I have a big sailing game

Chapter 396 Lopassman (two in one, please subscribe!)

Fellner felt that Vic in front of him didn't seem to be joking with him.

And his own innate ability seemed to help him prove this point. The blurry image of the running giant was just like the sun-chasing giant he said.

But he didn't really believe it was true.

Fellner looked at him again, still frowning.

With such a silly look, could he be the king of an ancient dynasty?

Fellner said nothing.

But his eyes and demeanor seemed to say everything.

Vic saw all this.

He couldn't help but twitch his mouth: "... I always feel that you are saying bad things about me in your heart."

"You don't believe it, right?"

Fellner shook his head when he heard it: "No, I barely believe it."

Barely believe it...

Vic was silent for a moment when he heard it.

If it's too much of a stretch, then I think you'd better not believe it...

"Since you said you are the king of the lost ancient dynasty..." Ferner didn't discuss the question of whether to believe it or not, and asked instead: "Then your current body... was it robbed?"

Ferner pointed to his chest and said.

Hearing this, Vic shook his head and didn't hide it from him. Now the two of them are on the same boat, tied together by life and death.


He stretched out his palm and looked at it.

"When I woke up, maybe I had died once..."

"Now I can't be sure who I am."

"Maybe Vic, maybe the king of Varissa, maybe... both? Who knows..."

Vic smiled.

He didn't care about this matter.

Now he should perhaps be called a new soul with both the memory of King Varissa and the memory of Vic.

Seeing that he looked like he was thinking about philosophy, Ferner didn't dwell on this topic for too long.

"Okay, King Varissa."

Ferner looked around.

"We are now in the border fog. Can you tell me what we should do next?"

After hearing this, Vic was silent for a while, looked at the dark and thick fog, and slowly spoke.

"Next, you'd better pray that we can find the remains of the Sun Chaser Giant..."

"Otherwise, we will most likely be lost in this fog forever..."



The steamship in the port hummed and set off again.

This new steam-powered ship is particularly conspicuous among the ships in the port, attracting waves of exclamations from the residents of the island.

The tall man with a cigar in his mouth and a strong chest slowly walked down the gangway, glanced around, and walked towards the island.

However, before the man got far, a little hand firmly grabbed the corner of his clothes.

He turned his head and saw a dirty little girl with her head deeply lowered, but her hands were raised, begging him.

Looking around, there are many such children around, and not just children.

There are also many disabled old people and crying women.

They seemed to have a unified command. Whenever a passenger got off the boat, they would come forward to beg.

After taking a look at the slightly dilapidated town, the man took out a few silver coins from his hand and put them in the girl's hand.

Then, he turned and left.

But soon, five or six children appeared in the corner of the alley, and came to him and stretched out their hands, as if they had been observing him in secret for a long time.

The man pinched his nose and sighed.

Then, he stretched out his hand and grabbed the little hand that tried to steal.

The thief's pupils shrank suddenly, and he struggled hard, but found that the other party's hand was as motionless as an iron clamp.

Just when he thought he was in trouble, he heard the man's hoarse and magnetic low voice.

"Stay here, don't move."

As his voice fell.

The boy felt as if his whole body was controlled by an inexplicable force. He walked to the side with his companions uncontrollably, and then stood in a row obediently.

"Assholes... What do you guys want to do? Are you going to rebel?"

It seemed that their actions were too outrageous. With a question, a group of ferocious hooligans soon appeared.

Just now, they looked like ordinary porters at the dock.

Rogge looked at the hooligans who surrounded him, his face calm as usual.

He didn't speak or move.

Just stood there quietly, and then a thought came to his mind.

In an instant, the group of people in front of him turned into ashes and dissipated in the air...

Then, after he exhaled a puff of smoke, he turned his head and walked towards the town.

At this time, he was possessed by a fabricated incarnation and came to the north of the Sea of ​​Confession.

Of course, he fabricated more than one incarnation.

What happened here was just one of the things he had to do.

This is the faith territory of the Polar Night Church in the Lopasman Empire, a large island called "White Radish"...

