I have a big sailing game

Chapter 409 Multiple Endings (Two in one, please subscribe!)

Wars broke out all over the world.

Under the rule of the Black Tide Secret Society, although it was also dark, it maintained a rare peace overall.

The popularity of steam technology and ordinary magic potions has put the entire city in a stage of rapid development.

As the central island city under the rule of the Black Tide Secret Society, Scott Island has prosperous trade and wealthy islanders.

Therefore, even in this darkest moment, it still seems brightly lit, and the entire island is emitting a faint glow in the dark night.

On the street, Felner walked side by side with Vic holding a kerosene lamp.

"This is the darkest moment of the whole world..."

Although he and Vic had just solved a big problem, Felner still felt a little heavy.

"Don't worry too much." Vic was more open-minded about this and shrugged: "Aren't we still got the Lord of the Black Tide and the Secret Society... Our low strength can't play any key role."

The black cat who was licking his paw heard this and glanced at him with a little contempt in his eyes.

"But we should always do what we can."

Fellner sighed. He also knew that although what Vic said was unpleasant to hear, it was the truth after all.

Hearing this, Vic did not object. He just looked at it and did not intend to give up.


The sound of armor rubbing suddenly came from the front, and a team of Black Tide Knights wearing black knight armor and holding lanterns slowly walked towards them.


The leading knight called them in a stern voice.

Fellner and Vic naturally did not resist and accepted the interrogation.

Due to the dramatic changes in the world, some rats in the dark also began to come out to make trouble and try to take advantage of the fire.

But the Black Tide Secret Society with strong execution power will obviously not sit idly by.

Therefore, at this time, there will almost be Black Tide Knights patrolling under the rule of the Black Tide Secret Society. Even if the Black Tide Knights are short of manpower, believers and some recruited adventurers will temporarily take over.

Although there are inevitably some guys with bad intentions among them, the situation is generally stabilized.

After confirming the identities of the two colleagues in front of him, the leading Black Tide Knight softened his tone.

"Now is an extraordinary period, please return to your work as soon as possible."

"We just came back from the mission." Felner nodded, then smiled and said, "Thank you for your hard work."

After the Black Tide Knight responded, he did not stay any longer and continued to work with the patrol team.

Felner and Vic went to the store to buy some things they needed and left separately.

They were given corresponding arrangements after returning to the Sea of ​​Confession.

Vic's arrangement was naturally related to the Sun Chaser Giant. The rune technology of the Varissa Dynasty was very important, and the Black Tide Secret Society also hoped to obtain it in the form of a transaction.

As for Felner's mission, it was relatively important.

He needed to send the anchor statue to the sea altar that had been built near Scott.


Felner moved quickly.

At this time, he had led a team of Black Tide believers to carry several of the anchor statues.

Everything went very smoothly. Felner had boarded the church's steamship with several anchor statues.

At least, he was doing well...

In contrast, Sarah's was not doing so well.

During the transportation of the anchor statue, the ship had been attacked by monsters that suddenly appeared in the sea several times.

These monsters had unusual appearances and seemed to have some strange auras.

Gurgle Gurgle...

Sarah looked to the side, and black bubbles suddenly appeared on the sea surface next to the steamship.

But she had no intention of attacking.


Not long after, a figure with three heads broke through the sea surface, and it was Black Bone.

"Damn, where did these guys come from? They are much more ferocious than ordinary sea monsters."

Hard Bone said angrily.

"It's really scary..."

Soft Bone glanced at the monster wreckage next to him, and seemed to be in fear.

Heigu ignored the nonsense of the two heads and looked at Sha Luo on the boat: "These monsters are not right, have you told the Lord of the Black Tide?"

Sha Luo nodded slightly: "I have told Him."

"The reason for the changes of these monsters comes from the collapsed sky." After that, she said to Heigu: "I have to ask you to continue to clean up these things."

She needs to protect the anchor statue.

Because these changing monsters come not only from the sea, but also from the sky.

The anchor statue must not have any mistakes!


Heigu agreed without hesitation.

The Black Tide Secret Society now makes it live quite comfortably. Even if it is not valued, it is willing to help.

