I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1349: main mission

In the darkness, Song Jian saw lines of white fonts flowing past his eyes. This was introducing the background and content of the assessment world, which could be seen by all assessors. Although Song Jian had obtained a lot of information in advance , But it doesn’t hurt to read more, so I’ll look at it carefully every word.

[Tier 3 combat power assessment world is being generated...]

[Start to match data...]

[The assessment world has been completed]

[Start to simulate the breath of the examiner and assimilate it into the world of examination...]

[Start entering the world! 】


World background introduction:

The meteor fell and shattered in the sky;

The fragments of death and hope of the carrier are scattered on the blue planet;

The peaceful life is still going on, I don’t know when it will be broken by terror;






The change is going on quietly, and the whole world has become completely unrecognizable;

This is a paradise and hunting ground for the strong, but a **** for the weak;

The flower of horror blooms in an instant, but it will wither in a very short time...


If he had not obtained the background information of this world in advance, Song Jian would definitely feel confused when he saw the introduction in front of him.

This information stayed in front of all examiners for less than ten seconds before slowly dissipating, and everyone also discovered that their five senses were quickly recovering.

As if waking up from his sleep, Song Jian saw that he was in the living room of a high-end villa. It seemed that a party had just ended. Beer bottles and pizza wrappers were scattered everywhere, and there was a mess around him. The examiners who had chosen the human camp together lay on the floor of the living room and fell asleep, as if they were exhausted and fell asleep after venting all night's energy.

But soon, these people woke up one by one. After opening their eyes, they first checked their equipment and then observed their surroundings.

"How come, why are there no alien races in the human camp this time?" Suddenly, a small young man suddenly yelled with a panic expression on his face.

"Inhumane?" Song Jian frowned slightly, turned his head and looked at Tyre. Among so many people, Song Jian is only slightly familiar with Tyre.

"There are indeed no alien races!" After looking around, Tyre frowned slightly. Seeing Song Jian looking towards him, Tyre showed a wry smile on his face and explained, "Generally speaking, the human camp is the underdog. Because the assessment requires a balance of strength, some alien races are forced to choose the human camp every time, but I don’t know why, this time..."

"Not only is there no Inhumans, but we have to enter this assessment world three days later than Inhumans..." After checking carefully, Doya's face became more difficult to look at.

"What, we only have fourteen people, and the other party has thirty-six. They are obviously at a disadvantage, why would they enter this world three days later than them?" Almost everyone exclaimed.

Most of these assessors who chose the human camp have participated in the third-tier combat power assessment more than once, so they know some basic rules well. Seeing that they are clearly inferior here, they enter three days later than the alien camp. An inexplicable look appeared on every face.

"There is only one possibility, that is, the system judges that the comprehensive strength of our 14 people is stronger than the 36 members of the other alien camp. In order to balance our strength, let us enter the assessment world three days late!" The middle-aged man stared at his surrounding companions and said word by word.

"This is the only good news I have heard since I participated in the assessment, haha!" A dark-skinned young man next to him shrugged his shoulders and smiled. Seeing that everyone else was pale and did not respond to him, young man Rubbing his nose awkwardly, he fell silent.

"Let's take a look at the main mission first. Let's look for it together. You should be able to find clues around!" Tyr gave Song Jian a thoughtful look, clapped his hands, and said after attracting everyone's attention.

Because most of the people who participated in the assessment had experienced many Tier 3 combat strength assessments, and they were very familiar with each other. After hearing Tyre's words, no one raised any questions and began to search separately.

At this moment, a telephone ringing suddenly rang in the living room, which shocked everyone.

Jingle bell, Jingle bell~

Everyone’s gaze hit a small coffee table next to the sofa, where a black old-fashioned telephone was placed, which constantly needed a long telephone line to connect, and when it was used, it was also on a digital disc. A fluctuating phone number will work.

Everyone looked at each other, and no one wanted to come forward to answer the call. Tyre took a deep breath, took off the triangular shield that had been hanging behind him, and walked carefully toward the black phone.

Just as he approached the coffee table and was about to pick up the phone, the phone ring suddenly stopped, making a harsh "tick" sound, and then as if the speaker was connected, a hoarse voice came from the phone.

"Gentlemen and ladies, I hope I didn't disturb your dreams. You must have had a great party at the party last night! The phone rang for thirty seconds, and no one answered!"

"Gentlemen and ladies, I have a very bad news to inform you that your vacation is now over. According to satellite monitoring, a meteorite fragment with a diameter of more than 30 centimeters fell in the west. In a desert, your task is to bring this meteorite fragment back to the company!"

"Finally, I would like to give you a piece of advice. It is not only our company that has monitored this meteorite fragment. There are other powerful competitors who are also rushing to the area. What they are best at is to use bullets and knives to fight. Talk to you, be careful! In addition, you'd better be at the Eagle Airport before ten o'clock. Those who are late will lose this opportunity to explore!"


The voice on the phone stopped abruptly, and everyone received several system prompts, which showed the main task of the assessment world. Only when the main task is completed can the assessment pass!

System: You have entered the assessment world, please adapt to the identity of this world as soon as possible;

System: You have automatically obtained the main task of the assessment world. If you complete the main task, you will pass the third-tier combat power assessment. The main task fails and the assessment fails!

Main task: boarding

Task introduction: Please arrive at the airport within the specified time and board the plane heading to the western desert area; after the task is completed, the follow-up task will appear!

Task reminder: The Handack company you are affiliated with, UU reading www. Uukanshu.com monitored a meteorite fragment that fell into the western desert area. You need to find this fragment or find all valuable information;

Task reminder: The meteorite fragments may contain special energy, which can cause the mutation of the surrounding animals and plants. Be careful of these variants, they are often stronger than you think;

Task reminder: Killing these mutants caused by meteorite fragments can get some precious body tissues and organs from them, which can greatly improve your assessment and pass evaluation;

Mission failed: Tier 3 combat power assessment failed! It is not allowed to reapply for the third-tier combat power assessment within three months;


PS: Thank you for the 500 starting coins rewarded by "Qian Stealing Tower"~

First set a small goal, such as 1 second remember: Shukeju


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