I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1009: victory

After obtaining the information he wanted, the leader of the dungeon assessor sneered and said, "Do you want to stay on the narrow terrain? If it was before, I was a bit worried, but now ..."

If the number of Titan giants in the elemental camp is similar to that of Beamon, then they are blocked at the mouth of the canyon, and the force cannot be fully deployed. It is also possible that he blocked the army of the dungeon camp. The beast is half less, and even with the life pile, the behemoth of the dungeon camp can punch the other camp open.

At the end of the canyon, watching the appraisers of the dungeon camp rush into the turbulent canyon, the leader of the appraisers of the element camp smiled, and everything seemed to be under control.

"Preparation of the stone element, blocking the entrance of the turbulent canyon!" The leader of the elemental camp cried out.

Soon, the appraisers of the dungeon camp that had rushed into the turbulent canyon suddenly felt the ground shake, and there was a sound of "banging" behind him.

Turning his head, a huge stone element, more than three meters tall, squeezed out of the cliffs on both sides and fell towards the end of the canyon.

As soon as they fell to the ground, these stone elements immediately collapsed the body and turned into boulder, blocking the end of the passage layer by layer.

The appraisers of the dungeon camp changed their faces, and the leader asked angrily, "Isn't it already under investigation, and there is no ambush, so what is going on with the stones now?"

"My lord, those stone elements are hidden in the cliffs on both sides, and my eagle owl can't find them from high altitude." Tola frowned, whispered.

Unless you have special detection skills, these stone elements that are almost integrated with the cliff cannot be found with the naked eye. Not to mention an eagle owl. Even if everyone passed by these stone elements just now, no abnormalities were found.

"Sir, the back road is broken. It seems that they want to wipe us all in this valley." A hero said loudly, "We should speed up now, otherwise there may be a bigger plot in the back. Wait for us. "

"Everyone rush me!" The appraisal leader of the dungeon camp felt faint in his heart, but now there is no way but to rush forward and go out;

However, just before they rushed to the army of the element camp blocking the end of the canyon, several huge stone elements fell on the cliffs on both sides, decomposed into huge stones, and blocked the entire canyon.

"I never put hope on the Titan Giant. The elemental camp ultimately depends on the elemental creatures to achieve the ultimate victory!" The appraisal leader of the elemental camp looked at the sealed turbulent canyon, and a face of victory appeared on his face. smile.

"All water element lords, all to the cliffs on both sides, began to cast the summon flood skill. All earth element lords continued to block the sides, flooding all the creatures in the canyon with the fossil mud skill, and later using the mud mud to stone skill, They killed them all! "The leader of the appraisal elements commanded.

With an order, all appraisers led their heroes and began to run towards the cliffs on both sides. After a short time, a flood of water slanted down from both sides of the cliff, and at the same time, only a huge stone element The appraisers began to display their talents, using flowers and stones as mud, turning the rocks on both sides into mud, mixed in the flood, and finally turning into a horrible mudslide, rushing towards the dungeons in the canyon.

Summoning the flood is a talent skill of the water element assessor, while fossils are mud and fossil mud is a stone, it is the talent skill of the stone element assessors. This is the advantage of the elemental camp. Every elemental creature has a talent skill. .

All the appraisers took the heroes they recruited and continued to display their talented magic skills, but the appraisers of the dungeon did not have any way. The cliffs on both sides were more than 20 meters high, and they were not able to climb up at all.

Even the Bemon monsters have no way to survive such an attack similar to a natural disaster. In the flood, they can only issue bursts of angry roar and be submerged by the raging mudslide.

The appraisers of the dungeon camp had no way, and when they felt that the victory was within reach, they were eliminated one by one.

When the appraisers of the last dungeon were eliminated, all appraisers of the faction camp received a system prompt.

System: You have won a brilliant victory, destroyed the entire dungeon camp, won the title of a war of extermination, and all the appraisers who participated in the war received a reward of five hundred points of merit!

"Win!" The appraisers of the elemental camp roared, venting the joy in their hearts.

"Tataya, this victory, according to your first achievement, if you did not make drawings of your Titan Giant, there would not be such a great victory!" Elemental leader of the appraisers said to Tataya beside him.

Although it was not the Titan Giant who defeated the dungeon in the end, without the Titan Giant, the Elemental faction would not even be eligible to play against the Dungeon faction.

Tattaya blushed and looked very excited.

"This is the leader's proper command. The titan giant is just the icing on the cake. In the end, haven't these people been defeated by the leader's strategy?" Tattaya said very well and said with a smile on his face.

"After leaving here, if you are interested, you can come to the Tutan family and use your elite second-order combat strength to obtain at least one guardian in the family." The leader of the element camp said to Tataia.

Defeated the dungeon camp, and the remaining human camp is no longer in fear. This time, the second-order combat power assessment, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com must be the ultimate victory of the elemental camp.

According to the merits of war, the Titan giants of Tataya made drawings that can be said to be extremely successful. At this assessment, at least A grade, even A + grade can be evaluated. Such a potential person, the leader of the assessor, naturally wants Win for the family.

"Thank you, Lord Tutan, sir. We are now in a rage and have directly destroyed the human camp, or are we going to take a break and create more Titan giants?" Tattaya asked.

"Don't worry, you have at least one day to make at least six more Titan giants, and don't forget, the dungeon camp, but there is also a recruitment site for Beamon Giants. Tomorrow, we can at least have more Recruit two Beamon giants, and then gather everyone's strength to drive out the assessor of the human camp directly! "Tutan exclaimed.

"Victory must belong to us!" One appraiser roared.

"Victory!" The appraisers of all the element camps shouted in unison, one by one, they couldn't help themselves.


PS: Thank you for "Miki Taka" for the 1000 starting coins.

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