I have a big sailing game

Chapter 398: Varissa, your king is back! (Two in one, please subscribe!)

On the palm of his hand, there are warriors of the entire dynasty!

When Ferner heard this, his face suddenly turned black.

As a lost ancient dynasty, whether it is powerful or not is not mentioned for the time being, but as a dynasty, its army is definitely not weak.

Just when Ferner was still secretly complaining in his heart.

There was a new movement in the opposite army.

On the palm of the Sun Chaser Giant, a huge humanoid warrior rose again, wearing heavy armor and holding a trident, holding it high above his head, and roaring out the obscure language of Varissa.

Ferner naturally didn't understand.

But Vic heard it clearly.

"All troops attack! Kill the invaders!"

The roar of the giant warrior resounded, and the troops around him were also excited, rushing towards the two, as if they would not stop until they trampled to death.

At this moment, the two had no time to care about anything else.

Facing the Varissa army attacking with all their strength, they could only take out their weapons and marks, grit their teeth and fight to the death.

However, they soon saw what the lost ancient dynasty was.


As the former king of this ancient dynasty, although Vic's mind was more full of life memories, he was also very clear about one of Varissa's characteristics.


The Varissa Dynasty's research on the road of "runes" can only be said to have reached the pinnacle.

There is no need to quote classics to explain this.

Because the huge Sun Chaser Giant that towers into the clouds is the best proof!

Its entire body is made of ore engraved with runes, and its functions are so numerous that they can be called terrifying. It is the highest embodiment of Varissa's wisdom!

Under this premise, every aspect of the Varissa Dynasty is inseparable from "runes".

The Varissa warriors in front of them have runes engraved on their armor, which makes it far harder than ordinary armor.

In addition, it has many functions such as reducing damage, immunity to special attacks, and protection of the soul.

This makes every Varissa warrior seem to be armed to the teeth!

Neither Vic's knife nor Ferner's mark prayer could effectively attack them.

And this was the effect of armor.

You know, the Varissa warriors still had rune weapons in their hands!

The warriors' swords could be as long or short as they wanted, the archers' bows and arrows could automatically chase the target, and there were even those who specialized in wielding long whips and staffs to control...

Such an intense battle made the two of them grit their teeth and complain in their hearts after just a few minutes of experience.

"Ferner... use the bottle quickly!"

Ferner just got a chance to breathe and wanted to summon the fearful thing, and then he heard Vic's anxious shout.

"I know!"

He didn't have time to talk nonsense at this time, and directly took out the already cracked bottle of fear, and after chanting twice in a low voice, he opened the bottle cap.

"Put your fear on the table..."

The low and terrifying voice seemed to come from the deepest part of Ferner's heart, making his heart involuntarily cold, and at the same time he felt dizzy, and the whole person became very uncomfortable.

"Kill the intruder!"

The giant warrior of Varissa took this opportunity to kill directly in front of Ferner, and the trident in his hand gathered blue energy and stabbed him fiercely.

At this time, Ferner was still under the weakening effect of the Bottle of Fear.

But fortunately, the Bottle of Fear is a gift from the Lord of the Black Tide, and there is no such thing as taking money but not doing anything.


Accompanied by a terrifying roar, the surging black tide gushed out from the mouth of the bottle in Ferner's hand, gathering into a huge monster figure, and directly caught the attack of the trident with its claws.

Then, a beast-like head extended directly from its back, biting the neck of the giant warrior of Varissa fiercely!


The thing of fear seemed to have bitten off a piece of extremely hard steel armor, making a loud noise, and the moment of the collision of extraordinary power, a strong aftermath broke out, shaking the surroundings.

However, surprisingly, even though a piece of the neck was bitten off, the Varissa giant warrior still did not stop moving at all, and raised the trident and continued to swing at the fearful thing.

Boom! Boom!

The two giants collided violently.

Seeing this, Vic, who was standing by, secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

While constantly dodging the attacks of the Varissa warriors, he couldn't help but feel suspicious.

There was no blood flowing from the neck of the Varissa giant warrior, and the wound was gray and shriveled like a mummy.

He knew very well that the former Varissa giant warrior was not an irrational corpse.

So why did it become like this now?

Thinking of this, Vic took a deep breath.

In any case, he had to solve the current dilemma first!

"Ferner, buy me some time!"

He shouted, and at the same time looked at the center of the palm of the Sun Chaser Giant.

If he remembered correctly, there was a rune main mechanism in the palm of the Sun Chaser Giant.

As long as it is turned off or destroyed, there is hope of solving the Varissa army in front of us!

