! Just open it and touch it. There may be a little hope if you try your luck. If everything is good, isn't your Lei Lei sword really gone?"

Seeing the sincere expression of the Leiden King, Jiang Ao had no choice but to agree. In fact, he didn't hold any hope.

It was originally intended to find a way after becoming a god.

But now it is true that he was right.

Idle or idle.

Just when those spatial monster races are cultivating, they also need to use the power of the space, which is not a waste.

Thinking of this, Jiang Ao nodded, and returned to the prison formation with the Thunder King and told his own affairs.

A group of Space Monster Races agreed.

The operation is actually very simple.

Ben Lei Jian has produced a sword spirit.

Although the sword spirit's intelligence is not high, as long as the different space is opened, if it happens to be in that different space, then Jiang Ao can feel it immediately.

It can be taken out at that time.

However, this probability is too small.

But is better than nothing.

At Jiang Ao's request, the great elder with the strongest power in the body first came up to help Jiang Ao open up the different spaces one by one.

Of course, it is also casual.

As for whether you can meet, it depends on luck!

the other side.

The empress captured the two women, locked them in a secret room, and was guarded by a Luo Tianshang.

It's just that she was over-excited and forgot to threaten the two women if she stole something in the palace.

Of course, she forgot because she felt that all the treasures of the Emperor Xiandi were thrown in the treasure house.

How could they steal away?

As everyone knows.

In the little treasure house, the best treasures are all from the gods, and they have long been divided between the two women.

"Lan'er, what should we do now? Can we escape?"

The clothes on their bodies can actually block Xianjun one and two attacks respectively.

Naturally, Luo Tianshang's attack was not a problem.

But they knew before that Qing Hexian had repaired the formation, and they might not be able to escape either.

Ziyan's lock heaven can be unlocked, but the formation cannot be solved.

Therefore, it is quite difficult to escape like this.

"I don't know, that woman seems to be completely crazy, who knows if she won't think about it, come and kill us directly!"

Lan'er shook his head. Through the paper window, a figure stomped back and forth outside the door, and a slight footstep sounded. They knew that if they wanted to escape, they had to kill the Luo Tianshang.

It's just that their strength at this time, even if they join hands, I am afraid it is not that simple.

Although there is only one difference in realm.

But it is tantamount to hitting a rock with a pebble.

They are still sensible.

"Or, let's practice now!"

Zi Yan thought for a while, this was the only way.

Although, it will take a long time for them to cultivate to Luo Tianshang.

But what can we do now?


Lan'er smiled bitterly and said: "Even if we practice, what if we cultivate to Luo Tianshang... it's too difficult!"

Zi Yan was stubborn once in a while, and said, "Lan'er, if you practice more, we will have more hope. What can we do besides practicing now? I think that the woman and the immortal Luo Tianshang who is guarding the door do not know We are ancient immortals and don't need to refine the world at all!"

That's right, Zi Yan thought about this.

"Okay, by the way, do you still have fairy crystals on your body? I don't have much here!"

Lan'er looked at her personal space, only one bag.

Zi Yan glanced, her pretty face suddenly changed.

"I... I forgot to bring it!"

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