I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1410: Space-time gap

Look carefully, a huge octopus is rushing towards the ghost ship. The tentacles of this octopus, each of them are as thick as a building, and are about a hundred meters long. When ordinary ships encounter it, once they are caught Entanglement is definitely the end of ship destruction.

Seeing such a terrifying octopus under the sea, everyone's complexion changed drastically. Such a terrifying existence is not comparable to the previous skeleton soldiers.

"Go!" Captain Swan let out a low growl, ripples in the sky visible to the naked eye, rushed towards the huge octopus, and hit the hill-like body fiercely.

With a "bang", the movement of the octopus was stagnant, and it suddenly jumped out of the water. Several tentacles opened their teeth and danced claws and leaped towards the ghost ship.

For a moment, the dark clouds were overwhelming, and a large black shadow covered the entire ghost ship. Song Jian couldn't help but stepped back two steps, summoning the Heaven-Splitting Sword and preparing to fight.

At this moment, Swan took a step forward, and a ghost of death appeared behind him. Holding a machete, Swan slashed in the direction of the octopus, and it jumped a hundred feet high behind him. The Death Phantom, with its movements, also raised the Death Scythe high and waved it at the Octopus from top to bottom!

A dazzling white light flashed, and the octopus screamed sharply. The whole body was cut in half by the knife light, and it fell into the sea with a "bang".

Several of its tentacles were chopped into countless pieces, and they fell into the sea cracklingly. Several of them even hit the deck of the ghost ship, causing the whole ship to sway slightly.

"Dead, are you dead?" Someone asked in a low voice, in shock.

The size of the octopus is too huge, just like an ant standing in front of a mountain, giving people a sense of fear from the bottom of their hearts.

The previous sword of Death's sickle, perhaps because the realm is too different, no one thinks how powerful it is. Only Song Jian feels that this sword seems to have touched the realm above the legend.

Although the octopus was smashed into pieces with a single knife, no one is sure that this huge monster is really dead.

"Huh, Ostheros, the pet of the Thetis family, it is so easy to kill, and we are in the ocean, as long as there is an ocean, this guy will live forever!" Captain Swan snorted coldly. With a sound, he took the scimitar back, and continued: "It's just that he accidentally drove its prey last time. This guy will retaliate endlessly. Every time he goes on a doomsday cruise, he will appear, but you group People can be considered a blessing. Before embarking on a real doomsday cruise, you can feast on it. The body of Osselos contains a trace of divinity. Eating it will be of great benefit to you. !"

Then, Captain Swan said in a low voice: "Just treat it as the last meal before death..."

Sure enough, a group of skeleton crew members rushed up happily and carried these five-six-meter-long sturdy tentacles back into the cabin. After a while, a refreshing scent came out of the cabin. .

Just after smelling a few scents, Song Jian felt that his sword aura and spiritual value became active. It didn’t take long before Song Jian received several system prompts about his upper limit of sword aura and spiritual value. The upper limit was increased by two to three points each.

You know, this kind of opportunity to increase the upper limit is very rare. It will only increase after the corresponding attribute is upgraded. Now it can be increased only after a few sniffs. This makes Song Jian more looking forward to the deliciousness in the future.

Soon, a group of skeleton soldiers resisted several grilled octopus tentacles. Song Jian saw that these tentacles were almost the same as when they were carried into the cabin before, except that there was a trace of white heat on the surface, and they seemed to be cooked. Looks like.

"Hahaha, divide these among them, it's not worth coming to our ghost ship." Captain Swan laughed.

These octopus tentacles weighed over a thousand catties. Even if everyone had their stomachs open, they might not be able to finish it. Song Jian was divided into 50 catties. Seeing so much meat, Song Jian couldn't help but reveal a trace of meat. Surprised look.

"Charcoal grilled **** squid, could it be said that the big guy before was not an octopus, but a squid?" Song Jian secretly asked, smelling the scent, couldn't help taking a bite, his eyes brightened, and the charcoal grilled squid bit in his mouth. Q bombs are crispy, with a slight toughness between chewing, with a hint of salty aroma. The skeleton crew just roasted them without using any seasoning, but the taste is super delicious;

Song Jian didn't hesitate to feast on it, and in a short while, all fifty catties of charcoal grilled **** squids went into his stomach.

It wasn't until he had eaten that Song Jian suddenly woke up, patted his head, and secretly regretted: "Greek, this charcoal grilled squid only needs 300 grams to increase the upper limit of 200 points of spiritual value and 500 points of sword aura. At the same time, it can increase the recovery speed by 10%, and eating more will have no effect. Such a **** is invaluable, how can I eat it all!"

Song Jian looked up at the others, and found that both the player and the NPC were holding the charcoal-grilled squid and swallowing with big mouthfuls. His face was full of intoxication, as if he was completely immersed in the food. The intention to stay!

Song Jian's heart sank: "It seems that it is not my problem, but the charcoal grilled **** squid problem. It is impossible to stay..."

Up to now, the inspection is still scented, with an unfinished look.

"Hey, where are we?" Song Jian suddenly discovered that the ghost ship was no longer sailing on the sea, surrounded by white mist and thick clouds, and they actually flew into the air.

At the moment when Song Jian showed a look of surprise on his face, the whole ghost ship suddenly tilted upwards, like an arrow from the string, rushing towards the sky, fast as lightning, and in a blink of an eye, it broke through the layers of white clouds. , Into the sky.

"We are..." Song Jian cried out in surprise.

However, Captain Swan and the skeleton crew did not pay attention to their passengers, but carefully controlled the ship. Song Jian could feel a trace of nervousness from them.

Soon, after everyone had eaten the charcoal grilled squid, their attention was focused on the outside of the ship. At this time, the surface of the ghost ship was covered by a light milky white light curtain, blocking all the wind in the sky. Out.

"Prepare to enter the gap of time and space, the real doomsday cruise journey is about to start!" Captain Swan shouted, and as soon as his voice fell, the entire ghost ship began to vibrate violently, and the hull also squeaked and was overwhelmed. sound.

Just when Song Jian was worried that the ghost ship would disintegrate in the next moment, UU reading www.uukanshu.com was suddenly in a state of weightlessness, with all five senses lost and his thinking stagnant, just like a small worm frozen in amber.

Maybe after a moment, maybe after a long time, the concept of time seems to have disappeared. Song Jian suddenly regained his self-awareness, but the previous feeling remained in his heart like a knife!

"We are..." Song Jian looked around in horror, only to find that the ghost ship seemed to have reached a weird space. It was dark all around, and colorful rainbow lights flashed away, and there were countless numbers in the distance. The star-like points of light shine continuously.

"Welcome everyone, come to the cracks of time and space, I hope you can have a happy doomsday cruise!" The dark red flame in Captain Swan's eyes was burning, almost overflowing, and he looked very excited.

"Time and space, here is time and space..." Song Jian suddenly became a little worried.



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