I Have a Bunch of Players on Earth

Chapter 1371: : Manager Li Xue

  This is really

  In the vast emerald space, looking at a messy Ysera, returning to the emerald green, the dragon’s head is full of complex colors.

  The last generation of moon elf elders sensed that there was a catastrophe in the emerald space, and exhausted their last energy to cast the big prediction technique, predicted many things, knew that this was a catastrophe and an opportunity, and finally entrusted everything to it

  For this day, Ysera has been preparing for these years, envisioning countless possibilities, and even performing disaster rehearsals for no fewer than 10,000 times.

  But I didn’t expect it to be such a plot

  From the beginning to the end of the event, nothing happened

   Did nothing, but seemed to be the last fisherman?

  At this moment, I saw that the terrible monster and Andrew had disappeared in the collision, and some of the powerful men who had entered into the chaos were fainted in the vacuum universe, and they seemed to be exhausted.

  As long as you want, it seems that you can shoot them all with one catch

  So I just need to lie still?

  She suddenly felt that the elder died so wrongly

   Ysera sighed. First of all, Diana, the only descendant of the search moon elf, was found to be sealed in the position of the main star after searching, and she immediately felt relieved.

  After confirming Diana’s safety, she fell into confusion

  Because it couldn’t think of what to do

  As the Dragon King, it was originally emboldened, but after experiencing this incident, it can be said that it has no confidence. If it is not for luck, it will not even have the opportunity to resist. Years of preparation is like a joke.

  Especially follow-up development

Although it was infected by the alien demon, it was able to sort out the whole incident through the alien demon. After various reversals, it made the scalp tingling even more. Sometimes I was very thankful that I was out of the business. The group of guys come to calculate, I'm afraid even the skin has been stripped clean long ago

Kill all   ?

  Obviously impossible, let's not mention that the little lord has a body seal on his body. The nature of the matter alone makes Ysera understand that the Emerald Dream can no longer continue to operate on its own.

  Because they are staring at them, but the head of the natural disaster!

Although temporarily repelled by the seal on the little lord, Ysera knew that the Emerald Dream was no longer a secret, and this calm period would not last long, and neither she nor Diana could resist it. Stock power

  Thinking of this Ysera's dragon claws lightly, all the unconscious people were wrapped in a thick layer of emerald crystals, and fell into a dreamland——

  Mars base

  The Battle of the Century in the Emerald Dream surface did not cause any confusion here. Most people are still in their daily lives, and their lives are the same in peacetime.

But to talk about the pressure, whether it is the city lord who rolls up their sleeves and is ready to make a big deal, or the new players enjoying the new world, they only feel motivated. Of course, the originally busy lord players will look even more boring at this time. Said there is definitely no pressure

  But there is one person in the entire base. At this time, Yalishan University

  It is the most promising developer of the Li family today: Li Xue

  To say where the pressure comes from, we must start with Yu Nu Wu Gu before leaving all the main base things to her

   also took over the things that Yunv Wugua managed. Only when Li Xue knew that the daily operations of the entire Mars base were all in a D-ball person. Those upper-level aliens who had been feared by top leaders had nothing to do with it.

  Except for the NPC-like lord, there is actually no second alien high-level in the entire planet. Of course, it doesn’t include the temporary teachers.

  It turns out that all the truth is like this

  Li Xue suddenly fell into entanglement, everything was completely different from what the old man in her family thought

  Especially the handover of diplomatic affairs, let her know that there is a huge universe outside, and their D ball is just a colonial planet taken over by a little lord.

  I don’t know what these things will be if the people of Long Lao knew what would happen [.逼qudu.xyz]

  But should I say it?

  Li Xue is in entanglement

In terms of qualifications, there are at least a thousand developers in front of her in the base. Not to mention others, there are hundreds of high-quality developers and players around Yunvwugua, and every developer inside is controlled by the outside. The player kneels for

  But Guo Xiaoyun still chose her

What is the meaning of   , Li Xue naturally knows

  This is forcing her to stand

  This is a symbol of esteem. If you stand firmly on the side of the lord, then you should have reuse, but once you stand on the side of the family or the politicians of Huaxia City, it will be completely different.

  On one side is the country and family, on the other side is the obvious life opportunity

  How should I choose?

  For an instant, Li Xue was a little confused

  "Master Li Xue? Master Li Xue?"

  A mechanical smart speaker came up, interrupting Li Xue’s thoughts


  "The specific data of each city you want has been collected, can you read it now?"

  The mechanical voice asked Li Xue

  Li Xue hesitated for two seconds, and finally nodded

  Soon, massive data appeared on the front virtual display screen

  First City: City Lord Angel, Deputy City Lord: Bligh, Grand Justice: Reagan, and the positions of the staff

  The urban population now totals 117,425 people. Starting on the 11th, admissions to the city began to narrow, and the number of admissions per day was fixed at around 50 people.

The nature of the urban population: The Mayin family is the main civilized strategic population. According to the agreement, only pure-blood West Germans can become the Mayin family. Today, the enrolled population is 27,020 people, of which 4,300 are They are staff of the city's official institutions, responsible for scientific research, construction, management, and other positions. The remaining 23,020 people are free citizens who are still studying for the time being. They hired the base's chief mecha teacher to go to vocational education.

The base technology unlocks level three, focusing on basic machinery manufacturing, precision instrument research and development, battle outfit weapons research and development, supplemented by daily basic industrial products. Arcane experts have not yet developed it. According to the data, it should be prepared to establish one. The mech defense team then conducts industrial product output.

Among the remaining population, Chinese players have the most admissions. Because they do not accept developers and do not pay attention to agriculture, the players in Central China are mostly Green Titans, and most of them are temporarily serving as basic labor such as absenteeism. But in the new city plan , Is preparing to offer discounts to elf players. From the perspective of power upgrades, in the future, Green Titan players will become marginal characters in the first city

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