I Have A God-Level Income System

Chapter 680: Stabbing Head (3Rd Watch)

the next morning.

Gao Yan came to the branch factory in the suburbs by bicycle.

After showing the letter of introduction, he was taken directly to the factory director's office.

The Red Star Rolling Mill is a hall-level unit.

And the branch factory is the first-level unit.

Therefore, the level of the director of the branch factory is the same as that of the head of the security department of the main factory.

The manager of the branch factory, surnamed Huang, is called Huang Desheng. He is in his early forties, wears a pair of glasses, and looks like a scholar.

For Gao Yan's arrival, Huang Desheng is quite enthusiastic.

Moreover, he also explained the reasons for inviting the people from the main factory to come down.

Huang Desheng just took over as the director of the branch factory not long ago.

But I am very dissatisfied with certain phenomena in the factory.

First of all, most of the employees in the branch factory behave laxly, are not active in their work, and often leave early and arrive late, which greatly affects the production in the factory.

Secondly, it was the inaction of the original security department.

It is mainly a branch factory, and there are only eight people in the entire security department.

And there are some thorns in the factory.

It's not that the security department didn't take care of it before, but the result was that they were beaten in private by those thorns.

After coming down several times in a row, the guards became helpless.

Gradually, he also lost his prestige in front of the workers.

After Huang Desheng took office, he immediately changed all the people in the security department.

However, on the second day after taking office, the new security chief was injured and hospitalized, and he has not been able to return to work until now.

And the newly appointed security guards became stragglers.

Even more afraid to fight against those thorns.

"Comrade Weiguo, in my opinion, if you want to re-establish the prestige of the Security Division, you have to start with those thorns. I don't know if you have the confidence!"

Huang Desheng looked at Gao Yan expectantly and said.

"No problem, Director Huang, I like to clean up thorns!" Gao Yan said with a smile.

"That's really great. It's up to you in the next period of time. By the way, the procurement department just brought back some wild game. The chefs in our cafeteria are still very skilled. I will clean up the dust for you in the cafeteria tonight!" Huang Desheng said happily.

"That's fine, I won't be polite!"

Gao Yan did not refuse either.

"That's it, so I'll send you to take up the post as the temporary chief of the Security Section!"

Accompanied by Huang Desheng.

Gao Yan came to the security department of the branch factory.

The security department here is definitely incomparable with the main factory, it is just a simple office.

At the moment, there is only one person in the office.

"Director, you are here, what instructions do you have?"

Chen Zhiguo quickly stood up and said with a smile.

"Deputy Section Chief Chen, let me introduce you. This is Comrade Gao Weiguo. I invited him from the main factory. In the next period of time, he will be in charge of the work of the Security Section. Chief High Section, this is Chen Zhiguo, Deputy Section Chief Chen!"

"Hello, Comrade Chen Zhiguo!"

Gao Yan stretched out his hand to Chen Zhiguo.

As for Chen Zhiguo, he also extended his hand with a smile: "Chief Gao, you are welcome to take up the post in our security department. Since Section Chief Song was injured and hospitalized, our security department has no backbone. Now that you are here, everyone can feel at ease! "

"Section Chief Chen is too polite!"

Gao Yan smiled, and thought to himself, this Chen Zhiguo is a typical smiling tiger, and it is estimated that the security department has become a mess and has nothing to do with him.

After all, Huang Desheng is the director of the factory, so he is still busy with work.

After introducing Gao Yan to Chen Zhiguo, he left in a hurry.

And then, Gao Yan didn't think about going to work right away, but chatted with Chen Zhiguo.

Gao Yan didn't hypnotize him because it was easy to reveal his secrets.

Therefore, he used mental interference on the other party, and then used words to induce him, and obtained a lot of information from Chen Zhiguo.


There are about a dozen people in the factory, all of whom are headed by a group leader of the foundry workers named Zhou Dongtian.

But it was not easy for Dongtian this week, because his uncle was the director of a nearby grain station.

And the grain of the branch factory must be purchased from that grain station.

