I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1316: Find


With a soft sound, the originally hard rock, like tofu, was inserted by the Heaven-Splitting Sword. Song Jian slammed it hard, and with a "pop", a fist-sized raw ore of funds was dug out.

It was so simple to excavate an amethyst mine, and if the humans in the abyss were to see it, their jaws would fall off.

You know, those goblin miners can dig up to two or three amethyst raw ore in one day. If they were as easy as Song Jian, this amethyst mine would have been dug clean by the abyss human race.

"Fortunately, the Potian Sword didn't disappoint me..." A smile appeared on Song Jian's mouth.

The fund ore in his hand exudes a faint purple light, Song Jian held it in his hand, a trace of warmth seeped from the amethyst ore.

Slightly closing his eyes, Song Jian quickly extracted the energy from the fund's original mine, and his combat experience improved.


This amethyst ore directly increased Song Jian's combat experience by 3.6%, which surprised him a bit.

"I thought that these low-energy raw mines would not provide much combat experience. I didn't expect that..." The smile on Song Jian's face became brighter. Looking around, there are at least two to three hundred amethysts in the mine. Although the quality of the mine is low, it is enough to raise him three or four levels.

"There must be a higher-quality amethyst ore inside. This time, I'm going to make a fortune..." Song Jian laughed.


Mine entrance

Abraham, the leader of the crazy wolf team, looked into the mine. The deep mine was emitting a faint purple light. All the goblin miners were sitting at the entrance of the mine, staring blankly around.

These goblin miners are not of high level, only more than forty levels. They are ragged and hold a simple miner's **** in their hands. What is surprising is that the front end of their miner's **** is actually polished by amethyst raw ore. to make.

However, the rock wall of the amethyst mine is very hard. With the strength of these goblin miners over forty levels, without a good miner's hoe, there is no way to dig out those amethyst raw ore.

"Kanta, do you say that the favored one will come to the amethyst mine?" Abraham stared at the depths of the amethyst mine and said to himself: "Those favored ones are very greedy, if you know there is a place here The amethyst mine will definitely pounce like an abyss hyena. If his own strength is not enough, he will gather more celestial beings..."

"Kanta, do you say that the golden royal family can really withstand them? It's like the turmoil that broke out last time..." Abraham seemed to think of something, and he trembled for a while, and didn't dare to continue.

"Abraham, don’t scare yourself. Didn’t you just say that there is only one Favored Person? The Venerable has passed. The strength of the Favored Person has indeed increased rapidly, but it is impossible to be an opponent of the Venerable. Maybe you will receive the news of returning to the castle soon..." Kantar Urn said in a huff.

Abraham sighed in his heart, shook his head slightly, and said in his heart: "The beloved are a group of locusts. They have a special transmission channel between them. As long as one person discovers this place, it will not be long before the gods appear here. There will be more and more favored ones, stronger and stronger..."

After waiting for a few more hours, there was no movement near the mine, and there was no message that the Crazy Waves squad returned to the castle. This cast a shadow over the hearts of the two captains. It seemed that the Lord did not find the god. Favored.

Kantar turned his head and glanced at the entrance of the mine, feeling a little anxious. You know, they are stationed here, and there will be mining tasks every month. This is a long time delay. Today's task may not be completed. .

"Start work, let the goblin miners go in and mine!" Kantar couldn't help but yelled: "Let these crawlers pay attention to them. If there is any abnormality, report it in time!"

The goblin miners began to walk noisily towards the depths of the mine. Several abyssal humans guarding the entrance of the mine saw the purple light emanating from the entrance of the mine. The look of greed disappeared from the bottom of their eyes.

The Abyssal Humans can also use amethyst ore for cultivation. Although it is not as fast as the blessed one can absorb it, a fist-sized amethyst ore, even if the quality is lower, can save them more than ten days of cultivation time.

Even the Abyss Human Race guards at the entrance of the mine, tightly absorbing some of the energy spilled from the mine, the speed is two or three times faster than usual, so such guarding work is in the eyes of the Abyss Human Race, but beautiful.

Abraham glanced at his team members. Some of them were already agitated and couldn't help but sighed in their hearts: "Kuru, Zohan, you are on guard, and the others are starting to practice!"

There was a hint of joy on the faces of the members of the crazy wolf squad. You must know that there are thousands of people in their tribe, and there are not many opportunities to guard the mine. This time it is a profit.

Just when everyone started to practice, a cry of exclamation suddenly came from the mine. The people who had just entered the cultivation state were suddenly shocked, and a few were even unsettled and suffered backlash, spouting blood.

"What's the matter?" Abraham stood up abruptly and looked towards the mine opening.

After a while, a goblin miner ran out of the mine, yelling at Kanta with a nervous expression on his face.

Kanta listened for a while, her face becoming hard to look.

"Someone sneaked into the mine and stole a lot of amethyst ore..." Kantar said.

"What, how is it possible, where did he get in from?" Abraham was taken aback for a moment, his expression unbelievable.

"Go, go in and take a look!" Kantar gritted his teeth. The fund mine was stolen. He is the guard who has the greatest responsibility. Once the Venerables in the town know about it, they will definitely punish their team.

Kantar and a few Tier 3 players quickly walked towards the mine. Abraham hesitated for a moment and followed with the two deputy captains. Although they just arrived, they are also guardians. If If the mine is stolen, then the crazy wolf team will also be affected. UU reading www. uukanshu.com

"Damn it, it's only been less than three hours..." Abraham was angry in his heart. He didn't get the benefit, but he was implicated and punished. It was really bad luck.

In a short while, under the leadership of the goblin miners, Kantar and Abraham came to a mine. Looking at the bumpy pit on the rock wall, Kantar looked gloomy and could drip water.

"Someone has sneaked in. These raw ore mines have just been dug out..." Kantar gritted his teeth, staring at a pit.

There is still a trace of the amethyst ore in the pit. If it was excavated a long time ago, the amethyst ore will not remain at all, and this pit belongs to an unmined area, and no goblin miners will come in to dig it.

"Let all the team members come in. Even if you turn the mine upside down, you must find this gopher beast for me..." Kantar's eyes were red and she shouted.



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