I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1643: Devil is in the world

Generally speaking, turtle-like monsters have the instinct to retract their heads into their shells to avoid attacks. However, the dragon turtle in front of him has two demon horns on his head, which lead to the sky. Unable to retract his head, facing Song Jian’s fierce sword, he must either use his head to resist or sacrifice his arm to resist. In the case of choosing one of the two, the magic dragon tortoise has a deep pain in the move of Shenyue. Understand what is the best choice.

In the end, the Devil Dragon Turtle used a front paw to protect its head from being split in half by Song Jian.

The attack of God’s Fall was specifically aimed at the BOSS with divine nature. This attack triggered the critical strike damage, and at the same time, with great luck, it triggered the effect of the talent skill "Holy Sword" again, directly slashing the front paws of the BOSS. Suddenly, a nearly forty million points of damage floated from the top of the head of the dragon turtle.

A smile of joy appeared on Song Jian’s face. According to this attack method, the bound dragon turtle could be killed with a few swords. Among all the BOSSs Song Jian encountered, it was the easiest to kill. The god-level BOSS.

However, at this moment, the Devil Dragon Turtle suddenly struggled and broke free directly from the vortex stone tower. The original solid stone tower turned out to be extremely crisp and could not withstand the powerful and strange power of the Devil Dragon Turtle!

"It's blood. The blood of the dragon turtle has a strong corrosive effect, and it is also mixed with a strange power, which makes the stone tower extremely crisp..." Song Jian looked at the stone tower with only one tower base, still on it. With black blood remaining, and a faint corrosive smoke, my heart suddenly understood.

The dragon tortoise that had broken free from the shackles of the stone tower also floated in mid-air, like an aerial aircraft carrier, full of deterrence and oppression.


An angry roar brought Song Jian’s attention back to the dragon tortoise. Although the dragon tortoise lacked a front claw, its combat power had declined, but the terrifying aura exuding from it gave people. A beastly fear of injury.

The magic dragon turtle made a simple stroke in the air. The huge body seemed slow and fast. In the blink of an eye, he rushed to Song Fitness. In front of the magic dragon turtle, Song Jian was like an ant in front of an elephant. Small, it gives people a feeling that the dragon turtle can drown Song Jian casually.

"Human, you angered me, you angered a true god!" The magic dragon tortoise let out a roar, and only one front paw was left and stepped on Song Jian.

For Song Jian, this foot was already huge, but after the dragon tortoise stepped on this foot, a huge claw-shaped phantom that was ten times larger than its front paw suddenly appeared in the void, heading towards Song Jian. Squeeze away.

For Song Jian at this time, this blow is simply a collapse of the sky and the earth is generally daunting!

Fire escape!

With a "boom", Song Fitness Ying turned into a ball of flames and rose sharply. The flames burned out in a very short time. As the flame disappeared, Song Jian's figure also appeared in the distance. More than a thousand meters away.

In the five-element escape method, the speed of fire escape is the fastest, but the distance is relatively short, which is suitable for use in combat!


A loud bang sounded at the dragon tortoise, and the entire sea surface seemed to have been attacked by a nuclear bomb. It was pressed down to a depth of tens of meters, and then the whole exploded. The whole world was shaken by it, and countless sea creatures. Even without the corpse, it was blown up into a mass of blood and mud, and it merged into the sea. In an instant, the area with a radius of several thousand meters turned into a crimson sea.

The stars are gone!

Song Jian gave a soft drink. For an instant, within a radius of several kilometers, the sky and the earth were dark, as if suddenly entering the dark night, and dozens of stars began to shine in the sky.

Soon, stars began to fall toward the ground, and every time a star fell, there was an earth-shattering roar in the sky.


Stars collapsed and shattered, and each star shattered, causing a lot of damage to the dark dragon turtle, tens of millions of points of damage, floating from the top of the dragon turtle’s head, but in these damage In the middle of the game, thousands of points of damage occasionally floated, all of which were caused by attacking the turtle shell of the dragon turtle.

The defensive power of the Devil Dragon Turtle is a bit stronger than that of the Dragon Horned Dragon Tortoise. Even Song Jian's most powerful swordsmanship has become eclipsed in the face of the Devil Dragon Turtle's turtle shell defense.


At this moment, a group of Sea Clan teenagers and Ao Qing in the distance were immersed in the ocean, only their heads exposed, looking towards a dark area in the distance.

"It's horrible, this breath fluctuates too sharply, like a battle of gods..." Ao Qing's face showed a look of fear, even if he has been the pinnacle of the legendary realm for many years, he is only half a step away from stepping into the **** realm. But feeling the real God-level battle, deep in my heart, I still feel fear!

"It's amazing, the real dragons are so amazing. Isn't his enemy the giant dragon-horned turtle? Why doesn't it look like it?" Bingrui craned her neck and looked into the distance. , Floating in the air like a battlestar, but lacking a front paw, which discounted its might.

"Elder, do we want to go up and help Lord Dragon Race? That monster is too terrifying. I feel even more terrifying than Dragon Horn Giant Tortoise..."

"Elder Ao, look at that sea area, there is a huge vortex, did that monster run out of the trench deep in the ocean?"

In the depths of the sea, there is a huge trench. From time to time, some powerful monsters will run out to fight with the sea clan. The dragon horn giant tortoise ran out of the trench before, but the strength is too strong, plus it is not chaotic. After running, the Sea Clan acquiesced in its existence.

"I'm going to die, you guys stay here honestly, don't make trouble!" Ao Qing said irritably, "Ao Qian, go back and notify the patriarch and ask the patriarch to ask for the artifact from the town clan, and say there is a **** Grade monster ran out of the trench..."

"Let Bingrui go, I don't want to go back!" Ao Qian said unhappy.

"Be obedient, this is an order!" Ao Qing's face was stern, and Ao Qian's identity was unusual. In case of harm, even if Ao Qing is an elder, she might not be able to afford it.

Ao Qian glanced at Ao Qing and pursed her lips in dissatisfaction, but in the end she obediently swam towards the Hai Clan residence.

"You guys, watch me here honestly, don't get close!" Ao Qing warned the little guys who came out privately next to him again and again.

"Understand, elder, we won't make trouble!" Several Sea Clan teenagers nodded hurriedly. UU reading www. uukanshu.com

"Hmph, go back and settle accounts with you!" Ao Qing snorted coldly, and set his sights on the battle ahead again.

At this time, the stars shattered, causing a lot of damage to the dark dragon turtle, but these damages only knocked out half of the dragon turtle’s vitality value, not to mention a fatal blow, and a serious injury near death. , There is still a long distance.

"The devil is in the world!" An angry roar sounded, and the entire sea area suddenly violently agitated, as if a twelfth-degree typhoon was blowing. A huge wave tens of meters high was set off, even in the area where Ao Qing was. All have been affected.

At this moment, at the location of the Devil Dragon Turtle, a huge light gate of a hundred feet high suddenly appeared. The light gate exuded a black luster, and the inside of the gate was constantly exuding evil aura.

Looking at this black light door, Ao Qing seemed to think of something, her face changed drastically, and she was sweating like rain: "No, it's impossible, it's impossible, this is the door of destruction, the door of destruction, that monster is not from the trench It came out of it, it broke through the ancient seal..."


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