It was for this reason that the factory knew that Zhou Dongtian was related to the injuries of the security guards who were beaten up and the former section chief, but they did not deal with him.

Of course, this is also related to Zhou Dongtian's more flexible mind.

Every time a security guard got sapped, he had an alibi, and someone had testified in his place.

Therefore, in the absence of evidence, even if it was suspected that he did it, the factory couldn't do anything about him. What's more, the other party's own uncle had no son, so Zhou Dongtian was completely treated as his own son.

If Zhou Dongtian was captured without evidence, his uncle would probably have to make things difficult for the branch factory in terms of grain.

After figuring out the situation.

Gao Yan understood why Zhao Dong didn't want to take on this job, he probably already heard that this job is difficult.

The two chatted for about half an hour.

Gao Yan withdrew Mental Energy, and Chen Zhiguo suddenly realized, why can't I control my own mouth, talking so much with this Gao Yan?

"Brother Chen, I'm new here, and I should stay here for a while, please take me to the logistics side and let them arrange a dormitory for me!"

"no problem!"

Chen Zhiguo led Gao Yan to the logistics department with a positive attitude. When he heard that Gao Yan was the new chief of the security department, he looked at him with more sympathy.

Later, a female clerk from the logistics department led Gao Yan to a vacant dormitory in person.

But when he left, he hesitated and said: "Chief Gao, our branch factory is located in a remote place, you'd better stay in the factory at night and don't wander around!"

"Okay, thanks for the reminder, I see!"

Gao Yan smiled at the other party.

Feeling his smile, the female clerk blushed slightly, handed the key to Gao Yan and left in a hurry, thinking to herself, oh, this new chief of the security department is so good-looking!

After settling in a place to live.

It was almost noon.

Gao Yan took the lunch box and went to the cafeteria.

Queued up for food.

Although the food in the cafeteria of the branch factory is not as greasy as that of the main factory, Gao Yan feels that the chefs in the branch factory are quite skilled!

have eaten.

Gao Yan wandered around the factory.

Work in the afternoon.

Gao Yan said to Chen Zhiguo: "Chen Fuke, please go out, I want to talk to each guard individually!"

"What the hell!"

Chen Zhiguo cursed secretly in his heart, but he said politely: "Okay, Chief of Section Gao, do you need me to call someone for you?"

"Then I will trouble you!"

Immediately, Chen Zhiguo's face froze, and he walked out of the office angrily!

The six security guards in the security department are all young.

Before serving as security guards, they were also workers in the factory.

Therefore, they still have a better understanding of the situation in the factory.

Gao Yan already had a general understanding of the situation through Chen Zhiguo, and he talked with these guards, just checking for omissions and filling in vacancies.

Mental interference plus speech guidance.

These security guards were like dumping beans, telling Gao Yan everything.

the other side.

In the foundry workshop.

Zhou Dongtian, who is nearly 1.9 meters tall, is taking a few workers to hide and smoke.

"Brother Dong, I heard that the security department transferred someone from the main factory, I'm afraid it's for you!"

a thin worker whispered.

The burly man sitting next to Zhou Dongtian said disapprovingly: "I'm afraid, this is our territory, so what if you come from the main factory, even a dragon has to coil up, and a tiger has to lie down!"

"That's right, if you dare to offend our Brother Dong, you'll still let him go around!"

Immediately someone echoed.

Zhou Dongtian pinched off the cigarette butt, smiled: "Okay, don't flatter daddy!"

Afterwards, his eyes fell on the skinny young man: "Monkey, you are good at inquiring about news, you can find someone to inquire and find out who this new section chief is from!"

While talking, he took out two yuan and gave it to the monkey.

The monkey immediately cheered up: "Don't worry, Brother Dong, I'm sure you're right to leave this matter to me. I promise to find out exactly how old the kid was weaned and when he didn't wear crotch pants!"

Zhou Dongtian glared at the monkey angrily: "Daddy wants you to inquire about his background, what's the use of inquiring about his weaning age!"

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