Felner, who heard Vic's voice, did not say anything, but tried his best to suppress the mental discomfort, driving the fear thing to fight desperately on the battlefield to open the way for Vic.


In a place where they could not notice, Rogge's eyes were silently watching them.

In fact, Rogge had always been paying attention to Vic.

After all, it was the "expelled soul" that he brought back and found with his own hands.

And he also has an inseparable relationship with the lost dynasty Varissa.

However, the expelled soul was already incomplete when found by Rogge, so even Rogge did not fully understand the cause and process of the matter.

The reason for Varisa's loss is naturally unknown.

But now it seems that all the mysteries will be revealed.

After observing the battle situation in the palm of the Sun-Chasing Giant, he withdrew his gaze and turned his attention to the entire body of the Sun-Chasing Giant in the sea.

[Varissa Sunchaser Giant]

[Type: Rune Creation]

[Quality: Red]

[Level: 80]

[Rank: Angel]

[Explanation: The rune giant created by the ancient dynasty Varissa uses the energy of the sun as its source of power. It is extremely large and can support the survival of the subjects of the entire dynasty. They always firmly believe that the road to chasing the sun will never end. , just like their dynasty will not come to an end...]

Will the dynasty not usher in the end...

Haha... Rogge smiled in his heart and continued to scan the sun-chasing giant's body in the sea.

At this time, the Sun Chaser Giant had sunk into the sea for unknown reasons, but its body was completely intact and there were no traces of damage.


Rogge's eyes were focused, and with the blessing of mysterious power, he quickly saw the internal condition of the Sun-Chasing Giant and understood the reason for his current condition.

The reason is the residual will of a polluted god from outside the world.

His purpose is to try to turn the Sun Chaser Giant into his own divine body.

In this way, the reason for Vic's exile is naturally obvious.

"It's really haunting..."

Rogge's eyes were slightly cold.

No wonder Vic, the soul of the Crown of Varissa, was banished to the outside world, and the Sun Chaser lost its source of power and sank into the sea...

Of course he didn't know about this when he helped Vic. Most of his purpose came from "support and assistance" and curiosity about the Varissa Dynasty.

Unexpectedly, the loss of the Varissa Dynasty was inseparable from these pollution gods.

"I don't know how many threats like this are hidden in this huge world..."

Rogge thought secretly in his heart.

After thinking for a moment, he deliberately raised his hand to kill the remaining will in the Sun-Chasing Giant.

But after thinking about it, I decided not to take action yet.

The reason why we sent this boy Fellner here this time was also to train him.

Just in Roger's thinking room.

Vic has quickly found the rune structure in the palm of the sun-chasing giant and destroyed it.

After the rune mechanism failed, the entire Varissa warrior army fell instantly as if they had lost their lives.

This also surprised Vic.

The two people who survived the disaster entered the body of the Sun-Chasing Giant through the palm of the Sun-Chasing Giant.

Then, under the leadership of Vic, they moved towards the head of the Sun Chaser Giant.

And on their way forward, it cannot be said to be smooth sailing, it can also be said to be a narrow escape from death.

Since Varissa is a dynasty, and the body of the Sunchaser Giant is extremely large inside, every part has something similar to a "city".

In the cities of these sun-chasing giants, Felner and Vic saw not only strange structures, but also the subjects of Varissa.

The good news is that these subjects appear to be alive and moving.

The bad news is that these subjects look like mummies. Not only are they unable to communicate, but they also want to kill them after seeing them...

At this time, Vic and Fellner didn't even need to think to know that the Varissa Dynasty had suffered an unknown mutation.

As the two of them continued to move forward.

They are also encountering more and more crises.

The Varissa mage who controls rune stones... a rune creation that self-destructs and has negative effects... a crazy monster that carves runes into its body...

Thanks to their "good fortune" and "good luck", they were able to move forward without any danger.

Rogge, who secretly peeked at the screen, watched with gusto.

Don't tell me, it really feels like playing a meat pigeon game.

‘Why did this black cat... suddenly stop talking? ’

After finally finding a place to rest for a while, Vic suddenly noticed something strange about the black cat.

...The reason why Vic feels this way is because the black cat usually makes trouble for himself with venomous words from time to time whenever he has free time.

But today, he just sat obediently without saying a word, like a good student sitting at his desk.

If its tail hadn't been wagging from time to time, Vic might even have thought it was dead.

"How far is it from entering the giant's head?"

Fellner naturally didn't know what Vic was thinking. He only cared about how long it would take to leave this weird place.

"Come on, there should be a teleportation rune array in the city ahead."

Vic said.

"Of course, the premise is that we can go smoothly..."

