I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1430: Only come back 6 people

"Sure enough, there is no free lunch in the world..." A sneer appeared on Song Jian's face.

The passengers who boarded the ghost ship, said to be passengers, actually all worked for the ghost ship. Their skeletons do not need to risk entering the debris universe to get bad benefits. It is simply a lucrative business!

Song Jian watched a phantom that resembled a weighing pan appeared in front of him, and threw a piece of gold quality equipment in the parcel. This was Song Jian’s previous trophy for hunting monsters before starting his doomsday journey. Eighty-level gold-quality equipment is also worth some money.

After dropping this piece of equipment, a progress bar appeared above the phantom of the weighing pan, with a total of ten bars, but at this time, the progress bar was only one-tenth of the first bar.

In other words, if you want the progress bar to be full, you must contribute a hundred pieces of similar equipment, and Song Jian's face suddenly changed!

You know, eighty-level gold-quality equipment, worth tens of millions of Doom Coins, one hundred pieces is a billion Doom Coins, such a huge number, even Song Jian will feel difficult, let alone other people? Song Jian didn't believe that everyone who boarded the ghost ship this time could come up with treasures worth more than one billion yuan!

"The cost of this doomsday cruise is too high," Song Jian said in a low voice with an ugly expression.

At this time, a line of explanation appeared in the system window in front of you. It turned out that the shipping fee was not fixed, but was determined according to how much each passenger received. The higher the harvest in the debris universe, the higher the shipping cost. The lower the harvest, the lower the cost of the ship. Sometimes, as long as you live in the debris universe and pass the seven days safely, you can board the ghost ship and return for free.

However, there are very few free cases. After all, every passenger on the ghost ship is confident in his own strength and wants to find opportunities. It is impossible to enter the Fragmented Universe and hide in a safe place for seven days.

Song Jian glanced at the parcel box. There were a lot of things in it, but not many could be worth more than one billion Doom Coins, and Song Jian couldn't bear to take out every piece.

After a long while, Song Jian gritted his teeth, took out the shriveled fruit, and placed it on the phantom of the weighing pan. In an instant, the progress bar reached its full value!

The phantom of the weighing pan slowly disappeared, and the shriveled wisteria fruit inside also disappeared. Although the power of the law contained in it has been consumed, the wisteria fruit itself is the best alchemy material, which is very valuable. If you take it back to the game world, it will be a billion-dollar end. Coins are considered small.

After the phantom of the weighing pan disappeared, Song Jian faintly felt a suction appearing from the void, and the suction was getting stronger and stronger. Song Jian did not resist, but slowly floated along the suction, very Quickly, it turned into a white light and rose into the sky.

With a flower in front of him, the feeling of weightlessness immediately appeared in his heart, but it was only a moment of effort, and Song Jian had a feeling of stepping on the ground. When he opened his eyes, he had returned to the deck of the ghost ship.

"Jie Jie Jie, Song Jian, don’t you feel a bit of a loss!" The flames in Captain Swan’s eyes were burning. Although he laughed, Song Jian could feel the endless anger burning on his body, and also There was a trace of killing intent aimed specifically at him.

"The power of the law is not so easy to comprehend. You only have Tier 3 combat power. If you want to understand the power of the law, the chance is not more than one in ten thousand. Even if you are a kind of unborn genius, it is impossible to just evaluate one. The fruit of the law can comprehend the power of the law, which is simply a waste!" Captain Swan felt a bit distressed.

Although it can borrow the power of death now, its strength is only the pinnacle of the legendary realm. If that wsara fruit is obtained by it, it is absolutely confident to understand the power of the law contained therein.

It’s just that Captain Swan doesn’t know that the whirling fruit contains the law of time. Otherwise, it would not be as confident as it is now. You must know that the law of time and space is the most difficult law in the entire universe. Power.

"It's a pity indeed, if I can add a few more, maybe I will be able to succeed!" Song Jian shook his head and sighed with a regretful expression on his face.

A person with the power of the law will have a special kind of fluctuation in his body. Legendary powers can feel that as soon as Captain Song Jian appeared on the deck, he stared at him specifically, and he did not feel the power of the law. Because of the fluctuations, it is certain that the swallowed fruit that he swallowed was wasted.

"Damn it, if you give it to me..." Captain Swan gritted his teeth.

"The items you gave are really not attractive, otherwise, I will exchange them with you!" Song Jian shrugged his shoulders and said indifferently.

Captain Swan was stunned. The highest grade of the items it gave at the time was only Legendary. For others, a piece of legendary quality equipment was enough to be excited for several days.

"You..." Captain Swan let out a low growl, feeling that Song Jian was deceiving and humiliating it.

At this moment, Song Jian directly revealed the quality light of his equipment. Suddenly, a purple-gold light gleamed, almost his entire body was legendary quality equipment, occasionally only two or three epic equipment.

This equipment immediately made Captain Swan speechless, standing still on the spot with a dull expression.

The quality of equipment on Song Fitness is fleeting. In fact, many of his equipment can't keep up with his level. They are all about 50 or 60 level equipment, the only endless hunting suit that can be used. It was obtained on the ghost ship.

If it was revealed for a longer period of time, Captain Swan would naturally be able to see the clues, but it was just a flash of quality, and Captain Swan had no time to check specific attributes.

"Is it really because the quality of the items I gave was so bad that he didn't exchange it with me? It turns out that all of this is my fault!" Captain Swan's thoughts whirled: "It's my own reason, I missed this. The second chance is because I am too poor..."

Just as Captain Swan doubted himself, white lights continued to rise on the deck, and those travelers who had successfully spent seven days in the debris universe returned to the ghost ship.

"one two three four……"

Song Jian squinted his eyes and looked at the other passengers. More than a hundred people boarded the ghost ship. Nearly half of them died in the first round, and a dozen people got off the ship. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com successfully entered the debris universe. There were at least 30 people, but now, only six people have returned.

One of them had two one-inch-long horns growing on the top of his head. There were also small purple-black scales on the exposed area of ​​his neck. Obviously, in the Fragmented Universe, the blood of the alien beast was fused, and it had undergone mutation.

Except for him, the auras of the other people have skyrocketed. Although their level has not been improved, their strength has increased a lot, at least several times that of those who have not entered the Fragmented Universe.

"Hey, the power of death..." Song Jian narrowed his eyes and turned to the last person to board the deck. He was obviously alive, but Song Jian felt a strong force of death from the opponent. Moreover, this force of death did not even erode his physical body at all, and coexisted perfectly with his physical body. This was simply impossible, but it really appeared in front of Song Jian.

If Song Jian hadn't got the fruit, then the biggest gain from this doomsday cruise trip should be the young man with the power of death in front of him.

"It's no wonder that so many people want to board the ghost ship, it turns out that this kind of miracle can really happen..." Song Jian was shocked and said in his heart.


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