I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1604: collapse

The entire Mochizuki Rhinoceros peak is not big, even if it is an ordinary person, it only takes more than two hours to make a full circle. The disciples of the Excalibur Sect who have obtained the qualifications of the secret realm are all the peaks of Tier 3 combat power. With their power, they can travel the entire Mochizuki Feng, it only takes ten minutes.

But now it's looking for the entrance to the secret realm, not a tour. No matter how fast it is, there is no way to enter if you are unlucky.

Song Jian didn't use any abilities, and walked slowly on Mochizuki Peak. Mochizuki Peak was not conspicuous in the entire mountain range. If it weren't for the secret realm entrance here, no one would remember it.

At this moment, there was a sudden exclamation in the distance, and a disciple of the Excalibur Sect laughed and said: "I am the first person to enter the secret realm, haha!"

Song Jian looked at the bull head, and on the grass in the distance, a light blue teleportation light gate appeared out of thin air. A figure smiled and quickly rushed into the light gate.

After he entered the light gate, the light blue teleportation light gate disappeared immediately, as if it had never appeared before.

At the next moment, the portal of light appeared again 100 meters away. This time, there was no one around. The portal of light only appeared for less than two seconds before disappearing again.

"The time for this teleportation light gate to appear is so short!" Song Jian frowned slightly, he could reach within three seconds at a distance of 100 meters at his speed, but it was still a bit dangerous to enter the teleportation light gate in such a short time. Yes, it is very likely that he rushed to the portal of the teleportation light, and half of his body entered the portal of light, and half of the body was still outside, but it was unlikely that the portal of transmission light suddenly disappeared.

If this were the case, even if Song Jian had the strength of a demigod, he would probably be killed directly. Although he had the skill of Enemy of the Death God, losing a life in front of so many people would still damage his face.

Looking at the other disciples of the Excalibur Gate, they all looked cautious, unless the teleportation light gate happened to appear near them, otherwise, they would also ignore the teleportation light gate that appeared in the distance.

"It seems that the experience of these Divine Sword Sect disciples is much richer than mine!" Song Jian secretly said in his heart, becoming more cautious in his heart.

Soon, all the disciples of the Divine Sword Sect entered the secret realm, and in the entire Mochizuki Peak, only Song Jian and the other two disciples of the Sword Sect were left.

"They seem to only wait in a specific location, and they won't look for them all over the mountains. It seems that they should know that the probability of the teleportation light gates in those areas is higher." Song Jian observed the law of the teleportation light gates. The trajectory of these children of the Excalibur Gate.

Soon, Song Jian also locked an area with a high probability of the teleportation door, and wandered in this area.

"It seems that he has discovered something!" In the distance, Master Shen Feng said with a smile on his face.

"Hehe, I'm afraid it's too late now. The area where the teleportation door appears is fluid. It doesn't mean that the area with a high probability of appearing before will have a high probability of appearing later!" An elder smiled.

"There are still two hours before the secret realm is closed. Most of the disciples of the sect have already entered. Although entering first does not necessarily lead to opportunities, first enter the exploration, at least the probability will be greater..."

"To enter the secret realm, even if you are qualified, it depends on luck. If you have no chance, even if you are qualified, you can't enter!"

While Master Shen Feng was chatting with several elders, another disciple of the Excalibur Sect entered the secret realm. Now, in the entire Mochizuki Rhinoceros Mountain, there were only Song Jian and another disciple of the Excalibur Sect.

Song Jian stared at the last disciple and found that he hadn't concentrated on searching for it. Instead, he pinched his fingertips and muttered words in his mouth.

"This is...there is a special technique?" Song Jian was taken aback, looking at the disciple in surprise.

I saw that the last disciple of the Divine Sword Sect, after chanting the magic formula for a while, suddenly sprayed a mouthful of blood, and his face instantly turned pale, but he ignored this and rushed towards the left front. At this moment, in front of him, a teleportation light door suddenly appeared, as if it was specially opened for him.

This disciple rushed in directly, and his figure disappeared in the portal of light.

Song Jian's face was slightly dark. It seemed that the Divine Sword Gate had been studying the secret realm for many years, and he had actually mastered the spell to predict where the Light Gate would appear. This was unbelievable.

But obviously, this kind of magic spell also has strong sequelae, which can cause physical harm. Otherwise, the disciple will not use it at the last moment, only he is a disciple of the sword.

"Hmph, as soon as you use the secret search technique, your vitality will be greatly injured, even if you enter the secret realm and want to find opportunities, the difficulty will be doubled..." A Divine Sword Sect elder seemed to be a little dissatisfied, hummed.

"I can go in anyway, and enter the secret realm. Everything is possible. If you can't enter, what's the use even if you are full of vitality?" Another elder smiled.

"You said, can this disciple of the Yujianzong enter the secret realm? The further back, the longer the time interval between the entrance of the secret realm, the shorter the time it appears. Unless there is an entrance directly next to him, otherwise, think It will be more and more difficult to enter the secret realm..."

"Hahaha, maybe someone is really lucky, the entrance to the secret realm appears directly next to him, it might be impossible!"


A group of Divine Sword Gate elders stared at Song Jian enthusiastically, and a few even directly started betting on whether Song Jian could enter and when he could enter.

As time passed by, Song Jian also noticed that the entrance to the secret realm appeared less and less frequently.

Even if he couldn't hear the jokes of the elders in the distance, Song Jian could detect from their expressions that the other party seemed to be unkind and wanted to see him jokes.

Thinking of this, Song Jian immediately spread the power of the law of time, covering the entire hillside of Mochizuki Rhinoceros Peak. In his perception, time touches the silk, like a spider web, covering every inch of the void on the hillside. The appearance of the mysterious light gate will definitely touch these time tentacles.


A mysterious light gate, the time touch has already begun to fluctuate, Song Jian subconsciously rushed towards it, at the moment he moved, the mysterious light gate fully appeared, waiting until Song Jian was ready to rush. When I entered, the time tumbled suddenly and violently, and a sense of danger spontaneously emerged in my heart, causing Song Jian to stop instantly. UU reading www. uukanshu.com

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The moment the secret realm light gate fully appeared, it suddenly collapsed, without any signs. If Song Jian followed the speed just now, half of his body should have rushed into the secret realm, but the other half was opening the secret realm. The door suddenly collapsed, and his body could be split into two immediately.

"There is still a chance!" Song Jian secretly said in his heart.

At this moment, at a distance of 30 meters to his left, the time touch fluctuated again. Song Jian's thoughts moved, and the power of the law of time suddenly surged toward this fluctuating position. At the same time, Song Jian's figure, Also rushed towards this position like lightning.


With a soft sound, another light door appeared, but this light door collapsed faster than the previous light door. It was not fully formed yet, and cracks appeared at the frame, showing signs of collapse.


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