I have a big sailing game

Chapter 371 The First Continent (Two in One, please subscribe!)

[You carry the Monument of the Whisperer to sleep...]

[Note that terminating the dream of recall can be terminated, but you only have one chance to enter the dream of recall. After using it, the Monument of the Whisperer will be broken. 】

[Entering the whisperer’s memory dream...]

Closed room, simple beds.

Rogge was lying on the bed, holding the Monument of the Whisperer, closing his eyes, and slowly fell into a dream.

[You have entered the whisperer’s memory dream...]

After a period of darkness, light appeared in front of Rogge's eyes.

In his line of sight, prompts continued to appear, revealing more information to him.

[At the beginning of the birth of the world, there was no sign of life on the boundless continent, and everything you could see was quiet and lonely. 】

Along with the prompts.

Scenes gradually appeared in front of Rogge's eyes, with white mist around the edges, full of the illusion of a dream.

His vision moved at an extremely fast speed while overlooking the continent.

But, as the prompt says, there is no life in the world.

Neither plants nor animals exist. The whole world is bare, with only the ups and downs of mountains and criss-crossing ravines.

Rogge's sight kept moving forward like this.

His actions were not under his control, and he seemed to be watching all this from the perspective of a third-person bystander.

"Is this the Whisperer's perspective?"

Roger quickly thought of this.

Before entering this so-called whisperer's dream, he naturally tried to use the power of faith to deduce, but unfortunately, he could not do it.

This shows that "The Whisperer" is obviously a boss-level existence, and is probably a true god.

Therefore, His past, future, and personal experiences were covered up by powerful forces, preventing the weak from prying into them.

And the three words "whisperer" easily reminded Rogge of dreams.

Speaking of dreams, Rogge had to think of something that Uvier Muze once told him.

The eastern part of the Sea of ​​Holy Scales - the Sea of ​​Dreams.

The fragment of Demir's Mirror that Rogge obtained in the waters of Judona is one of the key treasures.

However, due to a series of events behind him, he had no time to pay attention to it for the time being.

Unexpectedly, it seems to be associated with "The Whisperer" again.

"After I finish dreaming, I have to go and see it."

Rogge thought.

Then, he continued to focus on the dream in front of him.

Whether what he is seeing now is the dream experience of the "Whisperer" remains to be discussed.

"Hmm... is the owner of this perspective traveling around or... confused?"

On the boundless continent, Rogge kept wandering with this unknown perspective.

But there is no life on this continent, and everything is so bare and boring.

And Rogge also felt a little bit...confused from this perspective?

It doesn't seem to know what it should do, what it is looking for, or even who it is...

This made Rogge frown.

Although he is patient, he is not able to enjoy watching such boring things all the time.

But fortunately, changes happened quickly.

This perspective suddenly stopped, and then slowly looked towards the sky.

There is no sun or moon in the sky, it is not a blue sky, and it is not a dark night.

But a chaotic gray.



[Suddenly, you paused, and the whole world collapsed, like a lens falling to the ground and breaking into pieces. 】

[You wake up from confusion and find a trace of yourself in your new life. 】

[You were born, and the power the world gave you was dreams. You control all dreams in the world, whether they are sweet dreams or nightmares. 】

The next moment, all the perception and action memories of this so-called "dream controller" were transferred to Rogge's mind.

He tried to look at his body, but all he saw was a ball of air.

But He knows that it is not that He does not exist, but that He has no exact form, does not belong to life and matter, and is more inclined to spirit.

"It is indeed the Whisperer. This should be the owner of the Monument of the Whisperer or... the maker?"

"There is a high probability that he is a true god-level existence."

Rogge thought.

He is not a fool. After seeing this scene and combining it with the information he had learned before, he can probably deduce these conclusions.

This "whisperer" should have been born in an extremely long history.

So now it seems that the role of this Monument of the Whisperer is probably to follow the perspective of the "Whisperer" and see the ancient history of this world.

"...I thought I could get some powerful treasure...but that's okay."

"Since the world was originally a continent, it appears how it became an ocean."

You definitely won't get anything great from watching movies this way.

But Rogge was not too disappointed.

If we can learn about the long history from this experience, that would be a major gain.

[After understanding this, you look up at the sky. It is no longer gray, but an evening with the sun and the moon shining together. 】

[On the east side of the continent, the dazzling sun brings the rising sun, while on the west side, the moon surrounded by stars sheds night light. 】

【"They are the same kind as me."】

[An idea pops up in your mind. It’s like you are born knowing how to control the power of dreams, just like instinct. 】

[They are existences at the same level as you, and they are the same existences that appeared at the beginning of the birth of this world. 】

"The sun and the moon..."

"Day and starry sky?" Rogge frowned slightly: "I knew that there must be a world of day in this world...but why didn't I sense it? Is it because it was hidden deeper? Or did it die in a disaster?"

among the information given by the prompt.

The babbler uses "they", which confirms that the sun and the moon in the sky are two different entities.

And the starry world over there should be the starry sky behind, so the sun on the opposite side will naturally have a unique world like "daytime".

Of course, this is just Rogge's speculation.

[However, as your kind, their relationship does not seem to be so harmonious. 】

[Because you saw that at the junction of their powers, countless radiances and stars fell, falling on the earth like meteors. 】

[This caused a large number of potholes and long-lasting flames to appear on the ground, and various bright ores were burned around them. 】

[Seeing this, you extinguished your desire to communicate with them. 】

"Is there a contradiction? Are there natural opposites? Interesting..."

