I Have a Godly Devouring System

Chapter 644: Immortal Emperor blocked the way!

Jiang Ao smiled slightly and said, "It's okay. The two of them just got caught in the eyes of reincarnation, indicating that they are also safe now. If Tianxie Xianjun wants to kill them, he has to take them out of reincarnation first. "

Hearing that, the two immortal emperors were all taken aback for a while, not knowing what Jiang Ao meant.

"In short, they are safe. Let's see what Tianxie Immortal Lord wants to do now!"

Compared with the two immortal emperors, Jiang Ao has been observing the movement below with his divine consciousness, so he heard exactly what Tianxie Xianjun and the others said.

Huo Lin and Huo Qi had just shot, then Heavenly Xie Xianjun naturally knew that he had already come!

Perhaps, he is trying to deal with himself?

Jiang Ao has supernatural power.

He is not afraid of anything else, just that Heavenly Evil Immortal Lord will let these demons and demons come up and attack!

However, what does he mean by pretending to be ignorant?

If something goes wrong, there must be a demon.

Since there is no danger, it is better to take a look!

Jiang Ao didn't lock his divine consciousness on Tianxie Xianjun, but kept staring at the Demon King and the Demon King.

On the contrary, the man behind him, Xie Xianjun, couldn't help laughing wildly when he saw everything that happened on Simon Star.

"Hahaha, the two powerful immortals on your side are not opponents. Now, let me go by a little bit of consciousness, otherwise, my elder brother will definitely enslave you and make you worse off than death!"

Xianjun Renxie wanted to use these to attract Jiang Ao's attention.

But never thought that these people simply turned a deaf ear.

Instead, Jiang Ao turned his head and looked at Kong.

"Sora, have you found a way for the Demon Race to open the space channel?"

Next, Jiang Ao has his own things to do.

The goal is to let Kong find the people who opened the empty passages of the demons, and then he first went to kill them, so that these demons could not return to their original places!

Then the empty task is complete!

Then he dragged Tianxie Xianjun, let Kong take his clan members, reopened the space channel, returned to the monster clan, and rescued the clan members!

And here, if there is no way to go back one hundred thousand demon clan soldiers, for Jiang Ao, being here is tantamount to closing the door and hitting the dog!

Jiang Ao wanted to let them beat the dog with meat buns, no return!

He not only wants to wipe out all the alien races here, but also kills the leader of the evil immortal church, the **** of the evil immortal!

"Master, I am ready! I will let Wuwu first attract their attention!"

Wuwu is the messenger here.

Empty and hurriedly said: "The villain will complete the task if he swears to death!"

"Very good! Don't talk about death! You can only succeed in a surprise attack, and I will hold them back! Bei Ming is crazy, Nangong Yi Ling!"

Jiang Ao began to order the task to go on.


The two immortal emperors stood up one after another.

"You, take the man Xie Xianjun, stay away from here. Wait for this level of battle, you can't participate in it! Maybe after a while, you can destroy your fairy body!"

Jiang Ao said in a deep voice.

The two immortal emperors were silent.

I thought that they were the top existence in the fairy world.

But no one knows that people who are stronger than the Immortal Emperor really abound!

What are they...

Those hidden bosses are just disdain to fight!


There was enthusiasm in Bei Ming Kuang's eyes, but he was a little lost.

He is not afraid of death.

But I am afraid that under such an important situation in the fairy world, they have become a burden to Jiang Ao!

The voice is just a sneeze.

The two immortal emperors had already taken Renxie Xianjun away from here.

The formation on his body moves with him.

He still couldn't get out of it.

In addition, the whole body is weak, but the human evil fairy is more like a burden.

"Damn it, **** it! My elder brother will definitely come to save me! You will all die, all will die! The fairy world will eventually become our evil immortal territory!"

He yelled frantically, thinking he was going to die, very unwilling.

Especially seeing that after the demons and demons came over, they completely had the upper hand!

And this time.

Just when they are away from here.

Countless spots of light emerged from the surrounding space, and rushed towards Ximen Star.

"No, it's the immortal monarchs who have attacked! They want to occupy the imperial palace!"

"Damn it, what should I do? I don't know if Young Master counts this in!"

Nangong Yiling wanted to send a letter to Jiang Ao, but she was afraid to disturb Jiang Ao at this time!

"Don't worry about so much, stop these people first, so that they don't disturb the young master!"

Bei Ming gritted his teeth madly.

Since they couldn't fight in the previous battle, they are here to help Jiang Ao wipe off his butt!

"This road is nowhere, everyone, will leave for the emperor!"

On the hundreds of flying boats, all the immortals heard the voice of Bei Ming mad!

The majesty of the immortal emperor, on the Simon star at this time, may not be a big deal.

But for these immortals, it is an insurmountable ditch!

"Xiandi? How can there be an emperor here?"

"Did anyone claim the emperor?"

"We didn't contact Wutianxinjun. Could it be that he has already proclaimed himself Immortal Emperor?"

On a huge flying boat, three other immortal emperors were sitting together.

Hearing the voice from Huanyu, their faces were very ugly.

Originally, they united and planned to take turns to sit after taking the Immortal Emperor's Palace.

But I didn't think that I was robbed by the low-key Wutian Xianjun!

"No, that's not right! It's not the voice of Wutian Xianjun!"

Someone frowned and said loudly, then looked at the immortal behind him: "Military officer, what do you say?"

This military instructor was also covered in black robe, and he was obviously also a member of Tianxie Xianjun!

"No matter who he is, he didn't claim the emperor in the Immortal Emperor's Palace. Naturally, the battle to seize the emperor is not over yet! According to this army teacher, he should kill him directly! Regardless of whether he is the immortal emperor or not, the immortal is respectful!

As an evil immortal, he naturally knew that the palace of the immortal emperor was in the hands of the evil immortal!

So I call myself the emperor... that's the immortal emperor from other immortal realms!

"There is only one person on the opposite side, and our three old immortal monarchs are here. Is it possible that we can't fight against one? Plus, our flying boats are already charged... can he hold it, the immortal emperor?"

After this military division spoke, the other two military divisions also expressed the same opinion.

Just because they have the same purpose!

Kill the immortal emperor's palace, and then start to kill, let Tianxiexianjun absorb as much power as possible after death!

This is their purpose!

Just when they want to attack.

Another voice rang.

"This emperor, Nangong Yiling, I advise you to stop and wait for this! Otherwise, I will blame the emperor for killing without mercy!"

This is completely different from the arrogant voice before.

The complexions of the three fairy monarchs suddenly changed!

The two immortal emperors stopped them, how can they fight?

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