I Have a Godly Devouring System

Chapter 653: My master!

"Damn it, how could Sora come back?"

"Miscalculation! If he is the only one to come back, what about the old demon king of the Qiongqi clan?"

"This is not the point. The point is that he came and rescued all the monster races! If we want to attack the immortal world, we must capture all the monster races!"

These demon kings immediately began to contact, and there was also a demon king who notified Qiong Qi of this demon king!

All the ten monster races learned the news and immediately discussed how to deal with it!

Since Kong is back, he must go back to where the ethnic group lives!

Therefore, they plan to go there to chase and intercept!

The Ten Great Demon Kings, no matter how far they are, they all shot and rushed towards the Lair of the Space Demon Race!

It's just that they couldn't even think of it, at this time the emptiness is still in Wan Yao Mountain!

In addition, all the other nine demon clan's cronies were driven off!

"Patriarch, I didn't expect the young one to see you again in his lifetime!"

The elder of the space monster clan knelt down, crying bitterly!

"Yes, patriarch, we have been oppressed by your absence these years! So, are we going to take revenge now?"

"Yes! At that time they tied us and imprisoned all these little ones here! I only hate that we are not strong enough and we are going to die, so I can only follow their arrangements!"

"That's right! Patriarch, now they must just let it go! Because their current goal is the immortal realm, they must go to the immortal realm at all costs!"

"So, if we hide now, shouldn't it be too late? With the strength of the patriarch, building an independent space in the demon world, presumably they will not be able to attack!"

The elders were thinking excitedly about the future.

It's just that no matter what they say, they can't guess what Sora wants to do!

He stretched out his hand to signal these people to be quiet.

Everyone closed their mouths.

In addition to these elders, some space monster races of the Mesozoic era, as well as some newly born monster races, all looked curiously at this patriarch who had heard of the elders.

All he knew was that he had a battle with the old Qiongqi Demon King, and he disappeared!

Now that he is back, should he still take revenge for us?

The younger generation is a bit passionate.

As everyone knows.

If Kong is an enemy of the ten big monster races, I am afraid that there will be no return to going up!

After all, he was not good at fighting.

This kind of thing like one enemy ten is simply seeking a dead end!

He pressed his hand slightly and said: "The Demon Realm is no longer suitable for us to stay here, so I decided to take you to the Immortal Realm!"


Hearing Kong's words, the faces of all the monster races showed incredible expressions!

After going to the fairy world, how do they practice?

Although the fairy world has a demon-like atmosphere, it is only in a specific place!

How can you become stronger if you don't practice?

If you don’t become strong, you will still be oppressed in the future!


It's not that they have gone to the fairy world, so they have no enemies.

The immortals of the immortal world, I am afraid that they will never see them again at this time, right?

Thinking of this, these elders stood up with objections!

"Patriarch, don't do anything about this!"

"Yes, you finally escaped from the immortal world, why are you taking us to the immortal world again?"

"Yes! Immortal humans, sinister and cunning, with our spatial strength, I am afraid that the fate of going there is basically the same as here! Moreover, we go to the immortal realm and be considered a foreign race, and it is very likely that we will be annihilated!"

Kong shook his head helplessly, he was too lazy to explain.

Indeed, the human race has a poor reputation in the demon world.

However, Jiang Ao, who he recognized as the master, subverted his cognition!

Including the Thunder King and the King of Formation, who had imprisoned him at the beginning, after he recognized Jiang Ao as the master, his look was like a friend.

Therefore, the fairy world is worth visiting.

In the demon world, although these demon races do not play some conspiracy and tricks.

But I followed Jiang Ao, I'm afraid Human Race won't do anything to them, right?

He clearly knows Jiang Ao's influence in the immortal world!

The only remaining two immortal emperors treated him respectfully.

And he is also a warden with a very special status!

The most important thing is Jiang Ao's strength!

No one can match this!

Although, at this time, he may be facing the Tianxiexianjun and can't ask for it.

But Kong clearly knows how much potential Jiang Ao has!

Rather than letting oneself linger in the demon world, it is better to follow Jiang Ao and have a bigger upper limit!

Thinking of this, Kong's eyes suddenly became firm.

"I have a secret, no matter who it is, as long as it is my Space Monster Race, I must go to the fairy world with me! If you don't follow it... Kill it on the spot!"

Those who dare not go, although not betrayal.

But Sora is also very clear that the final result of staying here will definitely be used by those monster races in the end!

"Patriarch, please think twice before you act!"

Several elders all knelt down and fell to the ground, unable to get up for a long time.

"Do you... want to die?"

Seeing these elders of the older generation, he even dared to persuade himself, Kong suddenly stood up, the huge spatial force, layer upon layer, pressed onto them!

"Patriarch, patriarch!"

Several elders coughed up blood when they were so crushed!

They never thought that Sora would actually do it!

Space monster clan, apart from clan Changkong, they are the strongest.

Although they currently have the strength of demon soldiers at best.

Can go further.

It is comparable to Luo Tianshangxian.

When the time comes, the monsters will have a certain right to speak.

Except for them, all monster races have at most the strength of ordinary immortals.

and so.

They never expected that Sora would be so disregarded of their life and death, and did what he said!


Sora sneered and withdrew the coercion back.

Then, he waved his hand.

Countless space stones appeared in the cave!

Now, everyone is dumbfounded!

No matter what the realm of the space monster race, they can feel the huge and pure space power from these space stones!

"This is... This is... Space Rock!"

Finally, the great elder reacted, somewhat inconceivable!

These stones are hard to see in their demon world.

But at this time, there are hundreds of them here!

"Yes, it's the Space Rock!"

Kong said lightly.

These stones are his bargaining chip to persuade all these people to go to the fairy world!


The elder finally got a little moved, and tremblingly asked, "Are these all obtained by the fairy world?"

Although they are Yaozu.

However, because of the particularity of the space demon power, if there are space stones, their cultivation will be more efficient than transforming the demon power!

"Yes. To be precise, these space stones are all given to me by my master!"

If you are empty, let these monsters look a different look!

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