I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1647: Dragon God Armed

The moment when he held the halberd, its properties and usage emerged in Song Jian's mind!

This halberd is called the "Dragon God's Armed Forces", which is extremely aggressive and has the ability to summon lightning to attack the enemy.

This halberd is a powerful artifact, but it must be possessed by a person with a pure dragon bloodline in order to exert its true power. The previous sea clan old man is actually the sea clan chief, who has the strongest dragon blood line in the sea clan. , So we can control the halberd and exert some power.


With a soft drink, the Dragon God’s arms burst out with colorful divine light, and at the same time, a group of purple-red clouds appeared out of thin air in the sky, appearing on the head of the dragon turtle, spinning continuously, and soon formed a huge vortex. !

In the huge whirlpool, thunder sounds roared, purple lightning is constantly swimming like a giant python, and the whirlpool exudes a terrifying force that squeezes people's hearts and minds. Even the dragon tortoise can't help but feel palpitations.

"What kind of terrifying power is this, it actually gives me a sense of imminent disaster..." The Devil Dragon Turtle secretly said in his heart, and at the same time an urge to turn around and flee immediately rose in his heart.


A thunderous explosion sounded on the top of the dragon, and a bucket of purple lightning fell from the center of the cloud vortex like a sword from the sky, and hit the dragon turtle fiercely.

For a time, the divine light bloomed, and the purple thunder was flowing around like plasma, and the light at the center was even brighter than the day, almost blinding everyone's eyes, and the dragon turtle was in the middle of the purple thunder burst.

After a while, a scream of screams came from the mouth of the dragon turtle. At this time, the dragon turtle was convulsing all over, his mouth and nose were full of black blood, and the body was constantly emitting white smoke, as if it had been steamed. Up general.

What is even more surprising is that, on the originally extremely hard shell of the monster dragon turtle, there appeared a series of fine cracks, like a spider web, covering the entire surface of the monster dragon turtle shell.

After a while, an injury of more than 80 million points floated from the top of the dragon turtle's head, and Song Jian's attention immediately shifted from the dragon turtle to the halberd held by his right paw.

"Is the power of the artifact so terrifying?" Song Jian had an unbelievable feeling that the skills of this Dragon God weapon were even more terrifying than the most powerful skill in the Chaos Sword Classic!

Of course, Song Jian’s Chaos Sword Tome has not been upgraded to its full level, and Star Annihilation is only the most powerful move to comprehend so far. When the Chaos Sword Tome level rises, Song Jian will definitely be able to comprehend even more powerful sword moves!

"Lord True Dragon, every time the Dragon God Arms releases skills, it also consumes the stored dragon power. Once the dragon power is exhausted, this halberd will fall into deep sleep and regain the dragon power!" The patriarch of the sea clan in the distance Shouted loudly, lest Song Jian consume too much Dragon God’s power and cause the Dragon God’s armed forces to fall into deep sleep. You know, this is the only artifact of the Sea Clan. Once it falls into deep sleep, the Sea Clan will encounter powerful enemies again. Will be at a loss.

The power of Heaven's Punishment surpassed Song Jian's imagination. He didn't expect it to crack the monster dragon shell.

In fact, the power of Heaven's Punishment is not as great as Song Jian imagined. The reason why the Devil Dragon's tortoise shell was cracked was that the previous two star annihilations and the multiple times of God's Meteorite skills also played an important role. The last straw that broke the camel.

Just when Song Jian was about to perform "Heaven's Punishment" again, he suddenly heard the cries of the Sea Clan chieftain, and his movements suddenly stagnated. Soon, Song Jian's spirit was integrated into the dragon god's arms, and he checked the dragon **** power contained in it.

Sure enough, there was not much dragon power in the dragon god's armed forces, and it was barely enough to release the "Heaven Punishment" skill, but after the release, the dragon god's armed forces would fall into deep sleep.

Song Jian’s Broken Kingdom, although it also possesses some divine powers, is not dragon divine power. The power between the gods cannot be converted to each other. If you want to supplement, you must become a true god-level powerhouse and then learn the corresponding skills. , Fill up the divine power with its own characteristics, or use divine power coins to supplement, there is no third way.

Therefore, although Song Jian also possesses supernatural power, he cannot supplement the dragon supernatural power!

"If you can't use Heaven's Punishment anymore, you can only use another skill..." Song Jian secretly said.

There is another skill in the Dragon God's Armament, which does not require the Dragon God power. It is just like the golden lightning released by the Sea Clan elders before, but its power is much inferior to the skills that use the Dragon God power.

"Dragon God is armed, possess!" Song Jian let out a soft drink, throwing the halberd in his hand into the air.

The halberd only paused in the air for a moment, and it was immediately broken into dozens of fragments, each of which looked like a piece of equipment!

Immediately afterwards, these fragments rushed towards Song Jian and kept attached to his slender body. After a while, the original cyan dragon seemed to be wearing armor, dark gold. The light is shining!


Song Jian couldn't help but let out a dragon chant. This is the real way to use the Dragon God's weapons. It can be used as a weapon or as a battle armor!

Song Jian, who was wearing the armor of the Dragon God, suddenly found that his basic attributes had improved a lot. Whether it was attack damage, defense, or vitality, it had increased by more than one third.

Originally, Song Jian’s attributes were already comparable to those of God-level powerhouses. After the Dragon Transformation skills were used, they improved a bit. Now, wearing the Dragon God Arms, Song Jian already possesses the true **** of crushing by virtue of his personal attributes. The strength of the strong!

Looking at the giant dragon that seemed to swell in a circle, the heart of the monster dragon turtle suddenly surged with extremely dangerous thoughts, as if the other party had suddenly become his own natural enemy!

"Natural enemy?" The Devil Dragon Turtle suddenly felt a little ashamed, UU reading www.uukanshu.com became angry, and his body began to swell again, and after a while, it returned to the state it had just unblocked!

"Roar, I don't have any natural enemies at all!" The Devil Dragon Turtle roared and rushed towards Song Jian, who was transformed into a Jackie Chan. His huge body, like a giant armored car, made a sharp whistling sound in the air.

At this moment, the giant dragon let out a beast-like roar, and the Heaven-Splitting Sword appeared out of thin air, suddenly bursting with dazzling divine light, and a chaotic sword aura of nearly a hundred feet slashed towards the monster dragon tortoise!

God fell!

With a roar of anger, with the blessing of the Dragon God’s armed forces, the power of the Shenyue skill was more than doubled out of thin air. The sword energy that was originally only more than ten feet rose suddenly to nearly one hundred feet. This sword almost cut the void into pieces. Two halves.

At this time, the aura of the Devil Dragon Turtle has reached its peak, and can only advance and cannot retreat. Seeing this sword aura that is almost smashing the void, the Devil Dragon Turtle has a look of fear in its eyes, but it also knows that once it retreats , I am afraid it will never be possible to stand in front of Song Jian in the future, and there will always be the shadow of this sword in his heart.


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