I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1413: suppress

A faint smile appeared at the corner of Song Jian's mouth. Although this elf's strength has reached the legendary realm, and the speed of the magic arrow shot is also very fast, it is still difficult to hurt him when he is prepared. .

Behind him, the entire sky wing lightly flapped, and Song Jian's figure suddenly retreated more than ten meters away. However, what people did not expect was that the wooden arrow seemed to have locked him, turned in midair, and continued to face. He flew over.

Song Jian frowned slightly. The powerhouse of the Legendary Realm can already target the target with spirit or perception. Under normal circumstances, he rarely misses. Song Jian has encountered many times before. Such an attack is really difficult to avoid. In most cases, you can only use your body to resist.

With a cold snort, Song Fitness Ying shook slightly. In an instant, two identical Song Jian appeared in the air, Jian Ying avatar!

This is Song Jian's ability to break the mental lock, which can be unlocked in an instant.

Two Song Jian, one of them spread its wings and quickly rushed towards the elves on the treetops, while the other Song Jian, holding the Heaven-piercing Sword, flew towards the wooden arrow that flew over. Cut and chop over.


There was a loud noise, and the Heaven-Pending Sword and the wooden arrow that had been shot over hit each other fiercely, but it did not split the wooden arrow into two as expected. Instead, it was as if it had been slashed on stainless steel. Song Jian’s wrist came. There was a sting.

"This wooden arrow is so tough?" Song Jian was surprised. With a stunned effort, the wooden arrow burst open suddenly, and countless green auras instantly enveloped an area of ​​several meters, and Song Jian was naturally enveloped.

After a short while, the green mist gradually dissipated. Song Jian, who was originally standing in the air, was covered with plants of various shapes, some of which were even full of flowers within a few breaths.


Quietly, this Song Jian, who was covered with green plants, burst open in an instant and turned into a cloud of green mist. This is a sword shadow of Song Jian!

And the other true body had already rushed to the front of this elf, and the Heaven-Breaking Sword was shining with its sword light, slashing towards him.

Elf Ross snorted. Although he is an archer, it doesn't mean he can't fight melee at all. The right hand holding the longbow shook fiercely. With a sound of "crash", the whole longbow immediately changed its shape. On both sides of the longbow, sharp blades more than a foot long protruded, and the whole longbow changed. It became a sharp weapon like a half-moon scimitar, and it did not prevent him from continuing to shoot arrows!

This is a unique weapon of the elves. It is called Yuanyue Night Dance. It also has a set of melee martial arts, called Elf War Dance. The movements in battle are graceful, like a dance, but the power is not to be underestimated, and a little Cruel, the corpses of the enemies killed by the elven war dance are all torn apart, and it is often difficult to leave a whole body.


With a soft sound, the blade of the longbow held the Heavenly Breaking Sword, the wizard Luos twisted his body, and the blade at the other end pierced Song Jian's ribs from a strange angle.

Song Jian saw that there was a trace of pale green shining on the edge of this combat exploit, and there was also a hint of sweetness in the surroundings. He suddenly knew that this longbow should be smeared with poison.

"This is a bit different from the legendary elves!" Song Jian was surprised, his body turned, the blade almost swept past his armor, and the two immediately fought in the treetops.

Song Jian has also come into contact with many elves in the game. They have similar long-range attack capabilities as the elves in front of them, but none of them are willing to apply poison to their weapons, whether it is a personal short sword, dagger, or bow and arrow. on.

The elves consider their race to be the most elegant in the world. They disdain the use of poisons. Moreover, Song Jian has never seen them use bows for close combat. In close combat, the elves in the game world, Daggers or short swords are often used.


A dazzling spark emerged from Song Jian’s chest. After only a dozen rounds, Song Jian was actually suppressed by the opponent's elf in a close combat. You know, the opponent is an archer. And he is a swordsman, even if he has been transferred to a swordsman similar to a long-range professional, but he is suppressed by an archer in close combat and passed out, I am afraid that he will be despised.

Song Jian was surprised. The opponent's combat skills were extremely delicate, like dancing on a steel wire on a cliff of ten thousand feet. Every force and every movement exerted the greatest power, even in terms of personal attributes. Almost, even some attributes were slightly lower than Song Jian, but in the battle, relying on this set of combat skills, Song Jian could not fight back.


Song Jian received another fierce elbow on his chest, and his chest suddenly became stuffy, his throat was itchy, and he couldn't help spouting blood.

"What skill are you..." Song Jian asked in surprise.

"Huh, lowly human race, I don't deserve to know!" Elf Ross snorted coldly and twisted his body. A wooden arrow appeared on the bow and arrow. He was only less than two meters apart from Song Jian and even aimed at Song Jian's head. "Bang" shot an arrow!

"Fogweed!" Song Jian was caught off guard, and immediately entered the state of soul wandering. The wooden arrow passed through his body directly. Song Jian did not expect that in the opponent's close combat skills, there would be arrow shooting.

Song Fitness Ying retired, and a swordsman class was suppressed by an archer class and he dared not fight melee. I am afraid no one would believe it.

In an instant, the distance between Song Jian and the elf opened tens of meters away. When Song Jian was preparing to perform the Ten Thousand Sword Art, he saw that there was a dark cloud ahead. He pressed over.

"This, is this rain of arrows?" A look of horror appeared on Song Jian's face. From the moment he moved away to prepare to use the Ten Thousand Sword Art, it took less than three seconds for the opponent to shoot hundreds of arrows to form arrows. Rain, Song Jian can feel that the dense long arrows in front of him are definitely not phantoms, each one can cause a lot of damage to him!

"Damn it, is the ancient elves so difficult to deal with!" Song Jian cursed in a low voice, and immediately hid in the broken kingdom, and then returned after a few breaths.

At this time, the rain of arrows had all fallen behind him, and Song Jianxin looked back with lingering fears. He originally planned to use the Ten Thousand Sword Art, but he immediately changed his mind. With a thought, hundreds of spirit swords floated in the air. Entangled with each other, a group of golden light began to grow larger and larger, and at the same time, the chaotic sword energy in Song Jianyun’s gas merged into the golden light group. After a while, a lion roar came, the golden light group Turning into a lion, he shook the mane on his neck and rushed towards the opposite elf like lightning.



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