I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1329: Trophy

Originally wanted to rush up to fight the abyss demon vine, but now Song Jian subconsciously retreated, controlling the spirit sword, and evolving the sword formation to attack the abyss demon vine.

A bright red lotus slowly bloomed, enveloping the Abyss Demon Vine, a powerful suction gushing from the sword formation, the Abyss Demon Vine let out a sharp neigh, and the whole body flew into the air.

Soon, Song Jian saw a big pit appeared on the ground, with countless dense and densely populated tenggen roots pulled out ten times more than the number of canes on the ground.

The entire abyssal magic vine was bound in mid-air by the red lotus sword array of the karma fire. After being slashed by the spirit sword and burned by the red lotus karma fire, the original vitality value of tens of millions dropped rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye. Some edge positions of the cane and root system began to curl and become charred.

The abyss magic vine continued to struggle, but it was still unable to stop the karma red lotus from slowly closing. In an instant, the blood value dropped by the abyss magic vine suddenly accelerated, and in the blink of an eye, millions of points disappeared. Such resistance can't be possessed by a BOSS at the pinnacle of the legendary realm.

"Its injury can't be so serious!" Song Jian secretly said in his heart. According to his previous judgment, the abyss magic vine and the three strong men of the abyss are fighting, the most likely one is the abyss magic vine injured, and the three strong men of the abyss , At least one has to die, and the other two are seriously injured.

As a result, the three powerhouses of the abyss human beings were only injured, and the abyss magic vine received very serious injuries. It really made it start to abandon its lair and absorb the amethyst ore in a destructive way to heal its injuries. It was greatly weakened.

"No, even if the battle is seriously injured, it is impossible to be so weakened..." Song Jian's eyes flickered, a dark golden vertical mark on the center of his eyebrows, slowly opened a gap, shining colorful rays of broken delusion eyes, toward Looking at the besieged abyss magic vine.

At this time, all attributes of the Abyss Demon Vine were in full view by Song Jian, except for the "serious wounds" hanging in the status bar, all attributes were weakened by 60%, and the blood value was suppressed to one-third. In addition to a series of bad states, such as weakening the recovery speed of vitality and blood by 50%, a strange state appeared in the status bar of the Abyss Demon Vine.

"Send Seed (Hidden

"What does this mean?" Song Jian couldn't help but stare at this strange state, but no matter how he observed it, he couldn't find out the attribute introduction of this state. What's even more strange is that this state is for the abyss magic vine. Said that it belongs to a gain state.

After a series of bad states, a weird gain state was hung up. Song Jian had never encountered such a situation.

"Anyway, I will kill you first!" Song Jian secretly said in his heart.

At this time, the Karma Fire Red Lotus Sword Formation has also evolved into the stage of Karma Fire Red Lotus Sword. A sharp long sword with a length of more than ten meters was severely chopped down from the air, even directly enclosing the abyss in the sword formation. The magic vine split in half.

The main body of the magic vine, which was as strong as an ancient tree, slowly fell in two directions. All the vines and tenggens lost their control in an instant, fell to the ground and spread out flat.

System: You killed the King-level Boss Abyss Devil Vine (seriously wounded). The target was severely injured before it was killed by you. The spoils that fell after killing it will be affected!

After killing the Abyss Demon Vine, Song Jian's experience bar only increased by 3%, but with his current level, he could increase it by 3%, which was equivalent to an increase of tens of millions of combat experience.

Under the corpse of the Abyss Demon Vine, a treasure chest exuding dark gold, slowly bursting with light, which made Song Jian's face difficult to look.

"A BOSS at the pinnacle of the legendary realm, even if he was seriously injured and killed by me, he couldn't just drop a treasure chest of dark gold quality, right?" Song Jian couldn't help but mutter to himself. You know, Song Jian has already done it in his heart. He was mentally prepared to only harvest an epic treasure chest, but the reality gave him a severe blow.

If he had known that killing the Abyssal Demon Vine would only drop a treasure chest of dark gold quality, Song Jian would definitely not take such a big risk to enter the ground to hunt down a BOSS with the pinnacle strength of the legendary realm.

Unwillingly, Song Jian picked up the dark golden treasure chest and opened it at will. A bright dark golden light almost illuminated the entire underground cave.

Song Jian stretched out his hand and touched it into the treasure chest, and soon, he touched out a dark gold quality steel boots.

"Magic Vine boots, dark gold quality, as long as standing in place for more than five seconds, it will automatically draw the power of the earth, defense increased by 30%, and blood value recovery speed increased by 50%. This special effect is simply tailor-made for MT. Yeah!"

Looking at the boots in his hands, Song Jian finally showed a hint of joy on his face.

The equipment of the defensive warrior in the game is the most expensive. This pair of dark gold quality boots has an equipment level of 80 and an item level of 95. The additional attributes are also very attractive, especially the special effects of equipment, which will definitely make the defense. The soldiers snapped up.

"Although it is only a pair of dark gold quality boots, the auction price will never be lower than the epic equipment of the same level!" Song Jian secretly said in his heart.

A piece of top-quality dark gold equipment finally made up for Song Jian's unhappiness a bit, and then he continued to reach out and touch it into the treasure chest.

Soon, five or six items were found out of the treasure chest. Except for the first pair of boots, among the remaining items, another piece of dark gold quality equipment was found, which was a backpack with an enlarged parcel box. This backpack has a five-hundred parcel box. You know, Song Jian is the lord of a city. His four backpacks are only two hundred and sixty boxes at most. It is conceivable that this five-hundred box Backpacks will attract players.

If Song Jian hadn't broken the kingdom of God, he would definitely use this backpack by himself, but now, this rare backpack, www.uukanshu.com, has also been put in the queue for sale.

"It's not too bad!" Song Jian shook his head, sighed, and prepared to return to the pit to explore to see if there is any amethyst ore left behind, but he also knows that he wants to absorb the full height of the Abyss Demon Vine. The possibility of high-quality amethyst ore is very small, at most looking for some broken leftovers, but no matter how small a mosquito is, it is meat. After all, after the level exceeds 100, it becomes more and more difficult to upgrade.

Just when Song Jian was about to leave the underground cave, he always felt that he had missed something. Looking back and carefully, Song Jian suddenly saw a dark purple light shining from under the body of the abyss magic vine.

Song Jian's mind suddenly flashed, thinking that when he first entered the underground cave, there was a large pool of liquid amethyst in the Abyss Demon Vine. Such a treasure is not comparable to those "leftovers".

"How did I forget this!" Song Jian slapped his head, with a look of surprise on his face, and ran towards the body of the Abyss Demon Vine.



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