Chapter 99 Lord Lord’s Exploitation Plan (Part 1)

Player Please note that due to the intelligent life captured by the player [G you are too beautiful], we have obtained new intelligence. There is a beautiful town at the foot of our mountain. There is a group of industrious and simple flower farmers in the town who are being victimized by evil jackals. Become slaves one after another!

How can this resource be monopolized by the Jackal? The slaves are all ours!

Now release mission: grab population resources!

Grabbing the population: catching flower farmers with skilled skills will reward 200 points, catching people with special skills such as ironing, sewing, cooking food, leather making, and spice making will reward 300 points, and catching bronze knights will reward 1,000 points.

Orcs strive to kill all of them. If they can be captured alive, they will be rewarded with corresponding points. The capture of jackals will reward 500 points, the capture of ogres will reward 1,000 points, and the capture of wolf knights will reward 2,000 points! If other unrecorded varieties are captured, corresponding points will be awarded according to the base evaluation!

Players please pay attention, if you are not sure, please try to stop talking and release an orc with a 1,000-point deduction. After the mission is over, the team will be led by Wandering Xia player and retreat to the base in a concealed manner without leaving a trace.

Note: All the captured population this time is privately owned by the player. Players can freely allocate their own slaves. Turning over and becoming a contractor is right in front of you. Why are you still hesitating? Pick up your weapons and gather in the new map gap! !

[I’m going, did this task come so suddenly? I almost went off the assembly line and went for a shot. Give me five minutes and be back right away. 】

[Yeah, I almost went offline, Ma Dan, thanks to the slow pace of labor and capital. 】

[The population belongs to the player? Can the player do whatever he wants to the slave? 】

[After so long, can I finally have my own brother to help move the bricks? 】

[Promising, see labor and management catch a dozen knights back today! 】

[Weak question, can newcomers go on this mission?嘤嘤嘤…][Hey peat, isn’t it good for newcomers to move bricks honestly? Look at me again! 】

————————————————– ——–

With the noise outside the base, Pu Yunchuan slowly came to the operating room under intelligent guidance.

“Oh, my brave citizen, your brave performance this time has benefited the base a lot. You have excellent potential, and this lord is very optimistic about you!”

“Lord Lord is polite, I should do it!” Pu Yunchuan happily said, the reward of 10,000 points and fine equipment makes him a little bit happy now that he can’t touch the north, and secretly said: It seems…the dog plan…not so. Stingy…

“This time you are called here to ask, what do you plan to do with your captured slaves?”

“Eh?” Pu Yunchuan was taken aback, then said: “Um… didn’t the system just say that these are my personal?”

“Oh, of course!” Xi Ye smiled: “This will naturally not change. The lord just wants to ask, as the first player in the base to have a private slave, how do you plan to distribute your spoils?”

“This…” Pu Yunchuan thought for a while and raised his head: “Men move bricks and women farm.”

Xi Ye twitched his eyes when he heard the words, sighed secretly, and then said: “Even as an inexperienced rookie, your judgment is indeed disappointing.”

“Um…really?” Pu Yunchuan slammed his head in embarrassment, and said anxiously: “Lord Lord taught me to chant.”

Xi Ye: “Before arranging private slaves, we must master their characteristics. Even if they are slaves, we must try our best not to waste their use value. You see, there are ten intelligent creatures you captured this time, all of which belong to the primate anthropoid apes. The only adult male among them was originally a knight with many years of experience in the battlefield. Is it too wasteful to move bricks?”

Is it a waste? Doesn’t this slave owner move bricks every day before the new map opens? Pu Yunchuan couldn’t help but vomit, but still humblely said: “Lord Lord, what do you think?”

“Of course it is to train for soldiers!” Xi Ye’s voice raised slightly: “A soldier who has come out of the army is a rare talent. If it is properly trained, it will be a powerful arm for you in the future!”

Damn, this game can still be like this? Pu Yunchuan became a little excited when he heard the words, and quickly said: “How to cultivate?”

