Even with Gao Yan's heart, after listening to Shuimei's narration, he couldn't help feeling a little angry.

So, he nodded: "Okay, I know about this matter, and I will deal with it."

"Then how do you plan to dispose of these foreign garbage?" Yang Yue asked with a smile.

"You will know later!"

Gao Yan hasn't made up his mind yet, he'd better wait for the Red Emperor to investigate these foreign students.

after class.

While watching the Red Emperor collect information related to international students, he walked towards the snack street. He was not worried about Chen Youwei's safety, after all, Chen Youwei's physical fitness had reached 90 points.

In addition, there are biochemical bodyguards guarding in secret.

However, Gao Yan still felt inexplicably uncomfortable and angry when he thought of his own girlfriend being entangled by a black ghost.

The information provided by the Red Emperor is very comprehensive. There are more than 500 international students in the entire university city, of which more than 300 are black students, and the rest are from other countries.

Among them, Nandu College of Finance and Economics has the largest number of black international students, with a total of 178 students!

That Quinn who pestered Chen Youwei was one of them.

It cannot be said that all black international students are foreign garbage, and some of them really want to learn in Daxia.

Take Nandu Institute of Finance and Economics as an example, among the 178 black international students, only 5 have no bad deeds, and they have the idea of ​​learning knowledge.

The rest are almost dawdling, and most of them are existences with bad marks.

As for Quinn, who once pretended to be the chief's son, he came to Daxia to study abroad for more than a year. He had 15 girlfriends alone, and most of them broke up within a month.

Among them, three girls were also pregnant by him. When they went to Quinn, they were either scolded or kicked away by the other party, and they were not willing to take responsibility at all.

And among those three girls, two dropped out of school, and one went to abort their child. Although they continued to stay in school, they had certain mental problems!

Apart from teasing girls at school, Quinn also likes to go to bars to hook up with other women, and the methods are quite despicable. Several women were drugged by her.

And even took a video to blackmail those women!

"What the hell, he's just a scum, ten times of death can't wash away his sins!"

The more Gao Yan looked at it, the more he felt uncomfortable, and a murderous desire emerged in his heart.

There are three black international students who play better with Quinn.

Their names are Lucas, Nick and Brody.

The crimes committed by these three people are no better than Quinn!

Even Brody and Lucas have teamed up to steal and rob other people's property many times!

It's not an exaggeration for Shuimei to call them foreign trash!

In fact, what makes Gao Yan even more depressed is that the school leaders, who clearly know that these black international students are not good things, still treat them as treasures and protect them everywhere.

"In that case, let's clean it up together!"

Gao Yan squinted his eyes, he knew what these schools did this for, it was nothing more than to cater to Shangyi.

The policy above is good.

However, when you get down there, the taste changes completely.

When Gao Yan came to the snack street.

With a glance, I found two black foreign students sitting in a snack bar opposite the milk tea shop.

It was Quinn and Lucas, one of his cronies.

While eating, the two unscrupulously looked at Chen Youwei at the counter of the milk tea shop.

Immediately, Gao Yan's eyes turned cold.

He could kill these two people through the magnetic field of the human body, but killing them just like that would be too cheap for them.

Think here.

Gao Yan directly used Mental Energy to hypnotize them through space.

Quinn and Lucas, who were talking loudly, became quiet and stared at each other with fiery eyes.

Then their heads moved closer and closer.

It finally stuck together completely.

"I go!"

"Fuck, it's too hot!"

"These two niggers are so fucking disgusting!"


The students on the street and in the snack bar were stunned and disgusted when they saw this scene. However, many people took out their mobile phones to shoot videos!

And Gao Yan had a sneer on the corner of his mouth, and walked into the milk tea shop.

"I heard there was a nigger pestering you yesterday, why didn't you tell me?"

Gao Yan put his arms around Chen Youwei and asked.

"It's all right now, Lingling scolded him away!" Chen Youwei said in a low voice!

"If you encounter such a thing in the future, just call me directly, understand?" Gao Yan said firmly.

"I see!"

"Look, brother Yan, the one in the yellow T-shirt among the two not wanting face guys in the opposite store is the bastard who harassed Youwei!" Shen Lingling pointed to Quinn opposite!

"Then hurry up and call the police, it's too eye-catching!"

Gao Yan said.

Shen Lingling's eyes lit up, and she immediately took out her mobile phone to call the police.

In the store opposite, Quinn and Lucas' behavior became more and more excessive, and they were already tearing each other's clothes.

Many girls exclaimed and covered Own's eyes, but a crack was left between their fingers.

"Forget it, it's too eye-catching, I can't stand it anymore!"

Gao Yan thought to himself, so he changed the hypnosis again!

Quinn pushed Lucas away fiercely, and punched him in the face with his fist.

This punch was very ruthless, without staying power at all, so it directly smashed the bridge of Lucas's nose, causing the blood in the opponent's nose to flow out without any money.

Lucas wiped the blood from his nose, and then a fierce light flashed in his eyes, and he also punched Quinn on the mouth, directly knocking out his two front teeth!

Then the two fought together!

You punched me and kicked me back and forth, and you even said hello on the key!

The police dispatch from the university town is relatively quick.

The police from the police station arrived soon, but the black international students who looked at the big and tall black students just stopped them verbally, and didn't intend to step forward to fight.

After all, except for some people with abnormal brains, almost all people with normal brains have a bad impression of black people, especially the police. In their impression, these black people are not only liars and do not follow the rules, but also very arrogant.

If they weren't the police, they probably would have applauded when they saw this scene.

Seeing almost.

Gao Yan also removed the hypnotism.

Quinn and Lucas, who had returned to normal, were very confused, and then they both screamed and covered their own Taozi, because when the two were fighting, they often attacked each other's Taozi!

"Call 120!"

The middle-aged policeman gave instructions to the young policeman.

The young policeman reluctantly dialed 120.

Twenty minutes later.

The ambulance arrived and picked up the two black international students.

Looking at the disappearing ambulance, Gao Yan secretly said: "Are you ready nigga, this is just the beginning!"

Stayed in the milk tea shop for a while.

Gao Yan asked the Red Emperor to find Nick and Brody.

The Red Emperor's efficiency is as high as ever.

Nick and Brody were not at school at all. They went to the bar to play late last night, and then took the woman to a hotel near the bar to spend the night.

At the moment, he is sleeping soundly in the hotel.

So, Gao Yan drove to the hotel and set down, and once again used Mental Energy to hypnotize the two of them.

Then Nick knocks on Brody's door.

Crazy battles in the room.

The result of the battle was that Nick had a broken leg and Brody had an ear bitten off.

Gao Yan is very satisfied with the result.

Afterwards, Gao Yan told the Red Emperor: "Xiaohong, investigate those black materials that defend the leadership of black students studying abroad!"

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