I have a big sailing game

Chapter 346 The Secret Pusher (Two in One, please subscribe!)

Following the memory of Odoan's son, Rogge soon found the cave where Odoan gave birth to his offspring.

This place is located near Longxiang, a rather remote island.

After entering the cave, Rogge followed his memory and found the place where Odoan had placed the bed of flesh and blood.

There are many black and hardened blood threads in this cave, which have dried and solidified. It is not difficult to see that Odoan moved the bed of flesh and blood from here.

Because of his large body, Lotaren did not enter the cave.

Rogge did not waste time and directly released his mental power to carefully scan the things around the cave.

The result was that he did not find any clues as Rogge expected.

This made Rogge scratch his head.

It seems that Odoan is also quite cautious. Even after conquering Longxiang, he did not leave any clues at the original place.

"It seems that we still have to find a way to solve Odoan..."

After Rogge muttered to himself, he couldn't help but feel a headache.

He is now a little entangled whether to trace back.

Even if he went back, he couldn't kill Odoan. This guy has already mastered some of the power of the true god. Even if he has no authority, he can still press the demigod to the ground.

But if he doesn't go back, the true god skull in the Dragon Country and Odoan can temporarily maintain their current state, but this kind of mutual balance is undoubtedly fragile.

Once such a mutual balance is broken, the consequences will be something that Rogge can't handle...

This is a time bomb...

If Rogge can't solve the false god Odoan when it explodes, then Rogge can only go back and need to go again, which is very troublesome.

So Rogge has a headache.


Just as Rogge was thinking about countermeasures, a message popped up.

[Your talent "Fishing Master" has been activated. ]

When he saw this message, Rogge couldn't help but raise his eyebrows, and then took out the fishing rod without hesitation.

He had triggered this effect once before, so he was familiar with it.

However, triggering the effect of the fishing master in a cave was something he had never imagined...

While thinking, Rogge had a harvest.

[You caught: Strange Octopus x 1. ]

It was also a strange creature that looked like a marine creature.

But this time, Rogge was required to look into its eyes.

Rogge didn't care about complaining at this time, and directly cast his eyes on the eyes of the octopus.

Soon, some fragmentary scenes appeared in front of Rogge.


The three two-headed giants had a fierce quarrel here.

"Enough of Odoan! Stop pursuing some illusory fantasies. Aren't we living well in Dragon Country now?"

Dolimat frowned, very dissatisfied with Odoan.

"Odoan, what Dolimat said is not without reason..."

"Our bloodline and talent are like this, which cannot be changed by external forces. It's enough to live well once. Mother has told us this. Why are we so obsessed?"

Compared with Dolimat's fierce reaction, Nemirs's reaction was relatively calm, but it was not difficult to hear from his words that he did not agree with Odoan's view.

However, Odoan just glanced at them coldly.

"The bloodline of our two-headed giants is about to end, but you have no sense of crisis and only care about your own enjoyment, haha..."

After saying that, Odoan left angrily.

After Nemirs and Dolimat looked at each other, they sighed deeply.


It's unknown how much time has passed.

The location is the same, but the people in it have changed.

The mysterious man wearing a believer's robe with stars on it stood opposite Odoan. Although he looked shorter than Odoan, he was not weaker in momentum. Instead, he had a vague intention of taking him as the leader.

"... As long as you touch the source, all your worries will be solved."

"If you are determined, the God of Stars can help you."

The mysterious man said lightly.

Hearing this, Odoan's eyes flashed with excitement, and soon he knelt on one knee to express his submission and obedience: "As long as I can make my two-headed giant tribe prosperous and break the shackles of blood, I will pay any price!"

"I will pay any price?" The mysterious man chuckled and said, "In that case, then offer your fellow tribe Dolimat to the God of Stars first."

Hearing this, Odoan hesitated immediately.

However, after a moment of silence, it gritted its teeth and made up its mind.

It turned and left.

