I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1352: Chase

Within Song Jian’s perception, the words "opposite camp" stood on top of this huge eagle's head. This mark can only be seen by examiners of the opposing camp. Companions or others in this evaluation world People cannot see.

Seeing that the two engines of the plane were already emitting heavy smoke, and the plane fell out of control towards the ground, the eagle in the air seemed unsatisfied. As the two wings flapped, the power of thunder began to lie on the wings. Permeated.

With a clear neigh, full of plasma-like wings, it struggling to swing towards the falling plane.


A deep thunder sound blew in the air, and two thick lightning bolts struck the falling plane.

There was a loud bang, and the plane trembled fiercely, and rolled and fell towards the ground. At this time, even if Song Jian, who was originally standing very stable, had to hold on to his seat and fasten the safety belt to ensure that he would no longer be flying. Roll inside.

The original fragile case, after receiving this blow, seemed to be severely torn apart from the outside by a pair of big hands. The air pressure in the cabin suddenly became imbalanced, and it quickly lowered, and some scattered things "swoosh". It was sucked out from the crack, and it was thrown into the air like a goddess scattered flowers.

"Crunch, crunch~" A sour sound rang in everyone's ears. The cracks originally bombarded by the power of the inner thunder became bigger and bigger. After that, the whole plane was torn into two pieces and rolled over. Fell towards the ground.

If there is a one in ten thousand chance that the aircraft with its engine destroyed will make an emergency landing, then now, for the pilot and flight attendants on this aircraft, it is absolutely dead and dead.

However, the entire plane split, which is a good thing for other Tier 2 peak examiners. They broke free from the restraint of the plane. Although these examiners were falling fast, none of them showed fear on their faces. The look, instead, calmly began to use their own means and skills to let themselves land safely, and a few even rode flying mounts towards the huge Thunder Eagle in the air.

Song Jian stepped on the Flying Sword, and he also focused on the Inhuman Race that had transformed into Thunder Eagle's opposing camp. Originally, they all thought that the Inhuman Race would be a rival company and compete with them for the meteorite fragment. Unexpectedly, the opponent would choose directly. The monsters mutated due to meteorite fragments.

However, this is not a bad thing for examiners in the human camp. You must know that hunting monsters that mutate due to the radiation of meteorite fragments will result in mutated body tissues and organs. These mutated body tissues and organs can improve combat. It’s like a battle, double the gain, and it seems that the opponent’s opponent will become different. Beast Thunder Eagle’s opposing camp examiner should have received the news and came to ambush them, wanting to drive them all out of the evaluation world with one person, so as to improve the evaluation of the evaluation, so it is very likely that he is alone. , And there are no teammates or reinforcements. In this way, in the eyes of some human camp examiners, the opponent is a gift package sent to the door by Chi Guoguo, and it is the kind of double experience.

Seeing five or six examiners from the human camp rushed towards him, the expression of the alien race who had chosen the mutant Thunder Eagle changed. With a cold snort, his wings spread out and fled into the distance.

This alien race originally had the blood of a vulture. After entering the assessment world, he was lucky. After hunting down a low-level mutant beast, he exploded a mutant Thunderhawk inner alchemy. This inner alchemy also It belongs to the body tissues and organs, which can be carried on the body. After the camp wins, it can improve the pass evaluation.

But he wanted to refining this alien beast inner alchemy in a whimsical way. He didn't expect it to be successfully refined, and after the refining was successful, he actually had one more opportunity to choose the camp, and he could choose the alien beast camp.

He who mutated into Thunder Eagle can no longer be accepted by the Human and Inhuman camps at this time. He can only choose the alien beast camp. Now he is the examiner of the hunting human camp or the examiner of the alien camp. , Can improve the pass evaluation, which is equivalent to becoming a third-party camp.

At the same time, his main mission has also changed, from capturing meteorite fragments to guarding meteorite fragments.

At this time, his location was very close to the landing site of the meteorite fragments. After seeing the planes full of human camp examiners in the sky, he hid in the clouds and wanted to sneak into the evaluation of the human camp. By.

I originally thought that at least half of the human camp examiners could be killed this time. Unexpectedly, the opponents were all fully prepared. Even those examiners who did not have flying mounts and flying capabilities had equipment and props to prevent falling from high altitude. , This made his sneak attack come back without success, and it also aroused the coveting of several human camp examiners with flying ability.

Stealing chickens and failing to eclipse turned rice into a true portrayal of this alien examiner. At this time, there were seven human camp examiners chasing him behind him, as if he would not give up without killing him.

Here, I can’t help mentioning the examiner of the human camp. If this sneak attack is placed on the examiner of the Inhuman camp, it may really make him succeed. There is a problem with the high-altitude flying props. If there is no corresponding means , Will definitely fall to death, but most of the examiners in the human camp have failed more than four or five times. It can be said that the failure experience is quite rich. After some summarization, they have prepared many emergency props.

In addition to dealing with the road falling from high altitude, most of the examiners in this group of humans, except Song Jian’s accident, are equipped with props to cope with emergencies in deep-sea diving, props to cope with sudden falling volcanic lava, and were surrounded by a large number of enemies and escaped Props, anyway, as long as they think of emergency situations, most of them have the means to cope.

On the contrary, most of the Inhuman races experienced Tier 3 combat power assessment for the first time. In addition to being crushed by the advantage of numbers, the response measures to deal with emergencies were far less than the human camp.

"Damn it, I encountered this group of maggots in the human camp..." Patsha gritted his teeth and muttered to herself.

The alien race that originally had the blood of vultures, after refining the inner alchemy of the alien beast Thunder Eagle, Patsha became a mutant Thunder Eagle. UU Reading www.uukahnshu.com and joined the third party camp. in.

It’s just that this kind of camp change is a one-time change, and it can’t be reversed, and the change of the main mission has also made him become an opposing camp with the human camp and the alien camp at the same time. If nothing happens, regardless of the two camps. People, which side wins, Patsha’s assessment of combat power will end in failure, and he can only win if all the people from these two camps are kicked out of the assessment world!

This has more than doubled the difficulty of his combat power assessment and clearance, but if he can really pass the clearance, the rewards he will receive are extremely rich!

Taking a look at the human camp examiner who was chasing after him, Patsha flashed a fierceness in his eyes, and said in his heart: "Do you really think I am just a person without reinforcements? Then follow me well and let I will take you to experience what true despair is!"


PS: Thank you "Book Friends 20200131225723270" for rewarding 100 starting coins~


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