After all, it is really comfortable to hug the thigh of the Lord of the Black Tide.


Everyone in the Black Tide Secret Society is busy preparing for the altar.

And Rogge is not idle at this time.

After rushing back to the Sea of ​​Confession from Longxiang, he came to the altar, and while helping to build the altar, he was doing something more important.

Try to separate countless time branches from a time node...

In layman's terms, it is to read the file and deduce.

Rogge is very clear about the danger of the next altar gathering ceremony.

So he combined automatic exploration and read the file to start looking for the most feasible way.

And in his information column, shocking results were refreshed one after another.

Rogge summarized and named them, and recorded them:

[Ending ①: Dark Stars]

[Ending ②: Root Manipulator]

[Ending ③: Corrupted and Turbid World]

[Ending ④: Hellfire]

[Ending ⑤: Crucible World]

[Ending ⑥: Return to Chaos]

There is no doubt that no matter who wins the final victory in this altar ascension, this great war that has swept the world will come to an end.

Rogge has been mentally prepared for this.

And these branch lines are also quite interesting to Rogge.

The first is the Dark Stars.

There is no doubt that in this ending, the polar night stars in the north of the Sea of ​​Confession won the final victory...

[After the anchor statue is arranged, the altar is successfully built. You manipulate Heishatan to appear on the altar in the expectant eyes of countless believers. ]

[Next, only if Heishatan successfully builds the long steps to ascension and successfully reaches the top, you can have the power to end everything. 】

【After everything was ready, Heisatan, under your control, began the ceremony of gathering power...】

【All your followers, believers who believed in the will of the Black Tide, were praying at this moment, hoping that the Lord of the Black Tide they supported could ascend to the divine level...】

【The anchor statue served as a node, turning your huge power of faith into a powerful gravitational force, quickly absorbing the mysterious and fearful power of the world...】

【This attracted a vision of the world. 】

【In an instant, all the beings who wanted to ascend to the only throne of God focused their eyes on you! 】

【They quickly realized that your pace was too fast. If you succeeded, they would completely lose the hope of ascending to the throne of God! 】

【Under such circumstances, the demigods in the world began to rush towards the altar frantically! 】

【In the north, the polar night stars formed an alliance with the Mother Goddess, crossing countless seas. 】

【In the south, the Demon Mother and the Possessed ended the war without hesitation and also came towards you. ]

[At this moment, these world-class demigods have a common goal, which is... to kill you! Destroy the altar! ]

[And you and your allies naturally did not sit still and wait for death. ]

[The terrible war soon began. ]

[You recalled the bloody body from the Blood Sea, merged it with your main body, and fought the polar night stars and the Mother Goddess alone. ]

[Dent Morin, who had just recovered, led the dragons of Longxiang, the God Giz and his three demigods who surrendered to you to resist the Demon Mother with difficulty. ]

[And the corpse-possessed seemed to have no one to deal with. ]

[Your followers and friends gathered their fearless strength and tried to delay His steps with their precious lives, even if it was only a little bit of time. ]

[Just when He was about to drive straight in, the Everburning Furnace came with the Blood of God and blocked the corrupt continent with the molten volcano. ]

[The battle situation was deadlocked at this moment. ]

[Heisatan has successfully gathered the remaining power and completed the containment, and is about to build the long steps to the godhood. ]

[But, at this moment, something strange happened. ]

[The Mother Goddess stepped forward to stop you, and the Polar Night Stars took the opportunity to communicate with the starry sky and summoned a terrifying, unconscious starry sky symbiotic creature. ]

[After he and the Polar Night Stars symbiotic, his power was greatly enhanced. ]

[And you responded calmly, seriously injured the Mother Goddess, and did your best, but it was still difficult to hide the decline...]