There is no doubt that in order to achieve his goal, Odoan was ready to attack his fellow tribesman Dolimat and sacrifice him to the God of Stars...

After Odoan left.

The mysterious man did not leave immediately, but slowly took out a special meteorite-like mark.

After a moment, the front of it became blurred. The large piece seemed to be covered and hidden by some power. Even the strange octopus living in the long river of history could not see it.

Rogge guessed that this should be the god among the stars in the polar night, a pseudo-god-level existence.

However, this is not the most important point.

What the mysterious man said next was very intriguing.

"The stupid dragons in the Dragon Country have been successfully misled by us and are heading to the starry sky to find hope."

"Odoan is a very good chess piece. We only need to lead it to the source to threaten the empty Dragon Country..."

"Then we will be able to get the skull through this guy..."

After he finished speaking, he began to listen quietly. The one covered by the unknown power seemed to say something, but the strange octopus did not know.

After a while, the mysterious man nodded.

"... Only one chess piece is enough. I will find a way to eliminate the rest of its kind."

"Follow your will, my lord."

The mysterious man bowed respectfully.


There was no information worth Rogge's attention in the next scene.

Because after Odoan sacrificed Dolimat to the God of Stars, he directly tied up Nemirs.

After it contacted the source with the help of the God of Stars, it directly transformed Nemirs into a hotbed of flesh and blood in pain.

Then there was a scene that made Rogge feel hot and disgusting.

Odoan gently stroked the sticky and bloody flesh and blood bed, and the cheeks of the two heads were pressed against the struggling human figure on the bed, and the voice murmured softly.

"Our two-headed giant tribe has a great mother again..."


Then came the last scene.

The mysterious man talked to Odoan again, and at this time Odoan had undoubtedly become a minion of the Polar Night Stars.

From the signs on them, it seems that they have just experienced a war, perhaps the war in Longxiang.

"I will stay away from Longxiang, and the things here will be handed over to you. Clear the remaining resistance as soon as possible and increase your strength."

The mysterious man ordered.

Odoan was delighted and responded quickly. After hesitating for a moment, he tentatively asked: "Has the God of Stars encountered any trouble? Do you need my help?"

However, its seemingly caring but actually tentative words were instantly seen through by the other party, and it was greeted with a sneer and a cold look.

"Put away your ridiculous ambition, Odoan."

"Unless you want to be a suspended meteorite in the cold starry sky..."

Odoan was shocked when he heard this, and even said he didn't dare, and he was scared out of his wits.

"Do your work with peace of mind." The mysterious man glanced at it and turned his back: "After the God of Stars solves the trouble at hand, he will give you guidance."

"Be honest and be your giant father."

Odoan responded repeatedly, not daring to refute.


The scene slowly blurred.

The octopus in Rogge's hand turned into a wisp of mist and melted into the air.

Rogge also came back to his senses and began to carefully taste what the mysterious man said just now.

First of all, the first important information-the giant dragon in Longxiang was misled to go to the starry sky.

This is a very critical information.

It directly shows one point, that is, Longxiang's starry sky dragon city plan is indeed inseparable from the polar night stars, and it can even be said that they are secretly promoting it!

They seemed to be intentionally removing the powerful dragons from Dragon Country in exchange for the emptiness of Dragon Country.

However, the most frightening thing was that their purpose seemed not to be just targeting Dragon Country... but the skull of the true god in Samipa Icefield!

After realizing this.

Rogge couldn't help but frown and asked himself a question-why didn't the Polar Night Stars take the skull of the true god directly?

But he soon figured out the key, that is, it can't be avoided.

The distance between Dragon Country and Samipa Icefield is not far, and with the relationship with Lotareen, if Samipa Icefield is invaded by the Polar Night Stars, Dragon Country is definitely a hurdle that can't be avoided.

With the power and arrogance of Dragon Country, I'm afraid it won't tolerate an outside church and god trying to get involved in its surroundings.

Therefore, in order to avoid a direct conflict with Dragon Country, the Polar Night Stars made a far-reaching plan, trying to use Odoan's hand to explore the Samipa Icefield...

