I have a big sailing game

Chapter 412 The End (Part 2)

The Polar Night Stars and the Mother Goddess didn't know that their hidden cards had already been fully understood by Rogge in front of them.

So, when they saw Heisatan in the center of the altar begin to build the long steps to the gods, the angry Polar Night Stars directly summoned the terrifying starry sky symbiotic creature under the cover of the Mother Goddess.

He did not have a fixed shape, nor did he have a mind that matched his rank, but his whole body was filled with a terrifying aura.

This was the final means of the Polar Night Stars.

He spread boundless darkness.

Under his traction, the group of starry sky symbiotic creatures completely merged with the darkness.

The boundless darkness even almost overwhelmed the power of other gods at this moment, as if to cover the entire world!

The next moment, the Polar Night Stars gathered with the starry sky symbiotic creatures and attacked Rogge directly!

The powerful darkness had already distorted the space, and countless gods who symbiotic with the Polar Night Stars howled in it, exuding endless malice.

But, just when He was about to collide with Rogge's power...

In the ocean below them, a dark yellow light of destruction suddenly condensed to the extreme!

Seeing this, the Polar Night Stars and the Mother Goddess were suddenly shocked.

They subconsciously looked down.

I saw that in the deep ocean, it was lit up at this moment, and a huge shell was overflowing with a destructive force that was about to be unbearable!

Rogge raised his hand indifferently and clenched it slowly. The destructive force that had been gathered below for a long time burst out at this moment!


Destruction! It broke out silently!

Although the Mother Goddess and the Polar Night Stars subconsciously mobilized all their authority and power, and cold-bloodedly pushed a group of gods forward to resist damage.

But...the destructive force of the true god level burst out, and they were not easily dealt with without any preparation!

Ka, ka...

In an instant!

The Mother Goddess and the Polar Night Stars who took the destructive force were severely injured!

Whether it was the Eye of Twilight and the baby controlled by the Mother Goddess, or the group of subordinate gods in the darkness of the Polar Night Stars, they had all been violently annihilated.

Although they survived, their originally solid bodies had cracks at this moment, as if they were about to collapse in the next moment!

In the process of entanglement with the Mother Goddess, Rogge did not concentrate on the enemy, but took the opportunity to send the annihilation shell to the sea below the battlefield!

Just as in the deduction... Once Rogge and the Mother Goddess fight to the death, they will not be able to deal with the Polar Night Stars after symbiosis.

It is the best choice to take advantage of the situation and trick him!

Of course, all this seems quite easy, but in fact there is an extremely important requirement... You have to predict the enemy's next move in advance!

After all, if it is a battlefield with only one chance, no one can be sure how the Polar Night Stars will choose to attack after symbiosis.

Only Rogge can do this easily.

"You two... It's time to leave."

Rogge spoke calmly, and his voice fell into the ears of the Mother Goddess and the Polar Night Stars.

Ordinary wars between demigods may last for a long time.

But in the war between demigods who hold the power of true gods, one wrong step means a complete loss.

The Polar Night Stars and the Mother Goddess in good condition can suppress Rogge with caution.

But they are already unable to face the extremely terrifying destructive power...

"No... How could it be..."

"... Lord of the Black Tide... Where did you come from..."

Facing a dying situation, the Polar Night Stars knew that they were powerless to save the situation.

His emotions were filled with disbelief and confusion.

He couldn't believe that Rogge had arranged all this in advance, and he was extremely curious about Rogge's origins...

Is this... really just a newly rising demigod...?

And the Mother Goddess still didn't say a word.

He seemed to have known his next ending.

Therefore, after a pause, he directly attacked Rogge as if he was committing suicide!

She did not speak before dying. It seems that the Mother Goddess is not silent, but she is unable to speak...

After such a thought flashed through Rogge's mind, he slowly raised his hand and did not choose to answer the question of the polar night stars.

If you like to keep secrets, then die with the question!

The terrifying power of destruction poured out.

"... The darkness of the starry sky is not at this time..."

In the last whisper of the polar night stars.

The endless darkness slowly faded away...

The two corpses of gods that were broken by the power of destruction were protected by the remaining power of authority, emitting the last divine light...

This time, the world seemed to favor Rogge.

