I have a big sailing game

Chapter 54 Why Fight

At this time, in the room behind the tavern.

A thin, pale girl was lying on the ground, breathing weakly.

She is Yas' sister, Mira.

Rogge and Linna came to the room first, and Yas ran in shortly after.

[Mira, are you okay? 】

Yas looked anxious and wanted to help Mira up.

Rogge took his arm and shook his head at him.

[Leave it to Lina, she is a doctor. 】

After hearing this, Yas took a deep breath and looked at Linna next to him.

Lina nodded and stepped forward to check Mira's condition.

After a brief inspection, Lina frowned slightly.

[It’s strange that her body actually suffers from insufficient blood supply when there are no wounds...]

【Use mine! 】

Yas opened his sleeves without hesitation.

[No, this is too dangerous. 】

Lina shook her head.

There are many situations that need to be considered when transfusing blood to patients, and a little carelessness can cause serious consequences.

And Lina doesn't have any medical tools now.

[Feed this to her, it might be useful. 】

Rogge took out the scarlet fruit from the inventory and handed it to Linna.

He had always kept the scarlet fruit blood medicine. Even if he was injured, he would not use it. He would rather sleep to recover his health than take it.

Now that Yas's sister was in need, he took it out without hesitation.

He was willing to do this just because of Yas's righteous speech before.

【Stop joking! 】

But Yas didn't understand the situation. He suddenly became angry and grabbed Rogge's collar with both hands.

When has this happened? Can eating some fruit solve the problem?

Yas is usually calm, but when it comes to Mira's life, he can't suppress his emotions at all.

In this regard, Rogge looked calm.

He just stretched out his hands and took Yas's hands away with a little force.

[I understand how you feel now, but you should be calmer now, Yas. 】

[There is no better way now, the situation cannot be worse. 】

【Believe me. 】

Roger's voice was calm.

Seeing Rogge take away his hand easily, Yas was a little shocked.

But then, he calmed down and felt a little more hopeful.

This man has such a powerful power, and if he wants to harm Mira, there is no need to go to such trouble.

Rogge handed the scarlet fruit to Linna.

Linna took the fruit, helped Mira up, squeezed out the juice of the scarlet fruit, and poured it into Mira's mouth.

Not long after, under the gaze of the three people, Mira's pale and snowy complexion magically gained a trace of blood.

The weak breathing also became much more obvious.

It was obvious that her condition was slowly improving.

When Yas saw this, a big stone fell in his heart.

Just as she was about to step forward, Linna raised her hand to stop her.

[I need to conduct further examination on her, please go out and wait for a while. 】


Yas was a little anxious and hesitated to speak.

Rogge patted him on the shoulder, and then walked out first.

After arriving outside the door.

Yas took a deep breath, sighed and said nothing, and slowly lowered his body against the wall.

This young fighter with strong fighting ability was as weak as a child at this moment, sitting slumped outside the door with his back against the wall.

There was nothing he could do but wait.

[Just now...I'm sorry. 】

Yas looked tired and felt guilty in his tone.

In response, Rogge just smiled.

[My name is Roger, and I am an adventurer who has just set sail. 】

【Want to chat? 】

[I'm happy to be a listener. 】

Hearing this, Yas sighed again and was silent for a moment.

If it were anyone else, he wouldn't have said a word.

He has long been accustomed to burying everything in his heart and bearing it alone.

After all, it was useless to say anything, no one could help him.

However, in Rogge, a stranger he had just met, Yas had a rare sense of trust.

[...Mila and I were born on a poor island. Our father was a drunkard and died early at sea. Our mother was a prostitute who fell in love with a wealthy businessman and ran away. 】

[The island was so poor that they couldn’t even chew the bark of the trees. 】

Yas didn't shy away from his own life experience, or in other words, he didn't care about it at all.

[So, Mira and I sneaked into a merchant ship and came to Nadvelo. 】

[Here, we can survive by stealing some food and charity from passers-by. 】

[But you will definitely not think that even if you live in a dark corner like a cockroach or mouse, there will be people who want to bully you. 】

[At the beginning, they beat me until my nose was bruised and my face was swollen, and every part of my body was in pain. Mira would find some used wound medicine and apply it on me every night. 】

【As for the reason...】

[It’s about fighting for the leftovers that are thrown out every day in a tavern. 】

Having said this, Yas smiled.

[I originally thought that when I grew older, I could work in the dock area, carry goods, earn some money, and take care of Mira. 】

[But those people didn’t intend to let me go. 】

[They caught Mira and wanted to sell her to human traffickers to make money. 】

Having said this, Yas clenched his fists.

[I stole an ax from the blacksmith shop and hacked them all to death. 】

[The bones of those offenders are so soft. I will always remember the way they begged me for mercy when I put the ax on their necks. 】

[…Later, I found Mira and other children in the basement. ]

[Since then, Mira has been suffering from this disease. ]

[She was always very weak, and she didn't even have the strength to eat. ]

[At that time, other children in the basement also suffered from this strange disease, but they died one after another not long after, leaving only Mira alone. ]

[She is so strong...]

Yas wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes.

Even when he was beaten and bleeding in the alley, he never said a word.

But every time he thought of Mira's painful appearance now, Yas regretted and felt guilty for not taking good care of her.

[I took all the money from those people and took Mira to see a doctor. ]

[But the doctor told me that he couldn't do anything. ]

[I thought maybe the money was not enough. ]

[So I started to participate in some street fights, but I could only make a little money. ]

[Slowly, I started to play in competitions, but they were black competitions near the docks, where no one would hold back. 】

【I survived, made some money, and took Mira to the Thousand Island King City, where I found the most famous doctor. 】

【But, he couldn't do anything. 】

At that time, Yas really hoped that the doctor was just greedy for money, and that he couldn't do anything because he didn't have enough money.

At least he had a goal.

What happened next was easy to guess.

After seeking medical treatment in vain, Yas took Mira back to Nadvilo and opened a tavern.

But Mira's condition was getting worse.

【So, you don't love fighting? 】

Rogge was a little surprised.

It seems that Yas is not as he guessed, loving fighting but giving it up because of Mira.

On the contrary, this man punches and fights because of his sister!

One ball a day!

The remaining two updates are still relatively late, so go to bed early.

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