However, the Polar Night Stars seemed to have encountered some troubles on the way, which slowed down the plan and did not get the True God's Skull as they wished.

Rogge put back the fishing rod.

This trip was not in vain. At least he got a very critical piece of information, that is, the Polar Night Stars needed the True God's Skull.

For this reason, they even spent a lot of time and energy on the plan to capture Dragon Country, just to get the True God's Skull instantly.

And the "trouble" that could temporarily distract the Polar Night Stars from their energy must not be a trivial matter, otherwise the Polar Night Stars would never lose sight of one thing while focusing on the other...

Walking out of the cave, Rogge took two breaths of fresh air.

Lothalene's eyes quickly came over.

"How is it, did you gain anything, Rogge?"

"Let's talk about it slowly on the way. I need to see the remaining traces of the Starry Sky Dragon City in Dragon Country."

Rogge said.

Although strictly speaking, the Midnight Stars' plan for the True God's Skull had little to do with Rogge.

However, whether it was out of consideration for the Black Tide Secret Meeting or Rogge himself, he had a premonition, that is... never let the True God's Skull fall into the hands of the Midnight Stars!


When Rogge and Lotharion returned to Dragon Country.

Uweyemuzer had been waiting here for a long time.

Beside it, there were little dragon cubs, several scarred young dragons, and several adult dragons with mutilated bodies.

There is no doubt that they were all discovered and brought back by Uvie Muze when he was cleaning up the surrounding area.



One of the young dragons with dark yellow scales became alert the moment it saw Rogge, bared its teeth and roared.

There is no doubt that the human figure in the war of the fall of Longxiang has been remembered by many dragons.

When Uvie Muze saw this, he slapped its head without hesitation.

"What are you grinning for? This is your Uncle Rogge, be polite! You brat..."

Uviye Muze glared at it and said.

Uvie Muze actually regarded Rogge as a junior before.

But as Rogge's strength grew rapidly, it decided to recognize Rogge as its big brother.

In this case, in terms of seniority, Rogge is naturally the uncle of these dragon cubs...

Of course, this is nonsense, and Rogge's current focus is not on these surviving dragons.

"How did Starry Sky Dragon City rise to the starry sky and where did it rise? Please take me to see it."

Rogge said directly.

He had already told Lotharine some important information on the way.

After Lotharen's analysis and his own careful consideration, Rogge had no intention of looking back.

He needs the True God Skull and Odogan to maintain their current status and check and balance each other.

Lotharen and Uvie Muze stayed in Longxiang for the time being.

As long as they keep their own Black Tide mark, Rogge will have an anchor point for his arrival and can come at any time. It just consumes some time and a lot of faith power.

Now that the plan is set.

Then, next, he must try his best to find ways to enhance Longxiang's power.

The giant dragons in Starry Sky Dragon City are the best choice.

However, Rogge still hopes that each of them will not be cursed like Uviye Muze did at the beginning.

Otherwise, Rogge would have to go to the Sea of ​​Demons again...

"This... I'm not sure. I'll try to find out."

Uviye Muze was a little helpless. It had been sleeping in the Starry Sky Dragon City for a long time and had forgotten some things, so it could only try to find them.

Hearing this, Rogge looked at Lotharine again, only to see it shake its head: "I don't know anything about Starry Sky Dragon City."

Just when Rogge felt a little headache, a timid voice sounded.

"I... know something about this."

Rogge followed the sound and found that it was the dark yellow young dragon that had bared its teeth at him just now.

After being slapped by Uvier Muze, it naturally realized that Rogge was one of its own, and a very strong one, and naturally put away its anger towards humans.

Of course, Rogge would not be angry with a little dragon, and nodded slightly towards it: "Then lead the way."

"Xiao Wu, let's go together. I'll stay here."

Lotharine spoke, flapping his wings and flying up onto the iceberg.

Rogge nodded toward it, spread his dragon wings and soared into the sky.

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