This place is full of poverty, exploitation and oppression.

In this regard, the Lopasman Empire far exceeds the faith territories of the Mother Goddess and the surrounding demigods.

As a unified and huge empire, the Lopasman Empire has existed for a long time.

The corruption within it can be described as a smoky mess. The church and the nobles have joined forces to squeeze the civilians under their rule and squeeze every drop of their value with all their efforts.

This naturally made the civilians miserable.

As we all know, there is a common sense that if people can't eat, they will try every means to eat, even if it means rebellion.

This is true even in a world with extraordinary power.

But the only difference is that the result of rebellion is completely different...

"Go quickly! Damn guy!"


The whip hit the back, leaving a deep blood mark and causing screams.

On the street, soldiers were escorting a group of people to the execution platform, whipping and urging them on the way.

Among the people being escorted were people of all ages, both men and women, young and old.

And the only thing they had in common was the simple flame brand on their arms...

Rogge stood on the second-floor balcony of the tavern, leaning against the railing and taking a sip of strong liquor.

These escorted people with common characteristics were rebels from the Lopasman Empire.

They had a name widely circulated in the Lopasman Empire.


This is a rebel organization in the Lopassman Empire. They are scattered, but they have a common goal and will, which is resistance.

Every member of the self-immolation will have a simple flame pattern branded on his arm.

The meaning of this name is very simple, and it comes from the joke of a noble.

"Their resistance is like a moth flying into the fire, which is no different from self-immolation."

In the eyes of the nobles and believers, what these people do is not resistance, but just self-immolation.

After all, this is not a world where everyone is equal in the flesh.

The oppressive class with powerful extraordinary power is not afraid of being hanged by the angry civilians.

They will only hang those who rebel.

The class is solidified and oppressed to the extreme.

In this case, are there any vested interests who betray their class?

Of course there are.

When the incarnation of Rogge traveled in the Lopassman Empire, he had heard some such rumors.

Among the nobles on a certain island, there was such a betrayer. He had extraordinary power, but joined the ranks of the rebels and fought against his original class.

Unfortunately, there are only a very small number of such people. Their joining only prevents the self-immolation organization from being easily swept away like garbage, and allows it to survive until now...

Then the question is.

Since these oppressors are not afraid of resistance and can plunder civilians unscrupulously, why are there so many islanders now?

The reason is magical.

After the nobles and the church oppressed the civilians to a certain extent, they were shocked to find that the number of civilians was getting smaller and smaller.

That's right, people are not water in a sponge. No matter how you press them, there will still be residue. If you don't give them food and can't get food, what can you do? You can only die.

They can suppress resistance, but they can't make civilians immune to death.

...No, it's not impossible.

It can only be said that fortunately the God of the Polar Night Church does not control the power of death and resurrection.

Otherwise, these civilians may have to be resurrected after death, and become zombies who work tirelessly...

After they realized this problem, they realized that they should change.

And their change was also very simple.

Eat, I'll pay for the food.

The believers should work hard to solve the food problem of these civilians, so that they will not starve to death, and they can also sing praises to the great gods.

The money to solve the food problem is naturally borne by the nobles.

The benefits go to the church, and the infamy is borne by the nobles.

Do they have any objections?

Of course not, the nobles are so happy that they are itching.

But there is no way, who lets the church have a big fist? If it weren't for the rule and blood sucking, the nobles may not have the need to exist.

The nobles seem to understand this, so they don't allow the civilians to disappear completely, but try their best to increase their population.

The church and the nobles bully the civilians. If there are no civilians bullying, then the church can only bully the nobles.

Therefore, with the help of the nobles' forced "conscience", the civilians have basic food security.

The three have returned to the weird balance point.

All this makes Rogge feel quite absurd.

Just as Rogge's thoughts diverge,

The self-immolators were escorted to the execution platform by a group of soldiers.

Under the execution platform, there were civilians watching in groups of two or three.

More people seemed to be accustomed to the scene in front of them, and their eyes were full of numbness.

