I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1641: Whirlpool Tower

The Dragon Clan is the royal family of the Sea Clan. It has ruled the Sea Clan for millions of years. The majesty of the Dragon Clan has long penetrated into the bones of the Sea Clan. Yes, they also have great respect for the dragons.

Seeing Elder Ao Qing leaving the main hall and flying towards Fugui Mountain, several sea children looked at each other and all looked eager to try.

"Bingrui, let's go and see what happens. Maybe we can see the scene where the dragon clan adult is fighting with the big turtle!" a sea clan kid said excitedly.

"But, there is a forbidden area..." Bingrui hesitated. It was a big mistake to break into the forbidden place privately, and it would take at least half a year of confinement.

"What are you afraid of? We followed Elder Ao Qing. Elder Ao Qing doesn't know the lord of the Dragon race. We are going to identify him!" Ao Qian suddenly said, her eyes full of sly.

"Yes, Sister Qian is right. We followed Elder Ao Qing to help Elder Ao Qing identify the adults of the Dragon Clan." A group of Hai Clan teenagers' eyes lit up and they cheered.

It didn’t take long for a few Hai Clan teenagers to fly towards Fugui Mountain. They didn’t dare to follow Ao Qing, and deliberately made a big circle. They wanted to wait until Fugui Mountain and then join Ao Qing. Otherwise, , Met too early, will be driven back by Ao Qing.


On the other side, in the melting pot of karma, there were constant roars. With each roar, Song Jian's body trembled slightly, as if the dragon-horned giant tortoise had hit his body.

"In addition to defense, in addition to the law of swallowing, your existence as a demigod is nothing more than that..." A smile appeared at the corner of Song Jian's mouth. It was only a matter of time to refine the dragon horn giant tortoise. If it is released and killed, it is still possible to drop the kernel.

At this moment, the beam of light in the distance suddenly heard a roar, and it sounded like something shattered. After a while, the originally calm sea at the beam of light suddenly agitated, and within a short while, a huge vortex appeared on the surface of the ocean!

"This vortex..." Song Jian was stunned. The huge vortex that appeared in front of him was more than ten kilometers in diameter, more than ten times larger than the fifth-level dungeon vortex gate. The horrible suction emanating from the vortex gave Song Jian a kind of A sense of fear.


A huge tiger shark monster with a length of more than 100 meters, roaring and struggling powerlessly in the whirlpool, this is a mid-Legendary BOSS, facing the huge whirlpool suction, it is actually fragile like a paper boat. Sucking to the bottom of the vortex, it was directly torn into pieces by the terrifying vortex suction.

"The purpose of that dragon horn giant tortoise is this huge vortex?" Song Jian glanced at the karma furnace in the void. The dragon horn giant tortoise still roared and hit the furnace, but with it The attack power of the dragon couldn't break the space barrier at all, and could only be smelted by the fire of karma a little bit. This kind of horror that could feel a little bit of his disappearance made the dragon horn giant turtle feel a deep despair in his heart.

"With the powerful defense of the dragon horn giant tortoise, I don't know if it can withstand the tearing force of this vortex!" Song Jian secretly said in his heart, the dragon horn giant tortoise's defense is the most powerful monster Song Jian has encountered since entering the game. Song Jian didn't dare to go deep into such a terrifying vortex, but the giant dragon horn turtle had been looking forward to it.

At this moment, Song Jian suddenly saw that from the center of the huge vortex, a strange flash appeared, which looked like a constantly flashing searchlight.

In a short while, a quadrangular spire appeared in Song Jian's eyes. The spire was slowly rising from the center of the vortex, not fast, but firm.

Song Jian could only watch the changes. Everything that happened before his eyes exceeded his imagination. The horrible whirlpool suction can also pose a threat to the god-level powerhouses. The inexplicable stone tower appeared in the whirlpool, and there was still left on the surface. The traces that were once sealed, chain-like traces, were imprinted on the surface of the stone tower. From these imprinted traces, Song Jian could feel the vicissitudes of time.


Song Jian felt inexplicably in his heart, stretched out his right hand and stroked it lightly in the void, as if wiping off dust. In an instant, the chain brand on the surface of the stone tower suddenly burst into light, and the dark golden chains slowly recovered, as if they appeared out of thin air.


In the stone tower, there were bursts of angry roars, and the stone tower that had originally started to climb up also began to stop. After trembling slightly for a few seconds, it began to slowly fall back towards the depths of the vortex.

At this moment, Song Jian, because of the traces of chain imprints on the surface of the stone tower, touched the comprehension of the law of time. Song Jian in the void, with a confused expression in his eyes, pointed his right hand forward and pointed his finger in the direction of the stone tower. A person is motionless like a sculpture.

Until the stone tower sank into the depths of the vortex again, and only the spire of less than one meter was exposed, Song Jian suddenly came out of the state of sentiment, his face turned pale, he couldn't help but spout blood, and his blood value instantly dropped to 30%. In the end, Song Jian couldn't even stabilize his figure and fell towards the sea.


Song Jian gave a soft drink, the figure of the golden dragon appeared under Song Fitness, caught Song Jian who had fallen, a high-pitched scream sounded, and the golden dragon Kamata looked towards the karma furnace in the sky, revealing his eyes. A look of fear.


Losing the control of Song Jian's law, the stone tower in the whirlpool suddenly shook violently, and the dark golden chains that had just emerged on the surface also began to shatter every inch and turn into dust.

The stone tower, which had lost its restraint, issued a low roar and emerged from the vortex again. This time, there was no more power to stop it.

Song Jian was riding on the back of the golden dragon. UU reading www.uukanshu.com watched the stone tower slowly rise from the whirlpool. A strong evil aura bloomed from the stone tower, like a sticky mass. The ink spreads in all directions.


Inside the stone tower, there was a roar like a beast, and the rumbling crash sounded endlessly, as if a beast was trapped in the stone tower and wanted to escape frantically.

At this time, the dragon-horned giant tortoise in the furnace of Karma, as if feeling something, began to madly hit the walls of the furnace, even if the head was broken, it did not weaken the strength of the impact.


A huge roar exploded from the top of the stone tower in the whirlpool, broken stones splashed, and a terrifying black dragon head came out from the gap at the top of the stone tower. A pair of scarlet blood-like eyes, full of strong malice, Staring at Song Jian.

"Well, what kind of ghost is this?" Song Jian was startled and couldn't help standing up and looking at the huge dragon head at the top of the stone tower.


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