I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1457: Skill improvement

Song Jian didn't feel any danger, but Xin Ling was frightened.

Before entering the secret realm, Xin Ling consulted various detailed information about the secret realm of the ten thousand clan in the starry sky. Even the secret scrolls collected by the Imperial Sword Sect, Xin Ling spent a lot of contribution points to check.

In addition to the secrets about the secret realm in the Yujianzong's collection, there are also many Yujianzong disciples who have entered the secret. Xin Ling also spent a price to check the records they left.

With all the information about the Dragon Palace treasure, there is no such human Taoist in front of him, and even this stone house shouldn't exist.

Song Jian’s feeling at this time was completely different from that of Xin Ling. He felt a cordial feeling from this broken Taoist. Although he had never seen him before, Song Jian could feel the kindness from the other person. .

"The sword immortal inheritance will last for thousands of years, with a trace of immortal energy, to find the way to the sky; seek the way, join the way, protect the way with the sword; the starry sky can be killed!"

Song Jian heard a loud voice from the Taoist, and as the Taoist disappeared, the voice slowly disappeared.

"It seems that only I can hear this voice. Is this Taoist a sword fairy from millions of years ago? He appeared here specifically for me?" Song Jian was puzzled.

If it is true as Xin Ling said, no one has seen this Taoist before, and after they appeared, this Taoist appeared, then Song Jian’s guess may be true, that Taoist was made for Song Jian. Come!

"The Taoist glanced at the futon before he left. Could it be that there is no secret to this futon?" Song Jian glanced at the straw futon in the center of the stone house. It looked no different from ordinary futons, and it seemed more primitive. .

Song Jian tried to pick it up, and a faint fragrance emanated from the futon, which should smell of straw. Holding the futon in his hand, it was light and light without any weight. Even using the system's detection function, its properties could not be checked.

"Futon: Sundries, attributes:?????. Explanation: This is just an ordinary futon, and it is of no use."

"Miscellaneous, ordinary futon, then why is the attribute a series of question marks?" Song Jian frowned slightly. After thinking for a while, Song Jian opened his delusional eyes and looked at the futon.

As soon as Po Mishen's eyes opened, Song Jian suddenly felt a horror. In Po Mishen's eyes, he saw a sharp sword light pierced towards it. For a while, the light shone, and Song Jian quickly closed. Po Wushen's eyes, but there was still a trace of blood and tears streaming out from the Pozushen's eyes on the center of the eyebrows.

"Ah, Song Jian, you are hurt, and your brows are bleeding!" Xin Ling said in surprise.

"You, did you see this futon glow before?" Song Jianqiang endured the pain and asked.

"No, I just saw you stand for a while holding the futon, and then the eyebrows bleed. Is there something that I don't know about?" Xin Ling asked.

"It's nothing, this futon seems a little weird!" Song Jian checked the futon over and over again, and found nothing unusual.

"Song Jian, let's go quickly. Ao Tian may have already obtained the Dragon Emperor Orb. If he obtains it, he will definitely leave the secret path." Xin Ling said anxiously.

Once Ao Tian obtained the Dragon Emperor Orb, and the two of them did not arrive in time, then Ao Tian would definitely not abide by the previous agreement, and "Dragon Emperor Ao Tian Jue" would pass them by.

At this moment, Song Jian suddenly noticed that the futon in his hand seemed to begin to collapse a little bit, and the edge parts had slowly vaporized.

"This futon must be magical, and it will definitely be good for me, otherwise, the Taoist won't take a look at it last!" Song Jian was a little anxious: "And there must be a time limit for this benefit. If it cannot be found within the specified time, the futon will disappear."

Suddenly, Song Jian thought that the Taoist had been sitting cross-legged on the futon until his body was broken, and then he got up and left.

Thinking of this, Song Jian immediately put the futon on the ground, and sat cross-legged on it, learning the appearance of the Taoist.

Sure enough, as soon as he sat on the futon, Song Jian immediately entered a special state of enlightenment, and a lot of information about the inheritance of the sword fairy appeared in his mind.

In the skill column, Karma Red Lotus Wan Jian Jue, skill proficiency is also rapidly increasing at a speed visible to the naked eye, not only Wan Jian Jue, all the skills related to swordsmanship, swordsmanship, sword shadow clone, Qinglong sword body, Sword Qi transformation, sword formation catalog, and even the talent skill "Holy Sword", the proficiency is improving.

There is no threshold for this kind of improvement. As long as the proficiency is full, it will be directly promoted to the next level. There is no need to consume skill points at all. The futon that Song Jian sits on also begins to vaporize quickly, moving slowly from the edge to the next level. The center spreads.

I don't know how long it took before Song Jian finally recovered from that state of enlightenment, and the futon he was sitting on had disappeared.

Song Jian felt that he had acquired a lot of knowledge, but when he really recalled it, he didn't seem to have gained anything, but his head was buzzing and it was a little uncomfortable.

At this time, Song Jian found that he and Xin Ling were in a narrow passage, and the stone house they had seen before had disappeared.

"How long has it been!" Song Jian rubbed his temples and stood up, and asked Xin Ling who was beside him.

"How long has it been?" Xin Ling asked with a bewildered face: "Didn't we just enter this passage and plan to chase Ao Tian? You suddenly sat on the ground and stood up again. Did you find something? "

Song Jian stared at Xin Ling for a long time, making sure that the other party was not joking, and was shocked. Could it be that Xin Ling had no memory of everything he had experienced in the stone house before!

"Erasing memories, this method is really terrifying!" Song Jian was shocked, even if it is a legendary powerhouse, it is impossible to erase a person's memory silently, unless the Taoist person has already entered. A demigod, even a god-level realm!

"Forget it, let's continue chasing Ao Tian!" Song Jian said, walking forward.

Xin Ling looked at Song Jian's back with a look of confusion, and whispered, "I hit a ghost? It's inexplicable!"

Soon, the two figures disappeared in the passage. At this time, the Panlong Imperial Formation, which defended the Dragon Palace treasure, had reached the edge of fragmentation. Dozens of great monsters bombarded wildly for nearly ten minutes, and finally exceeded the scale. The limit of the array.

"Hmph, a big formation, without a person in control, has lost many changes, like a dead thing, how can it stop us!" a big demon said disdainfully.

"Strong harder, the big formation is about to break, and the Dragon Palace treasure is right in front of you, hahaha, I am not greedy, as long as I get a copy of the dragon technique, I also have some weak dragon bloodlines, and the dragon technique is also fine. Cultivating!"

"Hmph, the Dragon Palace treasures are not only the Dragon Clan exercises, but UU Reading www.uukanshu.com and other races have it, but we are afraid that the human races who have taken this place have searched it out, so we went for nothing!"

"Impossible. Didn't you see that the boy Ao Tian is here? There must be good things left. If you meet Ao Tian, ​​you must not let the boy go. He must have good things from the treasure! "

"It's also for you to say, if you meet that kid, just kill it and search for the corpse!"



After a loud noise and a wave of swaying mountains, the final defense formation of the Dragon Palace Treasure was shattered, and dragons appeared out of thin air, densely packed, almost occupying the entire sky.

A sigh came from the air: "Dragon Race, kill!"

In an instant, Wanlong wailed, and the phantoms of dragons began to collapse and shatter, turning into light spots in the sky, and finally disappeared.


PS: Thank you "Qin Shihuang" for rewarding 100 starting coins~

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