I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1653: Cannibal Ray

Song Jian and Jia Guodong talked briefly for more than two hours, only to confirm the initial intention. You know, there are hundreds of people who have successfully built cities in the game world in the entire China, but some are too far away, there are only more than 30 cities, and The City of Hope is within 300 kilometers.

Some cities actually have trade relations with the City of Hope. After all, after the NPC City has severed its relationship with the City of Hope, the City of Hope can only strengthen its relationship with the surrounding player cities.

But there are also some distant ones. The City of Hope has no contact. Jia Guodong even proposed to form China’s own city alliance, and even invited Song Jian to be the leader of this city alliance. However, Song Jian declined. After all, he just contacted Song Jian. Jian knows nothing and cannot make any promises.

"City Lord Song, I don't know if you know it or not. The real world has been greatly impacted by the game world. Some players who have gained power in the game world do not abide by the laws and regulations of the real world very much..." Jia Guodong asked tentatively.

"Of course, even I have seen with my own eyes, a player who has mastered the acceleration skills actually grabbed a lady's bag on the street, ha ha, it is really..." Song Jian showed a wry smile on his face.

Jia Guodong showed a relaxed look on his face, hehe smiled: "Yeah, suddenly gaining strength, some people will be out of balance and will do some wrong things. Therefore, China has a team that specifically targets players breaking the law. I don't know... …"

"Not interested!" Song Jian shook his head.

Jia Guodong: "..."

At this moment, a beast-like roar suddenly sounded outside the room, Jia Guodong's expression changed, and he hurriedly came to the French window and looked out.

In the dark, a huge vague figure floating above the city looks like an aircraft carrier in the sky!

"This, this is..." Jia Guodong took out a single-tube telescope emitting light blue light from his arms, and looked towards the huge black shadow.

"Game equipment..." Song Jian looked at the monoculars in Jia Guodong's hands. It was obvious that this was a piece of equipment that burst out in the game, and possessed the attributes of bringing out the game.

There are a lot of equipment with attributes that bring out the game, but most of them are white, green, and blue quality equipment. The higher the quality of the equipment, the fewer attributes that can be brought out of the game, unless it is like Song Jian. Only by possessing this spiritual tool that can be incorporated into the body and the soul can this rule be ignored.

"Legend, the boss of the pinnacle of Legend Realm, the Void Cannibal Ray, why, how could this be..." Jia Guodong showed a look of horror on his face.

You know, there are indeed a lot of extraordinary creatures in the real world, but the monsters of the legendary realm have never appeared before. Now that they appear, there is only one possibility. This is a battle pet that summons a professional player!

Song Jian narrowed his eyes, and the eyes of perception appeared. The vague monster in the dark suddenly became clear in his eyes. At the same time, Song Jian also saw a figure standing on the head of this huge monster. , Looked carefully, this player turned out to be a legendary powerhouse.

"Abyss Summoner? During the previous Abyss Invasion, were these Abyssal professional players not killed?" Song Jian hesitated and said with a sharp killing intent flashing in his eyes.

Those players who switch professions and races at the beginning of the Abyss Invasion plot will be eroded by the Abyss Demon Qi at all times. Even if there is no change at the beginning, over time, the bodies of these Abyss players will be The spirit, consciousness, and thinking will all become exactly the same as the abyss monster.

At that time, the abyss channel was closed, and all the abyss players who invaded the main world of the game were besieged and suppressed. Almost all the abyss players were hunted clean. Unexpectedly, there were even fish that slipped through the net!

"City Lord Song..." Jia Guodong showed a look of embarrassment on his face. The terrifying man-eating ray in front of him is the BOSS at the pinnacle of the legendary realm, plus the legendary abyss player on his back. There is no way for him.

This is why he will appear here. If he is in a big city like Beijing or Shanghai, once he appears, several or even a dozen legendary powers will besiege him, but in a small city like Linhai Locally, there are still too few legendary powerhouses.

However, this abyss player would never have imagined that in a small city like Linhai City, a third- and fourth-tier city, there should be an existence like Song Jian. It can only be said that he was out of luck and encountered a small probability event.

Song Jian was expressionless and turned into a golden light. He disappeared from the room. When he reappeared, he had already stood in front of the piranha. Compared with the huge body of the piranha, Song Jian was almost like an ant. .

But the breath from Song Fitness made the cannibal ray let out a horrified cry, and backed back again and again. If it were not controlled by the abyss player on the body, the cannibal ray would immediately turn around and run, and would not dare to appear in front of Song Jian. .

Standing on the head of the cannibal ray, Li Jun looked down on the entire city, suddenly feeling aloof.

"The whole city is so small in my eyes, I only need to give an order to destroy the city!" Li Jun's hideous face showed a smug smile.

For the abyss player, hunting ordinary people and devouring their souls can also improve their strength. In the game world, it is too difficult to destroy a city, so he puts his eyes on the real world.

This time, it was hard to do a legendary mission. He could bring a legendary battle pet to the real world. He was confident that he could destroy the entire city before being surrounded by the legendary powerhouse. With the souls of nearly a million people, breaking through the legendary realm and stepping into the divine realm.

"As long as you advance to the Demigod Realm, no one will be my opponent in the entire Huaxia, no, in the entire world. At that time, I will be the king of the world!" Li Jun laughed wildly.

When Li Jun fell into self-imagination, he was suddenly awakened by the horrified neighs of the cannibal ray. Looking up, a pair of cold eyes appeared in Li Jun's field of vision. UU Reading www.uukanshu.cOM

"You, you are..." An uneasy emotion suddenly emerged in Li Jun's heart, as if he was naked and standing in front of a giant beast. The powerful pressure made Li Jun a turn around. The urge to run away.

"Die!" Song Jian whispered, his right hand slammed forward, and a sharp sword aura of dozens of feet slashed towards the head of the cannibal ray.

The Chaos Sword Qi easily cut into the head of the cannibal ray, without any hindrance, directly splitting this legendary pinnacle of the cannibal ray into two, and a scarlet rainstorm suddenly fell in the sky.

Li Jun floated in the air, looking at the empty right arm, with a look of horror on his face.

A BOSS at the pinnacle of the legendary realm could not reach the opponent's sword. If it weren't for Li Jun to dodge, and Song Jian's target was not him, Li Jun would never escape.

"You, you are..." Li Jun seemed to think of something, staring at Song Jian with horror on his face.


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