[Because of the huge consumption of the altar and fusion, your faith power has bottomed out at this moment, and you have exited the fusion state. ]

[Although your believers are still providing you with faith, it will not take a short time to merge again. ]

[After exiting the fusion state, you can hardly resist the Polar Night Stars at this moment, and soon he found an opportunity to kill the main body and suppress the bloody body. ]

[You still haven't given up, trying to let Heisatan ascend to the godhood. 】

【But the Midnight Stars will not do as you wish, and will directly fight you to the death. 】

【Your allies tried to return to help but were found an opportunity instead, and the defense line was completely broken. 】

【The Everburning Furnace was seriously injured, Dente Morin fell, more than half of the demigods were killed or injured, and some fled. 】

【And the Demon Mother and the Possessed attacked you. 】

【Under the siege of a group of top demigods, you fell, and completely lost the opportunity to ascend to the only throne...】

【The altar collapsed, the Black Tide Secret Council was destroyed, and your allies and friends died or fled in despair...】

【After you fell. 】

【The Midnight Stars took the opportunity to accommodate your authority and power, and their strength was greatly improved again. 】

【After a terrifying melee, the Midnight Stars and the Mother Goddess worked together to kill the Demon Mother and the Possessed. 】

【At this moment, the overall situation has been decided. 】

【The hostile gods have all fallen, and the Mother Goddess has also been severely injured. 】

【The stars of the polar night took this opportunity to build a long ladder to the gods and became the only true god. 】

【He summoned the starry sky and filled the world with darkness and stars. The sun no longer appeared, and the life of the world changed, starting to use darkness and starlight as nutrients...】

【In the darkness, the ignorant people who survived began to numbly praise the darkness...】

【Occasionally, the remains of creation belonging to this era were discovered, but they would be discarded by them...】

【Only a very few people still had hope and tried to restore the world they once knew. 】

[But they could only hold the lantern and row the boat in the darkness, moving forward with difficulty...]

This is one of the endings [Dark Stars].

In other words, if Rogge chose to use most of his strength to attack the Mother Goddess while protecting the altar and ignored the Polar Night Stars, then there would be a high probability that such a result would come...

The main reason lies in the starry sky symbiotic creature summoned by the Polar Night Stars from the starry sky.

"That thing, I'm afraid it's the 'black tide' I encountered when I first entered the starry sky..."

Rogge thought.

Coincidentally, this also confirms Long Xiang's prophecy, indicating that it is indeed not groundless.

Then there is the root manipulator.

The final winner of this ending is the Mother Goddess who masters manipulation and erosion.

The possibility of this ending is actually relatively small.

It is also closely related to Rogge.

Because after experiencing the first ending [Dark Stars], Rogge directly chose to retain his strength for the second time, and even took the opportunity to show the enemy his weakness and trick the Polar Night Stars!

Then Rogge saw a shocking scene.

[You severely damaged the Polar Night Stars, and victory seemed to be waving to you. ]

[However, the injured Polar Night Stars made a move that you did not expect. ]

[He chose to let go of resistance and let the Mother Goddess manipulate him. ]

[Although you quickly reacted to stop them, they still succeeded. ]

[The strengthened Mother Goddess did not hesitate to use the Polar Night Stars to desperately restrain you, and he took the opportunity to come to the altar and eroded your clone Heisatan, and his power was strengthened again! ]

[As one strengthened, the other weakened, and the Mother Goddess had enough power to crush you! ]

[Soon, you fell. ]

[The altar and the Black Tide Secret Meeting were destroyed. ]

[The Mother Goddess killed a lot in the following war, eroding and manipulating all the remaining demigods. ]

[Finally, he ascended to the god level and became the only true god. ]

[The Mother Goddess did not choose to call the starry sky, but spread her power and manipulated the entire world. 】

【The sky, the earth, the ocean, life... everything seems to have returned to its former tranquility. 】

【However, the alternation of day and night began to become extremely regular, the sun was always bright, the moon was always incomplete, and the stars did not move at all...】

【Everyone's face was extremely regular, whether it was a believer, a rich person, or a poor person who was about to starve to death...】

【Everything was peaceful and peaceful, and everything remained unchanged...】

The world dominated by the Mother Goddess seemed to be pretty good.

But in fact, the reason why Rogge named it [Root Manipulator] was because everything in this world was manipulated.

The Mother Goddess controls everything.

The sun, the moon, the earth, the ocean, every beast, every person...

Perhaps He wants to achieve eternal rule in this way.

It may also be because this is His ideal perfect world...

Who knows, anyway, Rogge has never heard Him say a word...

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