I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1452: Wanlong Great Array

Star beasts are also called star beasts. They are born in the starry sky and grow by devouring the starry sky. They are legendary when they are born. Through blood inheritance, they will continue to grow as long as they don't fall in the middle, until they reach the **** level until they mature.

Star beasts are full of treasures, and dead star beasts are valuable treasures whether they are skin, meat, bone, or blood. Many nine-grade pill medicines require the body tissue of star beasts to become the main medicine, such as the longevity pill that can prolong life. , You need the star core in the star beast's body as the main medicine. A star beast can only give birth to three star cores from birth to death, which is extremely precious.

And a star beast in its infancy is even more valuable. There has always been a technique in the human race that can refine a creature in its infancy into its own clone to seize the opponent's racial talent and racial potential.

At this time, the human race, the heavens, there are few talents of that race that can match the human race, only this kind of star beast that was born in the starry sky and was born in the legendary realm is an excellent clone that many people pursue. Once the object appears, it will definitely be snatched up.

"What Dragon Palace Treasure? There is a living star beast in the juvenile stage that is worth a lot of money. I sent it, and it really happened this time!" Song Qi trembled with excitement. The news of the star beast in the juvenile stage was worth a lot of money. , Not to mention being able to capture a live one.

Thinking of this, Song Qi raised his head and glanced at the Longgong complex in the distance. His eyes were full of reluctance. After a while, Song Qi gritted his teeth and took out a jade symbol from his arms and bit his finger. Spread blood on it.

In a short while, the jade charm burst out with a dazzling golden light, which wrapped Song Qi in its entirety and turned into a meteor that broke through the void and disappeared.

This is a teleportation jade amulet, one of Song Qi’s trump cards. It can only be used in the most critical moments. Once the Dragon Palace treasure is entered, you can only leave until the specified time is over. At that time, the daylily will be cold, and only this The jade talisman refined by a god-level powerhouse has the ability to break through the ban of Dragon Palace treasure and leave here.


Song Jian and Xin Ling entered the Panlong Formation, and dragons of different colors were flying around them, each of them exuding a terrifying power.

Looking closely, most of the dragons' figures have become illusory and dim. Some dragons have spider web-like cracks on their bodies. The whole dragon looks like fragile porcelain, which will change with the touch of it. In countless fragments, among these giant dragons, there is only one blue dragon that looks like a real dragon, swimming in the void.

"This, this is not the Panlong Great Formation, this is, this is the Wanlong Great Formation!" Song Jian opened his mouth, because he understood the Panlong Great Formation, Song Jian has the qualifications to enter the formation, but what he could not think of , The defensive formation that covered the entire Dragon Palace treasure in front of him was not just a panlong formation.

The moment after Song Jian entered the formation, the name and attributes of the formation naturally appeared in his mind.

"The Great Array of Ten Thousand Dragons, each dragon has the true soul of a real dragon! The Great Array of Panlong is just a trivial part of the Great Array of Ten Thousand Dragons, and there are hundreds of them of the same rank. Thousands of great formations!" Song Jian was shocked: "The Panlong formation is already a legendary formation, then what rank will this Ten Thousand Dragon formation be? Demigod, God, or God Above the level?"

In the midst of the great formation, Song Jian could see that the entire Ten Thousand Dragons Formation could be said to have been destroyed more than 99%, and only one Panlong Formation was left, otherwise, no matter what It is impossible for many legendary big monsters to break into the treasures of the Dragon Palace.


Song Jian, who was in the big formation, felt a shaking in the surrounding space. Obviously, the big monsters outside the formation started to attack the formation together, trying to crack the Panlong formation with force!

"Unfortunately, if I can stay in this big formation until the end of the mystery, maybe I can comprehend and master the entire ten thousand dragon formation, then..." Song Jian sighed, a look of regret appeared in his eyes.

Although more than ninety-nine percent of the Ten Thousand Dragons Formation was destroyed, there are still some remaining formations. Those dragon shadows and broken dragons have not completely disappeared. Just give some time, Song Jian I believe that I will be able to grasp all the Wanlong Array!

Unfortunately, there was only one defensive formation of the Panlong Formation. Under the attack of dozens of legendary great monsters, it would not last long at all. Even if Song Jian stayed here, he could not gain more.

Regrettably, he glanced at the phantom of the giant dragon hovering in the sky. Song Jian took Xin Ling to follow a specific trajectory and walked forward quickly. After a while, he passed through the large array and entered the real Among the treasures of the Dragon Palace.

"This is... Dragon Palace?" Song Jian looked at the ruined scene before him, with a look of surprise in his eyes.

Standing outside the battlefield before, you could vaguely see all kinds of tall buildings lined up in the defensive battle formation. The pavilions, pavilions, carved beams and painted buildings were magnificent, not much worse than modern buildings.

But when you really enter the formation, what you see is a scene of ruined walls, just like the end of the world.

"The dragon clan was besieged by several large sects of the human clan before, and the clan was completely annihilated. It is not surprising that the scene like this has appeared. Let's first search for any treasures left." Xin Ling said.

"Hehe, how could there be any treasures left in this Dragon Palace? It has been cleaned up by several human clan sects that had been breached earlier, right?" Song Jian shook his head and sighed.

"No, at least, the Dragon Emperor Orb has not been found. Otherwise, Ao Tian will not be able to obtain the Orb and eventually become a god-level powerhouse. All of this is documented!" Xin Ling said: "Here's it. Treasures are useless to us, but those exercises and some secrets can be returned to the sect in exchange for contribution points. It is said that a disciple obtained a lot of books from the Dragon Palace Treasure just by obtaining a book similar to travel notes. The contribution value, after all, is a book millions of years ago, and the value is still great."

"The most important thing is the exercises. The secrets of the exercises in the Dragon Palace are not only those of the dragon clan, but also the exercises that humans can practice. As long as you find one, it's a worthwhile trip!" Xin Ling glanced at it. Light road.

Speaking of the technique, Song Jian suddenly thought that the snake demon Red Tail that had been hunted by the Dragon Formation seemed to have dropped two scroll-like loot after his death. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

When he took it out, there was a touch of joy on Song Jian's face.

"It turned out to be two epic-level exercises!" Song Jian laughed.

"The Five Elements Escape Method of Water Escape", "The Five Elements Escape Method of Earth Escape"

These two books are all exercises that players can learn. Song Jian took them without hesitation. Suddenly, the two exercises turned into streamers and penetrated into Song Jian’s eyebrows. A lot of information about the skills of Shui Dun and Tu Dun poured into Song. In the mind.

"Five element escape method, the value doesn't seem to be great!" Xin Ling said with a look of doubt in her eyes: "Water magicians can learn skills similar to water escape, and earth magicians can also learn skills similar to earth escape, and I heard that there is another special profession that can learn the Five Elements Escape Technique of Metal, Wood, Water, Fire, Earth, but these skill ranks are only golden virtues, one level lower than this Five Elements Escape Technique!"

Song Jian smiled and said, "Finally, it has been rewarded, and it is a worthwhile trip!"


Thank you "Qin Shihuang" for rewarding 100 starting coins~

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