I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1343: tree of Life

This time, Song Jian branded his own breath very successfully, almost no less than branding in the game. After all, in the game, this kind of operation is a basic operation, and any player can easily complete it with the help of the game system.

Of course, for this method of branding, the object must be an object without autonomous consciousness, otherwise, the only way to establish contact is through the contract scroll purchased in the game, and the cost will be greatly increased.

Although this seed of life obtained from the Abyssal Demon Vine is still vigorous, it is about to be successfully planted by the Abyss Demon Vine after all, which is equivalent to severe damage. Compared with the seed of life obtained from the three-headed demon, naturally There are big shortcomings, and if you want to cultivate, the resources consumed need to be doubled.

After Song Jian branded his breath, he suddenly felt that this seed of life was another sword shadow clone of himself. At the same time, he felt an extremely weak emotion from this seed of life. As time passed, The vitality of this seed is also constantly passing by. If you ignore it as before, it may not be long before this seed will die completely.

This kind of feeling was not felt by the unbranded breath before. Thinking of this, Song Jian immediately threw the seed of life in his hand toward the sea.

As soon as the seed left Song Jian's palm, the purple cloud in the sky that had not changed at all, suddenly the wind rose and formed a huge vortex, rushing towards the seed of life, enveloping it.

From Song Jian's perspective, it was as if the purple air mass quickly condensed and compressed, forming a lavender translucent mask-like shell, enveloping the seeds.

As the seed sank to the bottom of the sea, Song Jian could only faintly feel its existence through the branding aura, and he could feel that this seed aroused the ideas of many marine creatures. Although the sea level did not change at all, In the depths of the ocean below tens of meters, countless fish are swimming towards this seed. At the same time, Song Jian also feels that some large cetaceans and sharks in the distance are swimming towards this side. Attracted by this seed of life.

At this time, the Seed of Life has sunk into the depths of more than one hundred meters of the ocean. A huge sea turtle over ten meters in size has approached the Seed of Life that emits lavender light. Such a huge sea turtle is very Rarely will appear in the human world, and only in the vast ocean will such creatures be born.

This turtle didn't know how long it had been alive, but there was a wise look in its two eyes. It slid its limbs quickly, and bit this seed of life in its mouth.


There was a crisp cracking sound, and a few wisps of blood flowed out of the turtle’s mouth. Originally, I wanted to crush the seed. As a result, the lavender light curtain shell of this seed was harder than the turtle expected. Its teeth crumbled.

At the same time, the lavender shell outside the Seed of Life released a strong current-like attack, causing the turtle to suffer serious damage while its teeth were broken.

The seeds continued to fall towards the bottom of the sea. The encounter of the sea turtle was seen by the surrounding fishes, but they did not flinch at all and still rushed towards the seed.

In a short while, because of this seed of life, a bloodbath was set off on the bottom of the sea. Countless marine creatures that did not know how long had lived died in this way, but the fight appeared more than 100 meters away. In the ocean below, no waves were caused on the sea level.

At this time, the seed of life was beyond Song Jian's range of perception, and he could barely perceive the position of the seed of life with the branded breath on the seed of life.

Soon, the seed of life fell to the bottom of the sea, and the lavender light curtain shell immediately changed when it touched the bottom of the sea. It turned into a lower tip and upper round, like an awl-like existence, constantly moving towards the seabed. Drilling away, the Seed of Life is gradually buried along with its drilling.

Song Jian floated in mid-air, looking at the direction where the Seed of Life fell, waiting for changes, but after waiting for more than half an hour, there was no change in the ocean.

Just when Song Jian was confused, a current noise similar to bad signal contact suddenly came from his ear.

"Bah la la ~ 呲 呲~ 呲 呲 呲~"

In front of Song Jian, a semi-transparent screen suddenly appeared. At this moment, the screen was full of snowflakes, and at the same time some distorted lines flashed.

"This, this is the game system..." Song Jian was stunned. Suddenly there was a feeling that he was still playing and entering the real world before was an illusion.

"This, how is this possible, how is this possible, how can there be a game system in the real world?" Song Jian's mind was blank, and the whole person was stunned.

At this moment, there was a roar of "rumbling" in the ocean. The sea level, which was originally undisturbed, suddenly surging up, as if something was growing up rapidly, and at the same time, the sea was constantly surging. Squeeze upwards and push.

In a short while, a thick tree with a diameter of more than 30 meters broke through the sea level and grew straight up, and the growth rate was getting faster and faster, almost at a speed of 34 meters per second. After a while, with Song Jian's eyesight, he could no longer see the position of the tree crown.

As the tree gets taller and taller, its diameter is also undergoing amazing changes. From the original diameter of about 30 meters, it becomes stronger and stronger, and finally reached a diameter of about 100 meters. Song Jian is in front of it, small It's like a little dust.

"Is this... the tree of life?" Song Jian's expression was full of amazement. If it weren't for the familiar smell of burning on the tree, Song Jian would really not believe that in the real world, he would actually have a life. The tree was planted. UU reading www. uukanshu.com

Song Jian couldn't help but approached, and slowly reached out to touch the trunk of the tree of life, but he was a little surprised as a result;

"Why, why can't it be touched, it's like a phantom?" Song Jian frowned slightly and couldn't help pressing it again. As a result, his palm penetrated directly, but he didn't feel any force.

"It's really just a phantom..." A look of loss appeared on Song Jian's face.

I don’t know how long it took. As expected, the huge tree standing upright in front of me was like an illusory one. It slowly disappeared, as if it had never appeared before. Only the branded aura told Song Jian that the tree of life did not disappear, it was there. The location where I dropped the seed before.

At this moment, a series of system prompts suddenly appeared in front of Song Jian, just like the ones in the game. Staring at the system prompts that flowed down like a waterfall, Song Jian finally showed a look of ecstasy on his face.



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