The Mother Goddess, who might have retained some strength, was also seriously injured and killed by Rogge.

This naturally cut off the possibility of her eroding the Heisatan in the altar.

In a moment, Rogge left a force beside the two corpses.

The two corpses could not provide him with help in the fusion state at this time, and there was no time to completely destroy them.

Therefore, he could only leave a force to deal with the rotten rats and pus flies in the dark.

Then, he looked at the battlefield behind him.

On the other side of the battlefield, the situation was not optimistic.

Led by Dentmorin, the Giz God Shalodoir and the three demigods were all there, dealing with the attacks of the Demon Mother and the Demon Kings.

But it was obvious that the Demon Mother, who also controlled the power of the True God level, was able to suppress them firmly, and even pushed them to the brink of collapse several times.

However, since the Demon Mother controls the power of the soul and is not good at war, Dentmorin also urged the Ancestral Dragon Thunder to bear it with difficulty...

But, if he is not careful, he may lose.

As for the Everburning Furnace, although there is no strong victory, it can stabilize the situation.

At this moment.

The power poured out by Heisatan in the altar has increased, and the long steps to the gods in the air have been built for a little while.

Rogge quickly came to Dentmorin.

"Cruel, see you again."

The Cruel Demon King, who was still concentrating on fighting in the last second, heard Rogge's indifferent voice in the next second, followed by a powerful blow of destructive power!

This made him suddenly startled, and instinctively realized that the crisis of death had arrived!

At this critical moment, the Demon Mother chose to release the suppression of Dentmorin and divided her strength to resist this blow.

The Demon Mother seemed to value her demon children very much.

Seeing this, Rogge spoke slowly.

"Retreat, the next world will allow the Sea of ​​Demons to continue to exist."

His voice was extremely calm, but combined with its terrifying power and aura, no one dared to pretend not to hear it.

Dentmorin and his subordinates just breathed a sigh of relief, and heard Rogge's words, and couldn't help but feel puzzled.

But it was obviously not their turn to interrupt at this moment.

After hearing Rogge's words, the words of the Demon Mother also came from the huge demon hive.

"Retreat? Do you think I can live to this moment relying on the innocence of a child?"

The Demon Mother sneered.

Since he was born at the end of the God War Era, he has seen countless disputes and falls between gods.

And that was just an ordinary dispute.

And this time, they are fighting for the dominance of the next world!

He doesn't believe that there will be a demigod who will allow his former enemy to live after gaining dominance.

After that, he no longer paid attention to Rogge and began to use his hidden power.

In response, Rogge didn't say anything else.

To be honest, he can indeed tolerate the existence of the Demon Mother.

After all, what he wants is a wonderful world where all races coexist, rather than a result where one race controls everything.

As for the Demon Mother... Rogge has ascended to the true god, so would he be afraid of a demigod like him?

However, from the perspective of the Demon Mother, he does have reasons not to retreat.

After all, once he retreats, he will completely lose his last chance.

At that time, both he and the Demon Sea will face the scrutiny of the next leader.

This is the same as betting on whether someone is kind by putting his own life in someone else's hands...

As a long-standing demigod, the Demon Mother has been able to endure to this point, and of course she does not rely on innocence.

He also saw Rogge kill two top demigods with his own hands, and the shock in his heart was undoubtedly huge!

But even so, he still chose to continue the war.

Because even if there is only the last glimmer of chance, he will do everything he can to fight for it!

If Rogge were in such a situation, he would actually choose the same way.

"Whether you believe it or not, the Sea of ​​Demons will continue to exist." Rogge said, which was a recognition of the Demon Mother.

He is at least a qualified opponent.

After saying this.

Rogge began to gather the power of Dentmorin and a group of gods to encircle and suppress the Demon Mother.

The Ancestral Dragon Thunder raged, and the power of destruction destroyed everything.

The gods showed their power, and there were endless strange phenomena on the battlefield.

The Demon Mother, who was not good at fighting, was quickly eliminated by him with the powerful power of destruction after Rogge joined.

Finally, the Demon Mother, who lost her fangs, finally fell...

Almost at the same time.

Next to the two incomplete corpses of the Mother Goddess and the Midnight Stars, rotten rats and pus flies emerged from the foul-smelling gas.

