The Osprey Eagle is one of the five phoenixes in myths and legends, symbolizing the unyielding quality of chastity.

If divided according to combat power, it is not as good as the Suzaku who can be reborn and immortal at the apex.

But the name of the synthesis recorded in the Divine Beast Book is indeed this, and perhaps there are other deep meanings in it.

If Luo Xia wants to explore these secrets, then it is a necessary condition to combine the divine beasts, but fortunately, the book has already come out, and then you only need to work hard.

(Grade S) Phoenix Eagle = (Class A) Birds + Birds

(Grade A) Birds = (Grade B) Wind Chicken + Golden-beaked Pelicans!

(Grade B) Wind Chicken = (Grade C) Purple Feather Sparrow + Wind Spirit Green Chicken!

(Grade C) Purple Feather Sparrow = (Grade D) Steel Feather Sparrow *3 + Purple Tung Tree Heart!

(Grade C) Wind Spirit Green Chicken = (Grade D) Mutant Green Chicken *3 + Wind Spirit Spar *10!

(Class B) Golden-beaked Pelican = (Grade C) Swallowing Swan + Golden Feather Spirit Goose!

(Grade C) Swallowing Swan = (Grade D) Iron Beaked Goose *3 + Black Corundum *50!

(Grade C) Golden Feather Spirit Goose = (Grade D) Mutant Yellow Goose *3 + Golden Spirit Crystal *10

Phoenix’s synthetic guide is also only half given.

I think that among the synthetic materials of the second A-class bird, there are also materials that need to be born and then appeared.

But this half is enough for Luo Xia to be busy.

After all, it is a large number of rare and fierce beasts, and he also has a synthesis of Qilin Gou Chen, which can be described as a difficult task.

Fortunately, today’s Luoxia’s identity, status, strength, and vision are different from when they first started.

He was able to contact higher-level ferocious beasts, and naturally he didn’t need to diligently start from the bottom.

He was able to start collecting from the middle layer of the Plague to greatly speed up the entire synthesis process.

For example, now.

“Ying Long needs subordination, I want a bird called Wind Summoning Black Chicken, I wonder if His Excellency the Eagle Emperor has it here?”

“There really isn’t, and the golden-beaked pelicans can too.”

Although Ying Long’s blood can be regenerated, it is also something extremely precious.

Therefore, Luo Xia directly asked for a B-class, general-level bird.

This is the highest limit that he can easily tame at present, and he can also use it in the Divine Beast Guide.

As for other lower-level ferocious beasts, although they are relatively rare, there is no need to trouble the existence of this level of the Eagle Emperor.

Moreover, Luo Xia believes that with the news that Ying Long was born and lives in Honolulu, countless scattered birds will automatically come to cast.

After all, Bodhi Moon Willow can attract birds, but how can the more advanced Ying Long not?

“The golden-beaked pelicans have never heard of it.”

“This wind-summoning black chicken… Yes. However, although I am not an eagle emperor, I can’t sacrifice the rights and interests of other birds for the sake of Qin Ling!” ”

“Whether you want to follow Ying Long or not depends on the will of the purple feather black chicken!”

While speaking, the Eagle Emperor also looked at the ruler of these mountains under his feet, the purple feather black chicken.

Synthesized by purple-feathered crystal finches, the main attribute is wind, and the official name of the purple-feathered black chicken is called Wind Black Chicken.

The name of the purple feather black chicken is still the casual name that Luo Xia and others gave it when they first saw it…

In this way, if this guy really follows Ying Long and becomes his subordinate…

That’s a coincidence.

I heard you wanted me in the first place? Huh, huh.


“I do!”

“For the development of Qinling, in order to have more evolutionary possibilities!”

“I am willing to follow Lord Ying Long, of course… If Qin Ling is in need, I will also do my best to help!” ”

The Eagle Emperor just turned his gaze over, Purple Feather… Oh no, Summoning Wind Black Chicken couldn’t wait to agree.

After all, following the Bird Ancestor-level existence cultivation, wouldn’t that mean that there were more opportunities to become a Dragonborn?

Then, it found that it seemed to be too excited, and quickly remedied Qin Ling’s words.

Fortunately, the Eagle Emperor took so many Dragon Vein Thunder Breath Spars, and solved a favor on the spot, and it would not care about these small details.

It immediately waved its hand in agreement.

The ownership of the Wind Chicken Bowel became Luoxia, which made it solve half of the synthetic term of the Honghu on the spot.

The Wind Chicken is excited.

It tried its best to contain this excitement so that it did not laugh on the spot.

In its opinion, after following Ying Long, it was equivalent to climbing a road to heaven.

When he awakened the dragon bloodline, he became a powerful dragonborn.

Then he didn’t want to find as many wives as he wanted, and even the Yan Eagle, who seemed to be a close relative to the Eagle Emperor, had the opportunity to step on it.

As for the other birds, they cast infinite envy on the Wind Chicken.

In their opinion, although the Wind Summoning Black Chicken has lost the dominance of several small hills, it has the possibility of 100% evolution of the dragon genus.

When you have stronger strength in the future, you can’t get such a little right casually?

Giving up the small interests in front of you and meeting the big interests in the future after having the strength is simply a steady profit to buy…


The birds’ envy of the wind black chicken had not yet reached the highest peak, and they were frightened by this sudden sound and were collectively stunned in place.

Because, when the Wind Summoning Black Chicken tried his best to hold back his laughter, he finally flew to Ying Long’s side, and then obediently stood aside.

Ying Long didn’t know whether to see it unpleasantly or what’s going on, suddenly raised his leg and gave it a kick, kicking it into the mud!

This surprised the birds.

It seems that the companion is like the companion tiger, and it is not such a simple thing to be the subordinate of the dragon.

Ying Long’s kick, can ordinary ferocious beasts withstand it?

Countless birds shook their heads in horror and gave up the idea of envy.

Can’t mess with it, can’t afford to mess with it!

The envious light in the eyes of the birds immediately converged.

Only a confused face was left to cry without tears: Who did I provoke? Could it be that Lord Ying Long’s hobby is kicking people’s heads?

Of course, the wind and black chicken could not think of it.

Its wife was fooled away by Luo Xia, and has been integrated into Ying Long’s individual.

Ying Long kicked him, maybe because of his wife, before the evolutionary fusion, the obsession that one day will step on the purple feather black chicken?

After all, this is Honolulu’s new partner, an important member of the Phoenix sequence.

Luoxia has to cook slowly… Ah no, no, no, take it slowly.

Therefore, he immediately stopped Ying Long’s little temper behavior, hugged his fist and said goodbye to the Eagle Emperor, and everyone and beasts left Qinling and embarked on the way home.

When they came, they were besieged by ten thousand birds; As they left, they were sent by flocks of birds.

This small change that occurred in the land of China is bound to slowly spread into a major change that affects the entire territory and even the entire world pattern!

[Ask for flowers, ask for tickets~! ] 】

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