I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1448: Analytical array

"Why, how could this happen!"

After a while, an alien stammered: "This forbidden air formation is just an ordinary mysterious formation. After it is triggered, it will at most incur attacks equivalent to a legendary powerhouse. How can there be a full force equivalent to a god-level powerhouse? hit……"

The previous blow scared everyone, the legendary peak strength, among all, is the highest level, but it can't bear even a blow. If they are replaced, the end will definitely not be much better than Crocodile Domination .

Crocodile Batian somehow left a broken corpse. If you replace them with them, I am afraid that you can't even keep a whole body.

Song Jian on the side was also frightened.

Foggy grass!

This is too dangerous. If you randomly touch a formation, it will provoke a full blow from a god-level powerhouse. If you replace it with yourself, I am afraid you will be directly killed.

He could kill the legendary realm powerhouse in a second, and he was a little proud, but now Song Jian quickly adjusted his mentality. This place is far less safe than he thought.

"It's not the power of the formation, it must be Ao Tian that inspired a more powerful formation, but we don't know it!" a big demon shouted loudly.

"If it had this ability, it would have inspired all of us to kill, right? Can any of you resist the full blow of a god-level powerhouse?" someone disdainfully said.

"Hmph, I've already reached this point. Could it be that you still want to leave, why don't we work together to crack the formation so that we can enter the dragon palace quickly, otherwise, the treasures inside might be lost? Take it all by yourself!"

"Yes, everyone, this defensive formation is only a mysterious formation. Together, we can break open with just a cup of tea!"

"What if another attack from a god-level powerhouse is invited?" someone suddenly asked.

Everyone became silent. At this moment, a beetle-like humanoid creature stepped forward, pointed at Song Jian and Xin Ling, and said in a deep voice: "These two have the lowest strength, so let them attack the formation first. Try, if it does not trigger a blow from the god-level powerhouse, we will unite to break the formation!

"Hey, this method is good, Human Race has nothing good. These two little guys only have Tier 3 combat power, which can be used to test the power of the formation!"

"They are human arrogances, but there are god-level guardians, in case..."

"What are you afraid of? No matter how powerful the Taoist protector is, he can't come in. The Human Race Tianjiao died in the Dragon Palace treasure. The Taoist protector knows how he died?"

"Yes, let them go up and try first, they are the weakest..."

For a moment, all the big monsters surrounded Song Jian and the two.

"Little guy, no matter you are the son of the Tianjiao of the Human Race sect, there is no protector by your side now. If you don't listen to us, we will kill you first and then break the formation!" An alien said Shouted at the two.

"Go, use your strongest moves to attack the formation. If you can survive, after breaking the formation, you can enter with us, otherwise, die here first."


Xin Ling's face changed drastically, so many legendary powerhouses gathered around, and under the surging aura, she felt like a small boat on the rough sea, in danger of overturning at any time.

"Master, no matter how strong the senior brother is, it is impossible to be the opponent of so many legendary powerhouses..., what should we do, what should we do now?" Xin Ling suddenly panicked.

"Before I remembered there was a Tianjiao Song Qi from the Sky Demon clan, why didn't he see him?" Song Jian looked around and found that there were all foreign races around him, not a monster clan, or a Void Zerg clan, and a big mouth with big eyes. , A young man without eyebrows, but he was not Human at first glance. He was standing in the distance, looking at this side with a grin and a big smile.

"This Song Qi, when I really want to use him, I can't find him." Song Jian curled his lips. Sure enough, the Heavenly Demon Sect was not an upright sect when he heard it. The Tianjiao of this sect does not look good. .

"Little guy, how are you thinking about it? If we don't make a decision, we're going to do it!" A big demon roared with a white breath from his nose.

Song Jian smiled and looked around. There were more than 30 legendary powerhouses around, staring at them with unkind expressions.

"It’s just an image from millions of years ago. I don’t know how many tens of thousands of years of death the guys are so arrogant. I really want to see if they know how long it will take, the human race will destroy the starry sky and the thousands of races. What kind of look is there, haha!" Song Jian secretly said in his heart.

Glancing at the Void Zerg who spoke at the beginning, Song Jian smiled and said, "Yes, let me try how strong this formation is!"

With that said, Song Jian took Xin Ling and walked towards the defensive formation outside the Dragon Palace Treasure.


At the edge of a trench in the distance, Song Qi lay on his back, closed his eyes slightly, seemingly motionless, as if he was dead, but in fact, he was performing a secret technique to probe the situation in the distance.

"It's really stupid and hopeless. With so many foreign races who are malicious towards the human race, these two idiots dare to approach, are they really afraid that they will join hands to kill you?" Song Qi secretly said: "But that's right. There are god-level treasures, it is estimated that you are not afraid of them, but even if there are god-level treasures, you can kill at most one or two legendary powerhouses. After you use them up, are you going to be killed by the remaining aliens? Why bother? They are far away, after they all enter the Dragon Palace, follow them in!"

"Now this group of alien races seems to be united, but after entering the Dragon Palace, facing so many treasures, even brothers will fight for them, not to mention these alien races, huh, then is the best time for me to enter!"

Song Qi couldn't escape, Song Jian and Xin Ling were pressed by a group of legendary monsters to the defensive formation outside the Dragon Palace. UU reading www.uganshu.com

This formation looks inconspicuous, just like a transparent glass wall, blocking everyone's way up the mountain, countless streamers flashing in the glass wall, blooming with gorgeous colors.

Song Jian stretched out his hand and touched the formation. His movements shocked the surrounding big demon, and he subconsciously took two steps back.

"Defensive formation..."

A cold and vast aura instantly spread from the formation to his palm. It was the power of the formation, like a sharp blade, cutting Song Jian's palm, but it was quickly resolved by Song Jian.

Immediately afterwards, Song Jian's perception was like a sharp blade, inserted straight into the formation, and instantly penetrated several nodes of the formation, and began to analyze the operation process of the entire defense formation.

"The formation of ancient times can still be set up in this way. These nodes seem to have nothing to do with the entire formation, but they save at least 15% of energy consumption. Interesting..." Song Jian perceives the entire defense. The structure of the formation, the corners of his mouth could not help showing a smile.


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