"Hehehe... delicious food!"

"Victory will definitely belong to the master, and the world will usher in corruption!"

The rotten rats and pus flies made a hideous sound.

If the corpse possessor gets the control of the two corpses, they will change their decline!

They quickly took action and took out a piece of rotten flesh from the corpse possessor.

However, what greeted them was a sudden burst of dark yellow destructive power!

In silence, the rotten rats and pus flies still maintained their hideous faces.

But the next moment, their bodies disappeared in the air...

Rogge retracted his hand and looked at the last competitor.

The most stinking corpse possessor!

Speaking of which, Rogge and Him have a deep relationship.

Since the great waves of the five seas, Rogge has grown rapidly under the threat of Him.

Until now, the root of this filth has finally appeared in front of him and served as the end of everything.


The rotten corpse suspended above the corrupt continent seemed to have noticed this, and a faint angry groan came from its rotten throat.

The plan to let the rotten rats and pus flies control the two corpses failed.

This also means that he has completely lost hope of competing for the only throne of God...

The soul in the corrupted corpse of God felt a tearing pain when thinking of this.

He came from a long time ago.

After death, he luckily returned to his body.

However, his divine body has begun to dissipate.

Without a divine body, He would be nothing but a rootless duckweed, a fish on a chopping board...

Therefore, He chose to touch the unknown, and retain His divine body at the cost of corruption by the power of authority.

He gained the power of authority that was corrupt and filthy.

This allowed His divine corpse to be preserved.

However, in order to preserve the divine corpse of the true god in the evolution of the world, He had to build a coffin and imprison Himself.

This imprisonment lasted for an unknown number of years.

He endured the stench and loneliness, corruption and filth in the narrow coffin.

On the corrupt divine corpse, carrion-eating rats and pus-growing flies were born, but He did not care, instead He regarded it as His continuation and entertainment.

But He always missed the free air outside the world and His former greatness.

As long as He dominated the world at this moment, everything would be as I wished!

This was His only hope to survive in His current state!

But...at this moment, everything turned into a bubble.

He who could not control the two corpses could not win the final victory under the joint efforts of the Everburning Furnace, Dentmorin and Rogge no matter how hard he struggled.

This made the possessed person, whose sanity was almost broken, completely fall into madness!

"... Corruption!!!"

The soul of the possessed person pulled out directly, emitting a crazy scream that shook the sea.

But, just as he was about to detonate the entire corrupt corpse, Rogge, who had witnessed everything coldly, accurately injected the power of destruction into his soul under the cover of the Everburning Furnace and Dentmorin and others!

The screaming soul suddenly stopped moving.

Then, fine cracks gradually broke out...

Rogge watched indifferently.

The corrupt corpse that had lost its soul could no longer maintain its strength at this time.

However, Rogge did not intend to let this smelly and filthy corrupt continent continue to exist.

Corruption and filth are the rules that the world should have.

But once it is out of balance, it is like a deformed tumor that must be completely eradicated!

Rogge slowly raised his hand, and the dark yellow power of destruction gathered in his hand.

After a while, this power of destruction that had condensed to the extreme seemed to become a golden seed of destruction full of vitality.

"It's over."

Rogge said calmly.

He lowered his head slightly, and the seed of destruction in his hand flew out of his hand. In the eyes of everyone, it gradually fell towards the hideous and terrifying corrupt continent.

The tiny light of the seed of destruction, after falling into the huge, seemingly endless corrupt continent, was quickly covered by the pus cloud and corpse gas, as if it did not stir up any waves...

But, in the next moment.


The dark yellow power of destruction gushed out.

Countless extremely condensed powers of destruction burst out with brilliant light, crossing the pus cloud of the corrupt continent, penetrating the corpse gas and the foul-smelling flesh and blood...

The seeds sprouted at this moment and bloomed into flowers.

A brilliant flower of destruction with a hint of holiness bloomed in this filthy and corrupt continent...

As the flower of destruction bloomed, the corrupt continent also disappeared into the sea.

Looking back at the altar.

The long steps that were extremely simple but contained supreme aura had been built, leading to the deep and supreme heights covered by mystery!

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