I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1041: Blood Baron

The withering force was exhibited, and the speed of the bear man was greatly reduced. At this time, Song Jian waved the Heavenly Sword with all his spare time and exerted the skill of Wan Jianjue.

For a moment, the entire space was covered with dense, red swords burning with dark red flames. The bearman felt the threat of death. The hair on his neck suddenly exploded, and he ran away with a roar.

However, at this time, its speed was greatly reduced. Whether it was attacking or escaping, it was back to the agility of the past. More than three hundred swords, such as sharks that smelled bloody, flew towards the bearman and kept chopping on it. On the body, a roar burst out.

The bear yelled angrily, two huge palms waved wildly in the air, constantly slamming the spirit sword around him, a burst of Mars splashed, I did not expect that it was originally a translucent spirit sword, and it was really destroyed by it With a few handles, it made Song Jian's face look surprised.

However, although several Spirit Swords were destroyed, the number of remaining Spirit Swords was too large to play any role at all. The blood value of the Bearman instantly dropped by nearly 500,000 points, and the dense number of damages from its head. It floated up, with different colors, almost connected.

This dominion-level BOSS originally required at least dozens of players above level 50 to cooperate with each other before it could be killed, but now Song Jian is playing with this BOSS in a good manner.

As soon as Wan Jianjue came out, no matter how powerful the boss was, there was no way to break the shackles of the Red Lotus Sword Formation, and he could only watch his blood value decrease rapidly in the Red Lotus industry fire.

The Brook Bear BOSS is no exception. In the Red Lotus Sword Formation of the industry, it can only painfully and helplessly scream and roar, but there is no way.

In the end, the Jianqi Stone Tower appeared and was suppressed directly towards the Bearman. After Song Jian chose to devour, a weak bearman soul was sucked into the Jianqi Stone Tower. A countdown of more than five hours appeared in Song Healthy eyes.

"Hoo ~" Song Jian was out of breath. I am afraid that the attack of this bear-man boss could rank among the top three bosses he encountered. Looking at the huge body, the action was not awkward and violent. The attack, if it is an ordinary shield soldier, I am afraid that even pulling the monster is unstable, it will be killed by the opponent.

"Unfortunately, although Jian Qi devouring can improve the proficiency of Wan Jianjue, but there is no way to burst the loot ..." This is the only place that makes Song Jian feel depressed. You must know that this fifty-level dominance class BOSS, you can drop epic items with a high probability.

When Song Jian sat down to restore his qi and blood value, he suddenly received a message inspired by Wang when the qi value of the sword. Several NPCs of the city of the gods appeared in the city of hope, hoping to build one here. Tower of the gods, as a price, the city of gods can ally with the city of hope. When the city of hope is attacked, the city of gods can use the tower of gods to help.

"I need to think about this, do they have anything else?" Song Jian asked in the communicator.

"After leaving the city's main house, they did not leave directly, but instead walked around the city, and chatted with many NPCs who settled here, as if there were any tasks ..." Wang Qi hesitated.

"Send someone to stare at them. I always feel that some of them are not good. In addition, contact the evil city and ask them what the tower of the gods is for?" Song Jian ordered.

Now he said that he knew too little information, and had never touched many things before. He had no idea what this so-called tower of the gods would do, and it was good or bad for the city of hope.

And as a messenger of a city, it should be treated with caution.

"The city of gods, but that is a large city thousands of kilometers away from the city of hope. How could their eyes fall on a newly established city like the city of hope?" Song Jian secretly said.

However, he will not make any decision until he receives the news about the Tower of the Gods from the Sin City. Although he is the owner of the city of hope, at this time the city of hope has accommodated more than 30,000 people. Players and NPCs around 100,000, any of his decisions will determine the lives of these people, you must be careful.

After recovering in the castle, Song Jian continued to explore the depths of the castle. Although there are few monsters in this castle, once they meet, it is the dominance BOSS, which makes Song Jian a headache.

The movement of Wan Jianjue is too great. The previous restaurant has been ruined. Song Jian is afraid that if Wan Jianjue is used a few times, the entire castle will be destroyed.

"The bronze coffin, I don't know what the monarch lying in the bronze coffin has to do with this fortress, how can it be buried in this place ..." Song Jian secretly said, "The most important thing is why this king There will be information about the sword fairy professional suit! "

All of this is like a fog, you must contact the bronze coffin Song Jian to find clues.

Just then, there was a strange noise in Song Jian's ear.

嘭, 嘭, 嘭 ...

It was like a sound from a beating heart. This sound made Song Jian a little irritable. Unconsciously, he found that his heart was beating, and it slowly began to coincide with the sound in his ear.


There was another violent beating. Song Jian suddenly felt a sharp pain from his heart. He couldn't help spitting blood, and his blood value suddenly dropped by more than 1,000 points.

Song Jian was shocked. At this time, he realized that he had been attacked, and some monsters had already spotted himself, but he was now in a corridor with hard rock walls on both sides, and he did not see any monsters. trace.

嘭, 嘭, 嘭 ~

The sound of the heart beating seemed to be getting faster and faster, which made Song Jian's heart beat involuntarily.

Look up!

Song Jian opened his eyes and opened his eyes. The pale golden light burst out from his eyes. The original dim environment suddenly became clear. At the same time, a huge black shadow was lying on the ceiling of the corridor where Song Jian was. A pair of greedy eyes stared at him.

"What a ghost!" Song Jian immediately became aware of it, clenched the sky sword and stared at the huge shadow.


The black shadow disintegrated directly, and UU reading www.uukanshu.com turned into countless slap-sized bats and flew towards Song Jian;

The bats landed on the ground, reuniting a humanoid, wearing a blood-red dress, thin and pale, and two fangs protruded from their lips.

"Blood?" Song Jian narrowed his eyes. This creature is the most difficult monster he has ever encountered. He has keen action, can fight and resist, and has amazing resilience and strong revenge. In the eyes of these monsters, Humans are their rations, their mobile blood banks, and they despise humans from the bottom of their hearts.

"This isn't the place where you can come, human!" The blood man across the face showed a cruel smile towards Song Jian, and his fingers stroked gently on his lips.

"Another mutant monster, Baron Derrera, rank position, dominance BOSS strength, blood value 1.3 million!" Song Jian's face was slightly dimmed, the monster in front of him was even better than the previous Bearman level It is higher than Song Jian. It is already more than ten levels higher than Song Jian. You ca n’t see the opponent ’s level. Although the blood value is slightly insufficient, Song Jian feels a more terrifying threat than Bear Man.


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