"Stop, stop, stop!" Felner raised his hand to stop him from continuing: "Just stop here, don't continue talking."

After resting for a while.

The two moved on.

Fortunately, Vic's crow's mouth didn't come true.

Even if no one knows how much time has passed, the teleportation rune array inside the sun-chasing giant's body can still be used.

After a while, the space was distorted.

The two finally came to the area near the giant's head - the giant's chest.

As soon as they hit the ground.

It wasn't any of them who reacted first.

But Rogge.

In an instant, he killed a high-level monster squatting beside the teleportation array.

If he didn't take action, the two of them would probably have to shed their skin even if they didn't die.

These monsters are not like in ordinary games, lining up from high to low waiting to die.

Blocking doors and sneak attacks like this are commonplace.

So... without Rogge's protection, they would have died countless times.

And this has nothing to do with experience or character.

Simply because dangers don't follow step-by-step and conventional logic, they just want you to die.

The two continued to move forward cautiously.

"The ancient dynasty believed that the sun in the sky was eternal, and running on the road chasing the sun could exist forever..."

"However, on the way to pursue the sun, a residual evil will invaded the giant's body."

"He disguised himself as a minister, plotted to exile the king of Varissa, and tried to steal the body of the Sun-Chasing Giant and turn it into his own divine body..."

"But He had very little power left, so He was waiting for an opportunity."

Rogge's calm voice came from a suspended black tide.

With his secret protection, there will naturally be no surprises on the way forward for the two of them.

And when they arrived at the crown of the Sun Chaser Giant and found the remaining will of the pollution god, with Felner's help, he naturally appeared in front of the two of them and solved the dilemma.

After listening to his words, Fellner had surprise in his eyes.

Vic, on the other hand, was in a daze, seeming to recall those missing memories.

Although the lack of soul caused his memory to disappear.

But through Rogge's narration, he was able to connect some originally puzzling memory fragments together to form a complete memory.

After understanding everything, Vic fell silent.

"So...the Varissa Dynasty...is dead?"

He was a little disappointed, as if talking to himself.

In the past unknown number of years, the sun-chasing giant that sank into the sea could not bask in the sun, and naturally could not gain power.

The people of the Varissa Dynasty who lived inside also naturally died.

Now what remains in the body of the Sun-Chasing Giant are just some controlled walking corpses, and they have completely disappeared with the remaining will at this moment.

In other words, there is no longer a single living subject in the Varissa Dynasty at this moment...

There is only this huge giant body lying in the deep sea.

At this moment, Rogge spoke calmly.

"Aren't you still alive, Crown of Varissa."

I'm alive……

After hearing this, Vic's eyes slowly lit up, and finally became determined.

Yes, I'm still alive!

As long as there is one person left in Varissa, there is no such thing as destruction!

Thinking of this, Vic took a deep breath and solemnly thanked Rogge: "Thank you, Archbishop."

Then, he stood up and walked to the highest position of Varissa's Crown.

At this time, the Supreme Throne of Varissa was covered with dust, and the scepter symbolizing power still remained in front of the throne.

Vic's eyes were firm, and after exhaling, he firmly grasped Varissa's scepter and held it tightly.


In an instant, the entire Sun Chaser Giant made a huge noise, and the entire bottom of the deep sea trembled.

Vic was unmoved, sitting in front of the throne, closing his eyes tightly, inserting the scepter into the mechanism in front and holding it with both hands.

Click... click...

Along with the sound of the mechanism, the rune stone floated up, verifying Vic's soul.

After confirming that it was correct, the entire Crown of Varissa palace began to quickly brighten with the center under the scepter!


A bigger vibration sounded, and this time, the entire Sun Chaser Giant was moving!

But not enough!

Roger's eyes were calm.

"Stand up, giant."

As his words fell, a pure power appeared instantly and quickly gathered on the scepter in Vic's hand.

Boom! ! !

The huge sound was like the heaven and earth shaking, like a huge heart beating again.

From the sky, you can see that a huge giant body is slowly emerging from the deep sea, and the entire sea is shaking and swaying!

Vic slowly opened his eyes, held the staff in both hands, and looked straight ahead.

Varissa, our king...is back!


Countless seawater falls like a waterfall from the body of the sun-chasing giant under the action of gravity. Boulders, corals, and islands are all falling into the sea.

This is the moment when the sun is rising.

And the huge body of the sun-chasing giant slowly revived and stood up.

Boom... boom...

After countless years, the huge giant once again took heavy steps and walked towards the sun.

But this time, what it is chasing is no longer the illusory eternity...

One goal a day!

Monthly ticket, monthly ticket, monthly ticket!

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