I Have A God-Level Income System

Chapter 651: Teach Ma Weimin A Lesson (Third Shift)

Originally, three meals a day could be eaten in the factory cafeteria.

But isn't there a shortage of food now, so now the factory only provides lunch.

After get off work in the afternoon.

Gao Yan didn't go home directly, but headed towards the nearby vegetable market.

Now Gao Yan doesn't need to cook at all.

But who let him live in the courtyard.

If you don't fire every day, you will be suspected!

By the way, there is also a limit to traveling to this world, you have to stay here for ten days before you can travel back!

After buying two green vegetables, Gao Yan wandered towards the courtyard.

When I stepped into the compound, I happened to see Sun Yugui, the steward of the front yard, cleaning his precious bicycle.

Bicycles are not a rare thing in the real world.

But in this world, it is quite rare.

Take a huge rolling mill as an example, with tens of thousands of workers, but only a few bicycle tickets a year.

These bicycle tickets are not even enough for the leaders, so how could they fall into the hands of the workers.

As for Sun Yugui's bicycle, he bought it second-hand, so he didn't need a ticket.

Even so, he still takes care of it like a baby and takes care of it every day.

"Uncle Sun, you are taking care of your bicycle again!"

"It's Wei Guo, I heard that you have been promoted to a first-level worker, congratulations!"

"Hey, I was lucky too, and got away with it!"

While speaking, Gao Yan also returned to his own inverted room.


Gao Yan stir-fried a plate of green vegetables deftly. His cooking skills are average, but he has super seasoning. Therefore, this plate of green vegetables can be said to be fragrant in the whole front yard.

"Who is this, the fried vegetables are so delicious?"

"It seems that he floated from the Gaowei country, this kid is not simple!"

With green vegetables, Gao Yan eats three nutritious Steamed buns in a row. Ordinary people eat at most one, otherwise they will feel full. However, his digestion ability is far superior to ordinary people, even if he eats seven or eight buns, he will not feel full.

"Hey, how boring!"

After the meal, Gao Yan, who brushed off the dishes, felt bored.

Just break into my world and practice!

After midnight.

Gao Yan walked out of Minecraft, changed into a suit of clothes, and then quietly left the compound and went straight to the black market!

Same as last night.

After paying an entrance fee of ten cents, he started setting up a stall.

Yesterday's position was taken by someone, so he changed it!

Customers who bought Steamed buns yesterday were deeply skeptical of Gao Yan's words, but tonight, they are convinced.

Because after eating the Steamed bun, they didn't feel hungry all day, and they were in a good state of mind!

So, less than five minutes.

The 100 Steamed buns in Gao Yan's back bag were snatched up by the regular customers last night.

Anyone who didn't buy it asked if there was any more.

Gao Yan said there are still.

not for a while.

Gao Yan returned to the black market with a four-back Steamed bun.

Less than ten minutes.

Four hundred Steamed buns are sold out again.

And Gao Yan also won 120 yuan.


Gao Yan is not going to sell tonight.

But just as he was about to leave the black market, he was stopped by two young men.

"Is there something wrong?"

Gao Yan asked calmly.

"Brother, our sixth brother wants to see you!"

"Okay, let's lead the way!"

Gao Yan said lightly.

The two men were overjoyed, and took him to see the so-called sixth brother.

not for a while.

Gao Yan met the so-called Sixth Brother in a courtyard. He was in his early thirties, with a thin figure and a centipede scar on his face, exuding a faint murderous aura.

At the same time, his eyes were also somewhat fierce, and when Gao Yan stepped into the yard, he was examining Gao Yan with his eyes.

"This man has seen blood and has a life on his hands!"

Gao Yan judged.

"What's your brother's name?"

Suddenly, Sixth Brother showed a smile, but it was gloomy.

"Gao Yan!"

"So it's Brother Gao, please sit down!"

Gao Yan took a seat, and said: "I've never liked to beat around the bush, what's the matter with you inviting me here, just tell me!"


A strong man stared at Gao Yan with unkind eyes and reprimanded him.

"Little Five, step back!"

Brother Six was silent for a while, and then waved his hands, because he found that Gao Yan never showed any timidity from the beginning to the end.

"Brother Gao, I, Wu Lao Liu, invited you here today because I want to cooperate with you!"

"What kind of cooperation method?"

"You should have a lot of white noodles in your hands?" Wu Laoliu asked.

"A lot indeed!"

Gao Yan nodded: "It's all nutritious white noodles. I believe you have found out clearly. One or two of my Steamed buns made from nutritious white noodles can keep you from being hungry for a day. I don't have any ambiguities with you. It costs 2 yuan a catty. Can I give you 10,000 catties first, can you eat it?"

Hearing this, Wu Laoliu bowed his head and pondered. He could make 10 Steamed buns for a catty of white flour and sell them for 30 cents each. He would have a profit of 1 yuan for that catty of white flour!

"Brother Gao is refreshing, when shall we trade?"

Wu Laoliu raised his head, speaking resolutely.

"It depends on when you can prepare the money!"

Ten thousand catties of nutritious flour is worth 20,000 yuan, which is not a small sum.

"In this way, in the early hours of tomorrow night, we will trade near the black market!"

"Okay, see you tomorrow night!"

Gao Yan stood up and strode outside.

"Sixth brother, do you want to send someone to follow?"


Wu Lao Liu waved his hand, it is definitely not an ordinary person who can get 10,000 catties of flour in this special period, and this flour is not ordinary flour!

Go back to the inverted room.

Gao Yan called up the system panel.

Host: Gao Yan

Level: 0

In the world: Parallel world

Earnings: 240 yuan.

As long as you trade with Wu Laoliu a few times, you can advance to the first-level.

If Wu Lao Liu had no other intentions, he could still do the business of nutritious beef with him!

In the blink of an eye, it was noon the next day.

Gao Yan and several workers came to the second canteen where Ma Weimin lived, talking and laughing with their lunch boxes.

There are tens of thousands of workers in the rolling mill.

There are three canteens.

Glancing at the window where Ma Weimin was, Gao Yan was directly behind in line. If that old bachelor Ma Weimin dared to bump his spoon, then don't blame him for letting him be beaten again.

After a few minutes.

It's Gao Yan's turn.

Ma Weimin in the window was a little weak: "What to eat!"

"Two Wowotou and one cabbage vermicelli."

The two Wowotou Ma Weimin couldn't do anything, but when they were picking vegetables, this guy unexpectedly turned the spoon again, and only gave Gao Yan half a spoon.

"Ma Weimin, you are so stubborn!"

Gao Yan sneered in his heart, picked up the lunch box and turned away.

Ma Weimin, who didn't dare to tip the spoon to others, felt dazed, and started to tip the spoon again.

When being reprimanded by the workers who beat rice, Ma Weimin's attitude was also extremely arrogant, and he hated those workers so much.


Today the director of the cafeteria came to inspect.

Seeing Ma Weimin's resolute nature, he couldn't help being furious: "Ma Weimin, what's the matter with you, you were just notified by the whole factory yesterday, do you want to come again today!"

"My territory is up to me, daddy just likes to shake the spoon, how to drop it?"

Ma Weimin retorted without fear.

This made the director of the cafeteria very angry: "Lawless, your boy is absolutely lawless!"

Seeing this scene, Gao Yan smiled.

These days, although workers can't be dismissed casually, it's okay to deal with you.

Therefore, Ma Weimin once again made a briefing for the audience.

fined three months' wages.

At the same time, the level of the chef is reduced to ninth-level, and the salary is directly reduced to 27.5 yuan.

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