I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1333: End

Hearing Nova’s words, Song Jian's heart moved, and his gaze looked towards the only building in God’s country. At this moment, the Holy Spirit Temple was shining and radiating light. On the square in front of the Holy Spirit Temple, a hundred soldiers of the Holy Spirit were neatly arranged. The phalanx stands in place, like sculptures.

If Song Jian did not give orders to them, these Holy Spirit fighters could stand here until the sky was old. Their loyalty was beyond doubt. If the Abyss Demon Vine could be transformed like them, Song Jian would naturally not worry about anything.

Thinking of this, Song Jian threw the Abyss Demon Vine that was less than a foot long toward the Holy Spirit Hall, a flash of golden light wrapped the entire Abyss Demon Vine and dragged it into the Holy Spirit Hall.

Soon, Song Jian received the feedback from the Holy Spirit Temple to him.

System: Whether to consume 1 divine power to transform the abyss magic vine: yes/no

"Need to consume divine power?" Song Jian was a little surprised. For him who could not continuously generate divine power, every bit of divine power was extremely precious, and after the construction of the Holy Spirit Temple, he did not have much divine power to consume.

However, after a while, Song Jian still chose to confirm that if he could really transform the Abyss Demon Vine into the loyalty of a holy spirit soldier, a bit of divine power was still worth the effort.

After choosing "Yes", there was a desperate scream in the Holy Spirit Temple, but soon, the scream stopped abruptly, and then Song Jian received another system prompt.

System: Whether to maintain the original appearance of the modified species and inherit the original potential and abilities of the species? If you need to change, you need to continue to consume divine power, and you don't need to consume it to keep the original appearance! whether

After seeing this, Song Jian didn't hesitate at all, and directly chose yes to continue to maintain the original appearance of the modified species.

System: It takes thirty-six natural days to transform this species. The transformed species will eliminate its original attributes and become a species with the attributes of Holy Light! The initial qualification of this species is expected to be a dominance-level BOSS.

Domination level?

Song Jian's eyes lit up. You must know that the one hundred holy spirit fighters he relied on divine power to create are only equivalent to elite-level BOSS. Although they can also be promoted in battle, it is too difficult.

Unexpectedly, the initial aptitude of the Abyss Demon Vine is the dominance level, that is to say, it only needs to grow normally to reach the height of the dominance level boss, and as the level increases, it will continue to break through in the future, and it may be able to recover. To the pinnacle level of the legendary realm before!

"No, it is contaminated with the breath of the Seed of Life, and its potential is much higher than before. Maybe it can break through the legendary realm!" Song Jian secretly said in his heart.

Thinking of this, Song Jian's eyes fell on the seed of life that had been drilled a hole! How to use this seed of life has become a problem for Song Jian!

"Could it be said that you really want to make it into a potion to enhance talent?" Song Jian was a little bit sad.

"My lord, you can give me this seed of life, and I can make it into a potion!" Nova said impatiently.

This seed of life is very helpful to Nova's recovery. As for making potions, only a little shell of the seed of life is needed. Song Jian doesn't know how this potion is made anyway.

Song Jian glanced at Nova and was about to hand over the Seed of Life to her. At this moment, Song Jian suddenly received a system prompt.

System: Abyss players completely occupy a five-level main city! The Abyss Invasion plot is over and the game will be upgraded! After the upgrade, the far-reaching passages everywhere will be immortalized. The abyss race can freely enter the main plane of the game, and players on the main game plane can freely enter the abyss hell!

System: The five-level main city occupied by the abyss player will be named the city of the abyss, and it will automatically get the defense formation "Abyss Shield". Only creatures with the aura of the abyss can approach the city! The city can accommodate 100,000 players in the abyss!

System: There is a transfer station outside the city of the abyss. The station will regularly release camp switching tasks. Players who complete the task will automatically get the breath of the abyss and become players of the abyss race!

System: All players will quit the game within 30 seconds and the game will be updated. Players who have not quit the game after 30 seconds will not be held responsible for any damage to property and materials!

Thirty, twenty-nine, twenty-eight, twenty-seven,...

A series of system prompts made Song Jian a little dumbfounded. Originally, he thought that the abyss invasion plot would last at least a year. Unexpectedly, in just a few months, the abyss invasion plot would end, which made Song Jian a little beginning. Unexpectedly!

The most important thing is that a fifth-level city was captured by the abyss players. In Song Jian's eyes, it is almost impossible. You must know that the City of Hope is now only a second-level city, a fifth-level city. , Regardless of the number of people, or the defensive strength, they are dozens or even a hundred times that of the City of Hope. Such a city would be captured, which made Song Jian shudder!

At this moment, the countdown has entered the last ten seconds. Song Jian glanced at the option to quit the game. At this time, the option has become a selectable state. Without any hesitation, Song Jian chose to quit, and his figure slowly disappeared from the kingdom of God. not see!

Nova originally stared at Song Jian expectantly. Unexpectedly, the other party left without saying a word. Originally, she thought Song Jian had just left the kingdom of God and entered the game, but after waiting for a long time, Song Jian also Without coming back, Nova's face suddenly became difficult to look.

"Unexpectedly, she dared to ignore me so much. It's..." Nova said angrily in her heart, but soon her anger subsided. You know, Song Jian didn't know that she was a fallen god, just She was just a lucky tree spirit who was promoted.

"Damn it, just one step away!" Nova thought of the Seed of Life, her face turned ugly. The Seed of Life contains surging vitality, and she has lost almost ninety-nine percent of her remnants. As far as the soul is concerned, it is the biggest tonic. It can at least repair the foundation of her injury and give her further possibilities. Otherwise, with her aptitude as a tree spirit, wanting to return to the previous peak state is simply a dream!

"Next time, when UU read www.uukanshu.com next time when he comes back, you must take the Seed of Life in your hands!" Nova gritted her teeth and muttered to herself.


At this time, Song Jian's figure slowly emerged in the real world. When he saw the room full of dust, Song Jian shook his head and smiled bitterly. He looked at the electronic watch hanging on the wall. It was still running automatically. Song Jian surprisingly discovered , Game time and real time seem to be approaching slowly. The previous 8 to 1 now seems to be close to 4 to 1. In other words, the four hours in the game are equivalent to one hour in the real world. .

Song Jian didn't know whether this change was good or bad, but he felt a little uneasy in his heart.

At this moment, there was a sudden knock on the door in the room.

"Song Jian, Song Jian, open the door soon, something is going wrong!" Meng Tiantian's voice sounded outside the room, sounding very anxious.



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