I have a big sailing game

Chapter 63 Thieves

After a while, Lina came out with a few exquisite wooden boxes.

[The medicine is already boiling, drink it later. ]

[These boxes are simple medicine bags, keep them well, maybe they will make you less embarrassed when you come back next time. ]

Linna said unhappily.

[Refined medicine bag]

[Type: consumables]

[Quality: blue]

[Quantity: 3]

[Special effect: After use, it can stop the bleeding of the wound, and taking the remaining herbs can speed up the clotting of the wound and slowly restore your blood volume and physical strength. ]

[Description: Lina's carefully prepared small medicine bag may save your life at a critical moment! ]

Rogge put the three refined medicine bags into the inventory in front of Lina.

Linna was not surprised by this.

[Are you curious about where I went? ]

Rogge looked at her and smiled.

[Is there any need to ask this? ]

[Don't you all fly to other places in a flash? ]

[Maybe you just flew into an abandoned castle, got beaten up by a monster, and then ran back pitifully. ]

Lina crossed her arms and rolled her eyes.

Hearing Lina's words, Rogge laughed a little.

[Superhumans are not that powerful. ]

[At least ordinary superhumans are not. ]

After Rogge finished speaking, he took out the Sea Spirit Potion from the inventory.

[Perhaps you will be interested in this. ]

In the transparent glass bottle in Rogge's hand, the crystal blue translucent liquid was wrapped in a deep blue streamer, which looked mysterious and magnificent.

[What is this? ]


Lina was a little confused.

[Potion. ]

[Drink it, and there is a chance to become a superhuman and gain superhuman power. ]

Rogge stared at Lina's eyes and said seriously.

[This potion is called "Sea Spirit". You have met its conditions for taking it, but there is still a risk of failure. ]

[As for the power you will gain after taking it...unknown. 】

【If you want to use it, you can drink it now. 】

After listening to Rogge's words, Lina couldn't help but frown slightly.

【What will happen if it fails? 】

【You will die or become a monster. 】

... But I won't allow such a thing to happen.

Rogge thought.

After a moment of silence, Lina turned her eyes away from the Sea Spirit Potion and looked at Rogge.

【Do you want me to drink it? 】

Hearing this, Rogge was stunned, but then he shook his head.

【No, it doesn't fit you very well. 】

Although it is not clear what the specific skills of the Sea Spirit Potion are, you can get a glimpse of it from its name.

The exclusive skill he obtained from the intern potion he took before was "knowledge comprehension", which is very suitable for the name of intern.

It can be seen from this that the Sea Spirit must be related to the sea, and it is probably a mage or something.

If this is true, then there is no doubt that Lina's "Millimeter Blade" talent will be wasted.

She is obviously more suitable for potions with both combat and healing functions.

But this kind of potion should be hard to find.

The reason why Rogge showed Lina the Sea Spirit Potion was mainly to ask for her opinion.

[Then I won't drink it. ]

What Rogge didn't expect was that after hearing his answer, Lina refused the Sea Spirit Potion without thinking.

[...Okay. ]

Rogge put away the Sea Spirit Potion.

[Nothing else? ]

Lina was a little surprised to see that Rogge didn't take the next step.

[...Madam, this is not a drink in a pub. ]

[You still have time to regret it now. ]

Rogge was speechless.

[Forget it. ]

[Let's talk about it later. ]

[Before that, you, the captain, must protect me, the deputy captain. ]

Lina stepped forward and tied a beautiful bow for the bandage on Rogge's arm.

[Of course, I said before...]

[Stop! ]

[Don't repeat what you said before, I'm getting goose bumps. 】

Lina stopped immediately.

Rogge chuckled.

[Remember to take the medicine, I still have things to do. 】


After completing the competition procedures, Yas returned to the tavern and rested.

On the Green, Rogge, Lina, and Mira had all fallen asleep.

Rogge was originally going to put down his phone and go to sleep.

But tonight seemed a little different.

After the dark screen went dark, when it lit up again, the Dark Sea Hunter clone on the other screen had opened its scarlet eyes.

From the perspective of the Dark Sea Hunter, several strangers were diving towards the Green.

Rogge frowned, and his legs that were about to get out of bed were retracted.

What do these people want to do?

After thinking about it, Rogge did not wake up the main body immediately, but let the Dark Sea Hunter hide in the dark and observe the situation silently.

After these people arrived near the Green, their heads floated out of the water, as if they were observing something.

Rogge controlled the Dark Sea Hunter to swim over.

Soon, the Dark Sea Hunter quietly came to the bottom of these people, just over a meter away.

However, these people did not notice it at all and were still planning closely.

[Is the fat sheep asleep? ]

[Slept. ]

[Hurry up and prepare the tools! After boarding the ship, immediately control them all! ]

[Kill them all, they are from the outer island anyway, so it will save trouble. ]

[Hehe, I can get some treasures tonight. ]

Very good.

I also got treasures.

Rogue, who heard everything clearly below them, had a blank expression on his face and slowly stretched out a tentacle.


[Woo! ]

A splash of water appeared, and a thief was instantly dragged into the water by the Dark Sea Hunter, struggling constantly.

[What's going on? ]

[Damn, what's going on? Where's Manu? ]

[Woo! ]

Before the voice fell, another thief sank into the water.

At this time, even if they reacted slowly, they knew the situation.

[Damn, run! ]

The thief felt his scalp tingling and his whole body cold.

The excitement of getting treasures disappeared instantly.

Looking at the dark surroundings and the deep sea water below, he felt a sense of fear like a tide.

[There are monsters in the sea! ]

If you have not experienced this scene in your own shoes, you will not understand this fear.

The ground is hard to touch, the sea water is cold, and there are unknown creatures staring at you in the darkness.

This feeling alone can make people feel desperate and suffocated.

[Woo! ]

Another companion was dragged into the water behind him.


At this time, there was only one companion left with him.

The companion made a sound of fear and incoherence.

Both of them wished they had two more hands so that they could swim faster.

However, as they swam, the thief leader suddenly found that he was the only one left!

But he was almost at the shore!

This made the thief leader's eyes light up with hope.

He took a deep breath, closed his eyes and lowered his head, his potential burst out, and his speed increased again.

However, he had just swam for less than a second when he felt that he had hit a hard and cold object.

The thief leader subconsciously opened his eyes.

What caught his eye was the pair of scarlet narrow eyes in the dark night...

One ball a day!

The recent follow-up is very important, and the monthly ticket is also important!

Please, please, please!

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