I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1615: Spirit Fire List

The karma red lotus sword art, the number of spirit swords that can be summoned has exceeded 10,000, even if it does not form a karma fire furnace sword formation, the damage caused is huge.

For the flame troll, such a terrifying damage is like a long time. Even if the core of the flame is not damaged temporarily, the damage to its mind and soul by the red lotus karma will make it heartache, even more than the pain it received. To be scary.

"You, you can't kill me. Once you kill me, this pill will be completely destroyed!" The flame troll roared frantically, and it could feel that this human being in front of me is different from the four previous human beings. The strength is like the difference between Tianyuan.

From Song Fitness, the flame troll even felt a hint of the smell of Tianzhenjun.

"They are the same kind of people!" The flame troll couldn't help trembling in his heart.

Song Jian frowned slightly, and the movements on his hands were slightly stagnant. Whether or not what the flame troll said was true or not, whether the elixir in front of him could be made, it did have a great relationship with the flame troll. If the flame troll is extinguished, then the alchemy furnace without the fire will fail the refining.

After a while, Song Jian seemed to think of something, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and said, "Do you think that only you can provide firepower for the alchemy furnace?"

The flame troll laughed loudly: "Hahaha, do you know what kind of pill this ascending pill is? It's a god-level, god-level pill. Do you think ordinary flames can refine it? It is the one hundred and one hundred kinds of spirit fire on the list of spirit fires, and only the top ten flames can be refined. Otherwise, how could Zhentian Mietian go to the abyss **** himself and invite me to refine this pill?"

"God-level pill, ten spiritual fire?" Song Jian hesitated. If what the flame troll said was true, then he couldn't kill it easily now.

"I can only leave the pill furnace with a cup of tea. After a long time, the pill will not be supported by firepower, and the refining will fail!" The flame troll said with a proud expression: "If you have the ability, you can Kill me while I'm in the pill furnace, hey, tell you a secret, in the pill furnace, my strength will be suppressed, and I can only display the level of Tier 3 combat power. You want to destroy me, but it is very Easy things..."

Seeing that the flame troll turned into a ball of flames again, Song Jian quickly asked, "Where is the True Lord Mistress in your mouth?"

The flame trembled slightly, without speaking, it entered the bottom of the alchemy furnace, and with a "bang", the flames wrapped the entire alchemy furnace again.

Song Jian continued to move forward. This time, Qi Ling did not control the flame troll to attack Song Jian. It seemed that it also knew that Song Jian's strength was not something it could defeat.

In fact, the Qi Ling has no attack power, just like the Heaven-Battering Sword. The sword spirit of the Heaven-Battering Sword, if it is separated from the Heaven-Battering Sword, the sword spirit does not have any attack power, and must be controlled to attack. Just work.

The spirit of the alchemy furnace is capable of controlling and commanding the flame trolls. You must know that the flame trolls with the pinnacle strength of the legendary realm are enough to ensure the safety of the alchemy furnace under normal conditions.

After Song Jian asked a few more questions, the flame troll seemed to have not heard it, and did not give any answer. It seemed certain that Song Jian would not kill it.

This time, Song Jian finally managed to touch the alchemy furnace with his hand, and soon, the attributes of the alchemy furnace appeared before Song Jian.

"Sure enough, the second-tier god-level alchemy furnace, this alchemy furnace alone is enough for this trip." Song Jian showed a delighted expression on his face.

This alchemy furnace is worth a thousand gold, no, thousands of amethysts. If players can really grow to the point where they can use it, such an alchemy furnace will surely cause a frenzy of life and professional players, even if tens of thousands of amethysts are discharged Song Jian is not surprised.

"It's just a pity that this is something that has a master. Once touched, it will cause the master to notice. Moreover, if the alchemy furnace is taken away at this time, the elixir refined in it will be scrapped..." Song Jian hesitated suddenly.

As soon as you hear the name, you know that this pill has a great relationship with the entire secret realm. After all, this secret is called the secret realm of climbing. Song Jian does not believe that this refined pill is not important. .

"The flame troll, come out and talk, tell me about the strength of True Monarch Mietian, a demigod or a god-level strength?" Song Jian tapped the alchemy furnace with a broken sky sword and asked: "If it is a god-level, At which stage is it now, true **** level or **** master level? Isn’t it a **** king level? Hey, speak!"

Song Jian asked, knocking **** the wall of the furnace. For a long time, the flame troll didn't reply and seemed to be playing dead.

Song Jian smiled slightly, and put the Heaven-Breaking Sword into his body, raised his right hand, and a dark red flame appeared in his palm.

Soon, Song Jian stuffed the flame in his hand toward the bottom of the furnace, and within a short while, a steady stream of red lotus fire began to pour into the bottom of the alchemy furnace.

At the beginning, the flame troll didn’t care, and even mocked Song Jian in his heart. You must know that a god-level alchemy furnace requires a huge amount of firepower, and ordinary fire cannot support its elixir, even ordinary spiritual fire. No, only the top ten spiritual fires can support the alchemy furnace to refine a pot of elixir.

"You can fight against me with such a small flare? It's ridiculous." The flame troll sneered.

"It's not small, it's not you who has the final say!" Song Jian smiled slightly and increased the transmission of the red lotus karma.

The flame troll still didn't care, and even gave up a part of the position to accommodate the red lotus karmic fire. After all, the red lotus karmic fire can provide part of the firepower, making it a lot easier.

After a while, the flame troll felt something abnormal, and couldn't help but ask: "What kind of flame are you? The rank is very high..."

"Haha, little flame, red lotus industry fire!" Song Jian smiled.

The flame troll couldn't help but tremble. The Red Lotus Karma Fire, also known as the Fire of Purification, ranked third in the spirit fire list. Thinking of this, the flame troll couldn't help but want to slap himself. Why did he take the initiative? Make room for it?

"Damn it, UU reading www.uukanshu.com, get me out of here!" The flame troll uttered a roar, and the flames were raging, violently rising, trying to squeeze the red lotus karma that had entered the furnace bottom go with.

Although the red lotus karma fire rank is very high, but in terms of quantity, it can't compete with the flame troll. Soon, the red lotus karma fire was squeezed out by the flame troll little by little.

The Chaos Sword Qi in Song Jian's body was continuously transformed into the Red Lotus Karma Fire. Although it was a demigod level, Song Jian did not seem to be the flame troll's opponent on the flame.

"Hehe, interesting!" Song Jian smiled, thinking about it, tens of thousands of spirit swords appeared next to him again, and the red lotus karma fire was rising from every spirit sword!

"Enter!" Song Jian gave a soft drink, and countless spirit swords flew toward the bottom of the alchemy furnace. In an instant, the red lotus industry fire rose with a "boom", overwhelming the flame of the flame troll.


PS: Thank you "Bread84" for rewarding 100 starting coins~

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