Xi Ye: “You are also an old player. You have been in this base for a few months. Haven’t you figured out how to train it?”

“You said like us?” Pu Yunchuan was shocked when he heard this.

Xi Ye: “Not exactly. The instructors in the base are all used to train elite talents like you. Naturally, there is no time to help you train slaves. You have to rely on yourself in this respect. Think carefully about how the instructors train you, naturally. When used on them, a few more training bases will be added behind the lord, specifically for you to train slaves.”

“You want money?” Pu Yunchuan suddenly warned.

Xi Ye had a meal, and secretly said: It seems that these players are not so easy to fool.

“That’s natural…” Xi Ye coughed: “The lord’s training base was bought at a lot of money, so the cost has to be recovered?”

Pu Yunchuan hesitated. Although he knew it was a pit, he couldn’t help but said, “How much is it?”

“My brave citizen, you don’t seem to have turned your mind. This is to cultivate your own wings. How can you make a leader pit you?”

“This…” Pu Yunchuan was speechless for a while, always feeling that something was wrong, but he couldn’t refute it for a while.

“Then… How much does it cost to cultivate slaves?”

“That’s right…” Xi Ye nodded with satisfaction: “Talent training has always been a long-term investment. As for the cost of training, it depends on yourself, talents, especially combat talents. The higher the investment, the higher the upper limit of growth. Of course, you have to make your own decisions based on your actual financial situation. I have some high-quality products here. You can take a look.”

Pu Yunchuan’s eyelids twitched, and he always felt that the 10,000 points that he hadn’t warmed up seemed to be…was gone….

But the next second he was dazzled by the merchandise Xi Ye brought out!


In the next step, Pu Yunchuan, under Xiye’s detailed introduction, probably understood what it takes to train a fighter belonging to own.

The first is genetic modification, a product strongly recommended by the lord, which is a means to maximize the upper limit of Ascension’s subordinates, but the price is really touching…

The cheapest ones start at 5,000 points, and the better genes are tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of points. There are so many types of genes that he can hardly help but want to buy them all again. This dog planner is so good at finding projects to exploit players!

Among the many genes, he also saw the genes of Green Titan, which sells for one billion points. This price gives him the feeling of looking up to the price of the magic city with a monthly salary of 500, but he is still quite happy, which means that these players are at least in blood. It’s still very superior.

Pu Yunchuan, who didn’t know that his genes were only worth a piece of five, felt inexplicably comforted.

However, in the face of the huge gene pool, he still fell into the choice syndrome. Even if he had the ability to buy only a dozen kinds, he thought about it for a long time. When the system prompted a new task to start, he reluctantly chose one. The soldier’s bloodline called Andre.

Intelligence gives a hint that this knight captured by him has a secret skill of releasing internal energy, which is a bit similar to the warrior races of some cultivation Meridians in the Universe Federation, which is different from the Titans who use all energy to strengthen their flesh. Warriors like to store energy in Meridians to nourish and strengthen the system. This way of growth is slower, but they have more skills in combat.

And among the bloodlines he can afford, this Andre Warrior bloodline is obviously suitable for them. The price is just 10,000 points. Pu Yunchuan has not had time to understand how the training base charges later, so he will have all his savings. Hand it back…..

He had to rush to the crack without stopping. He had to take advantage of the opportunity to make another wave. There were four women and several children in his slaves. Wisdom said that these women were former wives and concubines of nobles, who were good at singing and dancing. If you buy a Meizu or Vastal pedigree, they can become more beautiful singers. As for those children who have received a certain degree of cultural education and basic warrior education, they also have a certain training value. Although the training cycle may be longer, it is growth. Will be higher!

So, money, he is in urgent need of money now, let alone cultivating slaves if he doesn’t make money, he may not even be able to buy nutrient solution!

Xi Ye looked at Pu Yunchuan, who was rushing to the crack in the new map without stopping, and Jun under the helmet showed a satisfied smile, and said to the intelligence: “Notice, this game will open the player’s private points trading function from today!!!”

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