This kind of thing is too common.

The executioner who was guarding seemed to be in a hurry to get off work. After saying a few polite words, he entered the execution stage. Anyway, no one listened.

If nothing unexpected happens, today's execution will end soon.

However, since Rogge is already standing here, it is unlikely that nothing unexpected will happen.

Accompanied by a burst of noise from the crowd.

A group of masked men rushed out from all directions with weapons. It is not difficult to see from the marks on the arms of some of them that they are also members of the self-immolators.

This group of self-immolators roared and attacked the execution team.

They seemed to have planned for a long time, and there were also extraordinary people among them. They quickly solved the execution team and rescued their companions in a noisy sound.

Seeing this, Roger raised his head and drank the last sip of liquor in the bottle.


The crisp sound of a wine bottle falling to the ground was heard, but Rogge's figure disappeared on the spot.


The port of White Radish Island.

Teams of soldiers quickly surrounded from all directions and started a fierce battle with the self-immolators.


A huge explosion sounded, and a tavern collapsed.

"Quick! Get on the boat!"

"Brian... I leave it to you!"

The fierce battle spread throughout the port, and the masked leader of the self-immolators shouted loudly.

Hearing his words, a tall self-immolator nodded, took a deep breath, and took out a piece of black flesh and blood with a resolute look and put it into his mouth.

Accompanied by his painful screams, his body began to swell rapidly, his muscles violently broke through the skin on his body, and he turned into a humanoid monster burning with flames in the blood.

After a roar, he rushed towards the soldiers with gunfire and weapons, setting off a bloody storm, and blocking the advance of the group of imperial soldiers with his flesh and blood.

In addition to him, there were also self-immolators who gritted their teeth and voluntarily sacrificed themselves to stay behind.

Under their cover, the self-immolators finally had a chance to breathe and quickly evacuated to a ship.

They paid a heavy price, but as long as they could leave, they would be successful.

Unfortunately, the sky did not fulfill their wishes.

"The Lord of the Brilliant Stars, the Watcher of the Infinite Starry Sky..."

A low murmur sounded.

A cloud suddenly appeared in the sky.

Then, a huge meteorite emerged with fire, and the huge force directly destroyed one of the retreating ships, and even killed several self-immolators.

"Although I don't know how long your meaningless struggle will last."

"But since you are here, don't leave."

With a sneer, a believer in the robe of the Midnight Church emerged from the glittering starlight with a seal in his hand, cutting off their retreat.

Seeing this, the leader of the self-immolators suddenly felt depressed.

However, just when he was about to grit his teeth and fight to the death, an accident happened.

"You have no say."

A calm voice suddenly sounded in the ear of the Polar Night believer, causing his pupils to shrink. He looked around in horror, trying to find the source of the sound.

Then, he was horrified to find that his body was turning into tiny dust particles one by one, disappearing quickly from his feet to his head.


The shrill scream had not even been fully uttered, and the Polar Night believer had completely disappeared.

The leader of the self-immolators looked at this scene in astonishment.

But he quickly realized that this was not the time to dwell on these things, and hurriedly turned around to organize his companions to retreat.


"You... damn bastards!"

"One day, you will all go to hell!"

The man named Brian left a last roar, and his scarred body finally couldn't hold on, and exploded into pieces of corpses on the ground with a bang.

The self-immolators successfully retreated.

Compared with many painful failures, such a tragic success can even be considered relatively good.

Chateauroux leaned against the railing, took off the mask on his face, and exhaled with a heavy heart.

Looking at the blue sea, his heart was full of confusion.

He couldn't understand why the world was so cruel.

The church and the nobles bullied others wantonly, treated people like livestock and slaughtered them, but there was no retribution.

If such a world collapsed, it might not be a bad thing...

He looked up at the cracks in the sky and thought to himself.

"The oppression of the gods will come to an end."

"Are you interested in adding fuel to the flames?"

A low voice fell into Chateauroux's ears.

He turned his head suddenly, but saw a man who appeared beside him at some point, looking at him calmly.

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