Roger touched his chin and smiled.

Compared to the Whisperers, the sun and the moon seem to be born earlier, but they are not a regular rotation of the sun and the moon, but try to fight for complete control through war.

He didn't know if the world the Whisperer was in was the beginning of the world.

But now it seems that its rules are probably lacking.

[After you withdrew your gaze, you were silent for a long time, choosing to wrap yourself in the power of dreams and continue to move forward on this continent. 】

[As you move forward, you can’t help but start thinking about some questions. 】

[You don’t know what your purpose is, and you don’t know what your mission is. 】

[Although this is nonsense, you feel that your existence seems to be just for the sake of existence. 】

[You don’t like this very much. 】

[So, is there a way to stop you from existing? 】

[You haven't thought of any solution, and you don't intend to look for it, because you just think about it casually to pass the time. 】

Following the whisperer's perspective, this meaningful but seemingly roundabout statement made Rogge fall into deep thought.

If this question is left to him to answer, it will naturally be very simple.

If you want to cease to exist, the answer to your question is death.

Why didn't the whisperer think of this?

This shows that there is no concept of "death" in His mind at all.

"I'm afraid there is a true god who has the power of death..."

Roger shook his head.

Demigods only ignite the fire to connect with the authority, which is equivalent to a branch, not the authority itself.

And the true God is probably indistinguishable from authority.

Roger took a breath and continued reading.

He didn't want to keep reading and thinking about it.

It's because the world from the Whisperer's perspective is still very desolate.

Most of the scenery he saw was just the silent earth-yellow land. Occasionally he could see mountain peaks, which was very boring.

But soon, the situation improved.

[You feel a little bored in this aimless wandering. 】

[You stopped and focused on the authority you had. 】

[Dream... your understanding of it is very deep, but very shallow. 】

[In your opinion, this is a world that belongs to you alone, and it can fabricate anything you want. 】

[After taking a look at the outside world, you shook your head and returned to the dreamland. 】

[The outside world is too boring, so you plan to play by yourself in a dream. 】

[You fell into a deep sleep, returned to your own dreamland, and fabricated many things you wanted. 】

[The moving earth-yellow earth, the floating earth-yellow earth, the rotating earth-yellow earth...]

[The sun on the east side, the sun on the west side...]

[The moon on the east side...]

"..." Rogge couldn't help but laugh: "You really can't imagine things beyond cognition..."

Even a large number of fantasy creations can be fabricated in dreams.

But after all, the whisperer himself has only seen the khaki earth, the sun and the moon, and at most some brilliance and starlight, and nothing else.

Therefore, even if everything in the dream is at His mercy, He can only fabricate a bunch of simple things like this, and at most add some of his own characteristics...

But even so, the babbler still enjoyed the game with gusto.

At least it's more fun than the outside world.

He holds great power, yet is as simple as a child.

[With no concept of time, you have spent an unknown amount of time in a dream. 】

[In the end, you feel bored to death and have no interest in staying here anyway. 】

【You feel like this world is just like this, everything is boring. 】

[You have the urge to die...but you don't know what death is or how to die...]

[After thinking for an unknown amount of time, you remembered two of the same kind in the sky. 】

[They created in dreams are always just playthings. Maybe communicating with them in the outside world will bring you some novel experiences. 】

[As for war...well, you don't really like this kind of thing, but if they like it, then play with them. Anyway, it's better than staying bored in a dream all the time. 】

[With this thought, you walked out of the dream and woke up. 】

[However, the moment you leave the dreamland, you feel that the world seems to have changed drastically. 】

【Lush green everywhere, tall green things like you've never seen before. 】

[You feel a power from it, a power you have never seen before. It seems to come from someone at the same level as you. 】

"Well...the world has changed when I wake up."

"It seems that a new god with authority was born while the Whisperer was sleeping..."

"Plant... life?"

Roger was thoughtful.

[Facing this world that is completely different from before you fell asleep, you are very excited and excited. 】

[The world today is filled with countless things you have never seen before. 】

[Forests, lakes, lush mountain peaks, rivers in troughs...]

[Although the sun and moon in the sky are still fighting, you can feel a lot of fun from the boring land. 】

[In the forest, you also saw many animals you have never seen before. They are as ignorant as you, but full of ignorance. They only have some instincts that make you feel strange. 】

[You are very interested in these lives and have observed them for a long time. 】

[You discovered the difference between them and you. 】

[They have no innate power, only some strange instincts, and they are not as consistent as your appearance. 】

[In addition, their appearance seems to be affected by the passage of time, from small to large, from weak to strong, and finally from weak to... motionless. 】

[You don’t know why these lives end up motionless, so you become curious. 】

[Perhaps, you should find the source of this power and ask him why. 】

"Life and death appear..."

Rogge thought for a moment and understood what happened while the Whisperer was sleeping.

[With curiosity about this question, you start traveling around the world again. 】

[You have seen a lot of things you have never seen before. The appearance of these lives has given the entire continent a different atmosphere. You feel quite happy about this. 】

[During your travels, you will also write down these changes and lives one by one. Perhaps you can recreate those motionless lives in your dreams. 】

[During the long journey, you did not see the source of life force that you wanted to see. 】

[But you saw a being of the same kind as you in a huge lake...]

One goal a day!

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