I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1443: Guardian of God

The appearance of the Dragon Palace Treasure has attracted the attention of many powerful people. The Void Zerg, Dragon, Demon, Demons, and even Star Beasts all radiate this pillar of light towards the Dragon Palace Treasure.

Song Jian waited patiently. Up to now, most of the people attracted by the Dragon Palace Treasures are the monsters. The former Poshan Niu and Bloodthirsty Dolphins belong to the monsters.

After half an hour, the number of onlookers who originally had only hundreds of people has surged to more than 300 people, most of them are monsters, there are a few demons and zergs, even the star beast that turned into an ugly human race boy. Also appeared among the onlookers.

At this moment, Song Jian suddenly heard a surprise voice, and turned his head to see that it was Xin Ling.

"Xin Ling, are you also nearby?" Song Jian smiled.

"Yes, brother, it's so lucky, I'm not far from you!" Xin Ling said with joy.

You should know that the disciples of Yujianzong who entered the mysterious realm of the starry sky, although there are thousands of people, the mysterious realm of the starry sky is so large that it almost covers several galaxies. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a small thousand world, thousands of people have entered Here, it's like standing on the beach, grabbing the sand and throwing it into the sea. It's really too difficult to encounter.

"You were also attracted by the Dragon Palace Treasure?" Song Jian smiled.

"Yeah, it happens to be nearby. The opportunity cannot be missed, but the Dragon Palace treasure can only be ranked to the bottom among all the opportunities. For us, the benefits are not great!" Xin Ling frowned and said.

"Huh, it's not ashamed, a little girl who has just entered the third-order combat power, is really not knowing how high and thick is here!" After hearing Xin Ling's words, Ao Tian, ​​a young dragon from the dragon clan, seemed to belittle the taste of Dragon Palace, and couldn't help but reprimand loudly.

Xin Ling's level is too low, only in the early stage of Tier 3 combat power. If it were not for Song Jian to stand by before Song Jian, Xin Ling stood by Song Fitness, otherwise, she would never be close to the beam of light!

Xin Ling was taken aback, and looked up at Ao Tian. Her face was a bit ugly, but she didn't argue. Her so-called benefits are not great, because for those experienced, the Dragon Palace Treasure is still very attractive for people in this era, otherwise it would not have gathered so many legendary powerhouses.

Seeing Xin Ling not speaking, Ao Tian suddenly became more angry, and was about to continue reprimanding, but his face changed, and when he looked into the distance, he seemed to notice something.

The people around also noticed that the strong were approaching, and they all looked up.

In a short while, a handsome young man with beautiful eyes and red lips and white teeth sat cross-legged on a colorful phoenix and flew towards this side quickly.

This young man seemed to be only fourteen or five years old, and the aura on his body was unobtrusively revealed, only the third-tier combat power peak strength, on the surface, slightly stronger than Song Jian.

However, the colorful phoenix under him is a legendary powerhouse, and it is precisely because of it that makes others feel jealous!

"To be able to make a legendary realm powerhouse as a mount, this human must be a human talent!" A Yaozu whispered.

"Huh, look at the race clearly, it's a colorful phoenix, the legendary mount is **** compared to the colorful phoenix! I just don't know that the young man in front of me is the sect of the human race!"

"Although it is a human environment, the number of human races is scarce. How come three famous races, Tianjiao, have gathered in such a short time..."


Everyone was staring at the young man and whispering to each other, the young man frowned when he heard everyone talking about him.

At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared behind him, this figure disappeared in a flash, after revealing his figure, he escaped into the void.

In the short time it appeared, a huge breath immediately enveloped everyone, and an aura that only a god-level power could have, filled the surroundings.

Suddenly, there was no sound in the surroundings, and there was silence. For a long time, someone tremblingly said in a low voice: "God, a god-level powerhouse, turned out to be a god-level powerhouse as a protector..."

No one doubts about the identity of this young man. Even if there is only the peak of the third-order combat power, the surrounding Legendary powerhouses do not dare to underestimate him. The god-level powerhouse only needs a divine mind to bring everyone present. Kill!

Feeling the breath of a god-level powerhouse, some alien races have begun to sneak out, even the Dragon Palace treasure has also given up.

At the moment when the breath of the god-level powerhouse was revealed, Song Fitness's dragon **** breath seemed to be touched, and the delusional eyes between the brows opened automatically, and Song Jian hurriedly controlled it to prevent it from opening.

A golden line appeared on the center of his eyebrows, and then slowly disappeared, but at this moment, the dragon **** breath also leaked out.

"God, the breath of a god-level powerhouse, and the breath of a god-level powerhouse..." a great demon said in surprise, and his eyes looked at Song Jian with a hint of horror.

The Poshan Bull who had fought Song Jian before, trembling at this moment, stared at Song Jian for a long while, turned his head and flew away, directly giving up the opportunity to enter the Dragon Palace treasure!

Before daring to fight Song Jian, it was because Song Jian only had Tier 3 combat power, but now he has the aura of a god-level powerhouse. Even if there is no god-level powerhouse as a protector, there is a god-level treasure to protect him. Existence is not something that a legendary realm can provoke!

"Fortunately, I didn't anger him before, otherwise, once I use that god-level treasure, my life will be lost here..." The bull demon was terrified, and he didn't even dare to look back at the sky-opening beam of light. Fly towards the stars.

Around the Tongtian Light Column, a group of strange aliens occupies one side. The human Tianjiao who has just arrived, looked at the surrounding aliens with disdain, and when he saw Song Jian and Xin Ling, his face showed surprise. , Couldn't help but let out a "Huh", and then leaned towards them.

"In Xiatian Demon Sect Song Qi, UU reading www.uukanshu.com don't know if the two companions are high disciples of that sect?" Human Race Tianjiao smiled, arched his hands towards Song Jian and Xin Ling and asked, with a tone of voice. A touch of closeness.

"Yu Jianzong, Song Jian!"

"Yu Jianzong, Xin Ling!"

The two replied.

"Yujianzong?" Song Qi frowned slightly, and the thoughts in his mind flew, thinking back to all the sects in the human territory, but he couldn't remember that there was a sect called Yujianzong in the human realm!

"Yu Jianzong, I have only heard of Jianzong, maybe it's just a small branch of Jianzong?" Song Qi secretly asked. A large sect has hundreds of thousands and millions of members, and the range may cover several planets. Some disciples can't get ahead, so they leave the sect directly, stand on their own, become branch sects, and are inextricably linked to the suzerain sect. .

Song Qi thought that the sect the two people belonged to was just a small branch sect, and suddenly felt somewhat disapproving in his heart.


PS: Thank you "Qin Shihuang" for rewarding 500 starting coins~

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