I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1331: Seed of life

"Thinking that if I hide in the woods, I can't find you?" Song Jian muttered to himself and slowly floated over the woods. At this time, countless tree elves seemed to perceive Song Jian, and he immediately gave out a burst of joy. The speed of the call, circling the ancient tree, has also become much faster.

The tree spirits have very low wisdom, but this does not prevent them from knowing who is the real master of this world. Song Jian saved them and allowed them to live well. In the simple wisdom of the tree spirits, they are very grateful. Song Jian.

At this moment, Song Jian raised his right hand slightly. Soon, the ground deep in the ancient forest made a "rumble" sound, and a fist-sized dark brown oval object slowly floated from the soil. stand up.


A sharp neighing sound sounded, and a small green tail swayed rapidly behind the object. Song Jian narrowed his eyes. Only then did he realize that the green tail was a green rattan with a purple pattern on the surface.

"This is..." In Song Jian's mind, the status bar before the abyss magic vine suddenly appeared, in which there was a "seeding" state, and this state was still hidden. If it were not for the eyes of the gods, I am afraid Song Jian None of this state can be detected.

"Could it be that the'seeding' state of the Abyss Demon Vine is to parasitize the'seed' in front of you?" Song Jian guessed in his heart.

At this time, he was looking at the oval black-brown object and found that it really looked like a plant seed. The green cane behind it was burrowing desperately into it. It seemed that it had already penetrated most of its body, and only a small portion remained outside.

"Hehe, do you think I will let you succeed?" A disdainful smile appeared on Song Jian's face. He shook his right hand, and suddenly there was a mysterious power. He firmly grasped the green cane and pulled it out. I want to pull it out of the seed.


The screams made by the cane became more and more stern, as if a steel needle pierced Song Jian's ear, causing Song Jian to frown.

"Shut up!" Song Jian yelled.

The sound stopped abruptly. In this world, Song Jian was the only god, controlling everything in this space, including air, soil, and any creatures.

Song Jian thought that it would be easy for him to extract the last remnant of the Abyss Demon Vine from this strange seed, but he did not expect it to be more difficult than he thought.

It seems that there is a mysterious power that is constantly resisting the mighty power he possesses in this space. Although the emerald green cane is pulled straight and it is also coming out a little bit, the efficiency is too slow. As if it had become the only object in this world that was not controlled by Song Jian.

Song Jian frowned. Just as he was about to use greater strength to pull it out, suddenly a tree spirit fell from the tree that had been circling all the time, fell on the ground, and turned into a woman in white. , Reached out to stop Song Jiandao: "You can't pull it like this, you will destroy the seed of life!"

"Are you?" Song Jian was taken aback, turned to look at the white-clothed girl, looked at her for a while, and then turned to look at the other tree spirits. Between the other tree spirits and the white-clothed girl, his eyes shifted back and forth. , His face was full of puzzled expression.

Nova smiled in her heart. She had been waiting for an opportunity, an opportunity to appear in front of Song Jian with fairness. Now, she finally waited.

This time, she was betting that Song Jian didn't understand the creature like Dryad, or that Song Jian could not fully understand all the attributes of this creature like Dryad.

Seeing Song Jian's confused eyes, Nova knew that she was right!

"My lord, if you continue, this seed of life will be scrapped!" Nova made a respectful look, saluted Song Jian in mid-air, and said loudly, pretending to be a little scared.

"Are you... a tree spirit?" Song Jian squinted at Nova and looked at it carefully. In the center of his eyebrows, his eyes opened again.

Nova suddenly felt a trace of supernatural power appearing on her body, which made her heart horrified. You know, judging by her eyes, Song Jian, although lucky, obtained a fragment of her own kingdom of God, and gradually recovered Part of the functions of the Kingdom of God was lost, but Song Jian's own strength was not very strong.

But now, Nova actually felt the divine might from the other party, which made her feel flustered, and her body began to tremble slightly.

But soon, this trace of divine might disappeared from her. Song Jian had already closed his divine eyes at this time. You must know that he just damaged his eyes because of excessive use of the delusional divine eyes, and he has not recovered yet, so In a short period of time, he could no longer completely open the eyes of the broken delusion as before.

However, after opening a little bit, Song Jian had already checked all the attributes of the white-clothed girl in front of him. She was really a tree spirit evolved, which made Song Jian completely put down her guard.

"What's your name?" Song Jian asked.

"Nova!" Nova relaxed, with an imperceptible smile on the corners of her mouth, and said in her heart: "It seems that he was using the divine power to verify his identity before. Fortunately, I had taken a dryad before. , Otherwise, you have already exposed your feet!"

"Very well, Nova, congratulations on your promotion. Now, tell me, what is the seed of life, and why did you stop my previous actions?" Song Jian said in a deep voice.

Previously, he used the delusional eyes to frighten the green vine that was constantly drilling in. As for the specific attributes of this seed, he really didn't pay attention to it.

Originally thought it was something no big deal, but the last escape method of Abyss Demon Vine, now it seems that there may be unexpected gains!

"My lord, this seed is a sacred object, the seed of life, also called the seed of the ancestor!" Nova glanced at the oval dark brown seed in the sky, with a trace of envy in her eyes, such a divine object , Even if she is a god, UU reading www.uukanshu.com is a very desirable item.

"Sir, our entire universe, it is said that at the beginning, it was born on a tree of life. This tree of life not only gave birth to our universe, but also connected to other universes. The first gods were all in it. It is conceived in the body..." Nova said softly: "And this seed is the fruit of the tree of life. After falling from the tree of life, after absorbing all the nutrients of the fruit, it finally condenses into a one. seed!"

"What, the seed of the tree of life? You mean, if I cultivate it well, I can cultivate another tree of life?" Song Jian's eyes showed a surprised look. Since there is such a setting in the game, then There must be a tree of life. If you can really cultivate a tree of life of your own, what will it become? God of the gods?

For a while, Song Jian's thoughts flashed, and a look of ecstasy appeared on his face.


First set a small goal, such as 1 second remember: Shukeju


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