I Have a Godly Devouring System

Chapter 658: Purpose prison star!

"Go, let's speed up and take a look!"

At this time, Sora suddenly said, all the clansmen turned their heads in confusion, looking at their patriarch.

"Patriarch, do you know where is where?"

The elder asked.

They are not familiar with the immortal world, so they are afraid that they will encounter some unknown dangers.

After all, their combat effectiveness is insufficient.

Kong had already broken two demon veins, and the fighting power of the elders was at most the level of the ordinary Daluo Jinxian.

"It's okay, if I didn't guess wrong, this might be a chaotic world!"

"Chaos World?"

All the monster races were puzzled, didn't they come from the immortal world, where is this chaotic world?

"Yes, Chaos World. When I was in a battle with the Old Qiongqi Demon King, I was arrested by two great powers of the immortal world, and then locked in a planet within the Chaos World."

Sora didn't know the Chaos World before, but he knew it from Jiang Ao's mouth.

The chaotic world is filled with the power of chaos, and there is nothingness, no one can determine the direction.

Right now, they could feel an inexplicable power. Although Sora could not recognize what power it was, they knew that it must be the power of Chaos.

Because after he recognized Jiang Ao as the master, he could feel a breath in Jiang Ao's divine power, which was a bit similar to the power here.

As long as he can find the prison star, then they must be safe!

He believed that Jiang Ao would definitely come to the prison star to find them!

Or, once a hundred years arrive, the secret realm of the prison can be opened again, and they can also follow the fairies who come in for treasure to return to the realm!

"Patriarch, is there any danger in this chaotic world?"

The people asked again and again.

"This, I don't know. I have only stayed on one of the planets, but I have never been out of the Chaos World."

He shook his head, and then said: "However, at least on that planet, we are very safe."

Sora knew this very well.

As long as they don't get close to those prison cells, there is definitely no problem.

With a clear goal, these monster races are all excited.

Otherwise, walking aimlessly here, when is the head!

There is no sense of security. If you encounter a strong person who is hostile to them, it is estimated that they may also be wiped out!

Low combat effectiveness, this is the original sin...

After all, they are Yaozu!

Although the general direction is determined, it is not so easy to find the prison star within billions of planets.

A long way to go...

On the other side, Jiang Ao’s Tianxie Xianjun’s battle has also reached a fever pitch!

Tianxie Xianjun has been chasing Jiang Ao behind.

However, Jiang Ao locked his direction and never changed his course.

As long as he arrives at the Dianprison Mountain and obtains the Chain of Heaven from Qinghexian, then he believes that he can definitely kill the Heavenly Evil Immortal!

It only takes the time for the chains of Heaven to trap him.

You can use the strongest blow yourself!

Even, using up all the supernatural power, it is endless!

It can be said that in the entire immortal world, the only threat to him is Tianxie Xianjun!

On Simon Star, the Thunder King and the Formation King were discussing what to do next.

After all, they couldn't get involved in that kind of extreme battle.

But here, there are still some magic soldiers trapped here.

They had no leader, and the Demon King had been beheaded. The Demon Soldiers shivered, not knowing where to go.

The combat power demonstrated by Tianxie Xianjun and Jiang Ao just now gave them no courage to attack again.

"Lei Fa, how about trapping these magic soldiers to the prison star first, and then we will come out to find the One Hundred Thousand Heavens Taoism!"

The King of Formation couldn't think of any way, so he could only hit his idea on the prison star.

"It's okay, but there are so many magic soldiers here. If we bring it to the prison star, it may be a little troublesome."

Many people are naturally difficult to bring, although there are formation kings that can trap them with formations.

But the journey is so long that no one knows what accidents will happen.

Moreover, there are only two of them.

"But it's not a way to stay here. The strength of these magic soldiers has reached Luo Tianshang. If you let them go, it will definitely have an impact on the immortal world. Let's take it away first! By the way, we will also take the two immortal emperors Call here, isn't this going through the Southern Immortal Territory, and then let Nangong Yilin gather a team of immortal soldiers to guard it, this way, it couldn't be better!"

"You are right, just do it!"

The two people reached an agreement, talk and do.

Soon, the formation king set up a large formation, trapping all around 50,000 magic soldiers in it!

Then, the two moved the formation together, slowly advancing towards Huanyu.

The movement here immediately attracted the attention of the two immortal emperors.

"Look, what is that?"

Seeing countless demon soldiers flying in the formation, the two immortal emperors were stunned.

At the same time, within the flying boat, the three immortal monarchs were also shocked, and their military divisions had incredible expressions on their faces!

Because they can recognize that these are magic soldiers!

As the subordinates of Tianxie Xianjun, they naturally knew what their leader had planned.

It is the entanglement of the two worlds of demons into the fairy world.

As for the purpose of cooperation, they don't know.


These fifty thousand demon soldiers just appeared in their sight, and they couldn't help but wonder!

"Could it be that the demon world's support has come?"

The soldiers looked at each other, and they had exchanged countless thoughts.

In the end, they decided to wait and see.

Because the magic soldiers are their allies.

"Look, it's the Thunder King and the Formation King!"

Nangong had sharp eyes, first saw the two people in front of the formation, and quickly reminded.

"Yes, it's them! Let's go over and ask again!"

Bei Ming Kuang made a decisive decision, since he was carrying these magic soldiers, don't panic.

And the evil immortal monarch was completely dumbfounded.

How could these magic soldiers be brought over by the two?

He knew the purpose of Tianxie Xianjun.

The Demon Race and the Demon Race are their allies, but he knows a little bit more. In fact, these are all chess pieces used by the Tianxie Fairy!

Now, these chess pieces were actually controlled by Jiang Ao's side. Could it be that what happened on Ximen Star failed?

It is a pity that he is currently powerless, so he can only let the two immortals lead him and fly towards the Thunder King!

"How is this going?"

Nangong Yiling asked quickly.

"It just so happens that you come with me to the Dianprison Mountain. We will lock up these magic soldiers! Otherwise, the immortal world will be messed up at that time! You are short of manpower. Can you send an immortal when you pass through the southern fairyland? The troops have been escorted together?"

"It's not a problem, but...what about the warden?"

Nangong Yiling is most concerned about Jiang Ao.

"He led Tianxie Xianjun to run away. Don't worry, Jiang Ao must have some plan, so let's do the rest of the matter!"

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