I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1341: Swallow

Song Jian raised the Heaven-Breaking Sword and aimed it at the passenger plane. With his current strength, he only needs to swipe the entire passenger plane in half with a sharp sword energy. Everyone in the passenger plane will be spared. This is The easiest and fastest way to prevent the three-headed demon from recovering.

However, Song Jian hesitated for five seconds after lifting his sword, and finally sighed, and put down the Heaven-Puzzling Sword.

"More than a hundred lives..." Song Jian muttered to himself.

In the game world, Song Jian can be unscrupulous, even if he attacks the humans in the game, it doesn’t matter. In his opinion, the humans in the game world are just some NPCs and some data. But, now in the real world, that’s OK. More than a hundred lives!

"It can only be so!" Thinking of this, Song Jian turned around and stared at the struggling three-headed demon. At this time, only one-third of its soul overlapped with its body, and most of the soul was already Was drawn out by Soul Eater aura.

However, it was this one third that seemed to freeze with the body and couldn't pull it out. This made the three-headed demons more crazily tempted the pilot on the airliner and flew toward it.

"Go to hell!" Song Jian raised the Potian Sword and slashed at the three demons.

A trace of chaotic sword energy emerged from the dantian. After staying in the dantian for a while, he followed the meridians towards the Heaven-Breaking Sword in Song Jian's hand. Song Jian only felt that there was a stream of magma flowing in the meridian. The scorching pain instantly spread throughout the body.

This feeling was as if Song Jian's body was too fragile, and he couldn't bear the chaotic sword energy running in his body.

"Open heaven!"

Song Jian showed a hideous look on his face, holding back the pain, and swung the style he had learned from the Chaos Sword Classic.

A sharp sword aura like a battle axe condensed in the air, making a low howling sound, slashing towards the three demons.

The three demons stiffened, as if they were being stared at by a natural enemy. You can see that in the eyes of the head of the goat and the head of the evil dragon, a look of horror appeared at the same time, and there seemed to be some bad memories in the mind. Slowly emerged.

"Chaos..." The evil dragon's head let out a roar, desperately pulling its head to one side, as if trying to escape from this body.

The goat head and the skull head uttered a scream of horror at the same time, an unbelievable appearance, and even gave up on resisting the soul-eating aura. This also caused the originally solidified soul to be pulled out of seven out of ten in an instant. Eight, there is only one arm and leg, which still overlaps with the body, and most of the remaining soul has been pulled out.

The sword-powered sky-opening axe filled with a sense of desolation and bleakness, as if being held by a giant, slashing towards the chaos, this kind of power, absolutely only gods and demons can resist, mortals, before this blow, fundamentally There is no resistance or fight back.

It's a pity that Song Jian didn't fully grasp the Chaos Sword Classic, and he only comprehended the power of Chaos. This axe cleaved down, but it was just in its shape, and it did not show the essence of the sky-opening axe at all!

However, it was this single blow that could not even be regarded as a fur, but the three-headed demons directly gave up the resistance, and withstood the blow with their bodies.


The hard body that can be compared with the epic grade material was directly split in half by the blow, and even the skull head in the middle was split apart, the whole body split from the top, extending to the abdomen, and the goat head on the left. The head of the giant dragon on the right side is teetering and is supported by half of the body.

"You are not..." An angry look appeared on the goat's head.

At this moment, the chain formed by the condensing of seven soul-devouring auras violently pulled the souls of the three demons out of their bodies.

"Do not!"

An angry roar faintly came from the air, heartbroken!

The seven soul eater auras are like sharp blades, dividing the entire soul of the three demons into seven, each layer pulling one seventh of the soul back into the tower.

From the first floor to the seventh floor, the Sword Qi Stone Pagoda shined brightly, and began to swallow and digest the souls of the three demons. For the Sword Qi Stone Pagoda, this soul is also a supreme tonic!

Looking at the Sword Qi Stone Pagoda slowly disappearing in the air, a smile appeared at the corner of Song Jian’s mouth. You must know that since the Ten Thousand Sword Art has reached level twelve, it is difficult to upgrade again. The resources are too large, even Song Jian can't bear it.

However, the Sword Qi Stone Tower can swallow the souls of powerful monsters and increase the proficiency of the Ten Thousand Sword Art. This allows Song Jian to increase the pressure on the Ten Thousand Sword Art, which reduces a lot.

However, there are too few BOSSs that can sustain the Ten Thousand Sword Art to evolve into the Sword Qi Stone Tower, and it happens that the Sword Qi Stone Tower can suppress it. Wandering around, can't rise up!

Now the Sword Qi Stone Tower has finally swallowed enough souls, and this soul is so powerful that all seven-story stone towers must be used. It is conceivable that once the Sword Qi Stone Tower has been swallowed and digested, the Wan Jian Jue can be upgraded by at least one level. Maybe he could be promoted several levels in a row, Song Jian was full of expectations.

In the cabin of the passenger plane in the distance, the two pilots seemed to wake up from a dream, shaking their heads severely, and there was a brief gap in their memories.

"Air China T678, Air China T678, you have deviated from the course, you have deviated from the course, please return to the correct course as soon as possible..." There was a rapid sound from the communicator.

"Me, what's the matter with me?" The pilot looked at the dashboard and was surprised to find that he didn't know when he stopped autopilot and returned to manual driving. You should know that, under normal circumstances, when the plane is up After reaching this height, it will switch to automatic driving mode.

The pilot hurriedly got up, and after some operations, the plane returned to the scheduled route, and after a random explanation with the tower, he felt exhausted.

"What's the matter? It's like having no rest all day and night, so tired~" The driver couldn't help yawning.

"Brother Wang, what happened just now, I can't remember anything!" In the passenger seat, a young man asked with a haggard face and bloodshot eyes.

The driver turned his head and glanced at him, his eyes also full of confusion. UU Reading www.uukanshu. com

The passengers on the entire plane looked exhausted, and there was a short gap in their memories, which turned this flight into a supernatural event that was spread. What they didn’t know was that they had been with death. Only one step away.

At this time, Song Jian had already landed on the sea with the corpses of three demon heads. This was a real demon corpse. If not handled properly, it might cause huge pollution.

Just when Song Jian was worried about such a corpse that was not weaker than epic materials, he suddenly discovered that the whole body of the three-headed devil had begun to automatically disintegrate. After a while, the devil’s body disappeared and replaced it. It was a treasure chest one meter square, which appeared in front of Song Jian.

"This, this is a treasure chest?" Song Jian was dumbfounded, rubbed his eyes vigorously, and couldn't help but exclaimed: "This is the real world, how come there are treasure chests, am I hallucinating..."

First set a small goal, such as 1 second remember: Shukeju


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