I have a big sailing game

Chapter 341 Dragon Country? Giant Country! (Two in one, please subscribe!)

Contrary to Rogge's expectations, the border fog near Longxiang was nothing special. They passed through it safely and came to the sea where Longxiang was located.

The Sea of ​​Holy Scales.

"I'm back..."

Seeing this familiar sea, Uweyemuzer couldn't help but mutter to himself.

In the past, he entered the starry sky with the Starry Sky Dragon City and slept in the cold Starry Sky Dragon City for an unknown period of time. Now that he saw his hometown again, he naturally couldn't help but feel endless emotion in his heart.

It's a pity that the current Longxiang is probably no longer the Dragon Township it was familiar with.

"... Rogge, what should we do now."

After putting away his inner emotions, Uweyemuzer looked at Rogge beside him and asked for his opinion.

"Which direction is Longxiang?" Rogge asked.

"Over there." Lotareen quickly gave a definite answer and pointed out the direction.

Seeing this, Rogge nodded: "You guys wait for me somewhere nearby for a while, I'll go check the situation."

Lotaren frowned when he heard this: "You go alone?"

In his opinion, although Rogge's strength is very strong and his methods are mysterious, it is Dragon Township's business after all. As a member of Dragon Township, they should not leave all the things to Rogge.

However, Uweyemuzer understood Rogge's thoughts very well and explained for him: "Senior Lotaren, don't worry, he has a strong way to hide himself. We will restrict him if we are with him."

At least when he was in the Samipa Icefield, he had seen Rogge's powerful hiding ability, so he understood some of Rogge's considerations.

"...In this case, then you should pay attention to safety and don't be impulsive." Lotaren could only agree after hearing this.

If he can hide himself perfectly, then it is indeed a good choice to let him detect the situation.

The previous matter of collecting the skull of the true god also made him feel that Rogge should not do things that he is not sure of.

Who would joke about his own life?

Rogge nodded slightly, his figure sank, and disappeared in the black tide.

In Lotareen's opinion, Rogge was confident.

In fact, what he didn't know was that Rogge was not confident, but was not afraid of death.

If the mysterious authority of Heisatan was used to hide itself, it could indeed avoid most of the sight.

But if it encountered some equally powerful authority, or some special treasures, there might be a risk of exposure.

But for Rogge, these were not obstacles.

If it doesn't work once, then come a few more times, and you will be able to explore the situation in the Dragon Country clearly.

Oh no, maybe it should be called the Giant Country for the time being.

Rogge's figure jumped rapidly on the sea, and his mental power also scanned the surrounding environment and situation continuously.

The Holy Scale Sea is undoubtedly a mysterious and beautiful place.

The most notable feature is the many islands suspended in the air.

When Rogge chatted with Uweyemuzer, he talked about the Holy Scale Sea.

In this magical sea, there is also a mythical legend about these floating islands.

In the Sea of ​​Holy Scales, these islands floating in the air are not islands in essence, but scales one after another.

Scales from the body of an ancient evil god.

Before the Dragon Country was established, the sea was in ignorance. The ancestor of the dragon, Nekdorens, and the mother of the dragon, Dorramah, came to this sea through fog and giant islands, natural dangers and abysses...

In this sea, they encountered an ancient evil god who had lost his mind.

His body went straight into the sky, like a beam supporting the sky and the earth. With a wave of his hand, he could disperse the clouds and summon endless storms and tsunamis.

It's a pity that it has lost its mind and is just a walking corpse that will bring endless disasters.

At that time, in the Holy Scale Sea, storms were the norm, islands were broken, no life dared to be born again, and the rise and fall of the sea water fluctuated with the walking of the evil god. The whole sea area was filled with endless dead silence...

This ancient evil god was eventually killed by the ancestor of the giant dragon and the mother of the giant dragon who came here.

The sky and the earth were dark, the sea water flowed back, and the abyss appeared.

After the war, the already unbearable sea area became even more devastated.

However, with the continuous spilling of the blood of the true god, the sea area that had not seen vitality for a long time miraculously appeared alive again.

And, with the death of the ancient evil god, his body began to melt between heaven and earth.

The ancestor of the giant dragon and the mother of the giant dragon used part of his body to repair this sea area.

In the end, only countless scales were left of his body.

So, the ancestor of the giant dragon and the mother of the giant dragon spread these scales, which floated in the air and formed one floating island after another...

After that war, the life that gained vitality due to the blood of the gods is the current giant dragon and its subspecies.

The Sea of ​​Holy Scales is also named after this.

In short, this is a good story.

Rogge naturally did not have the energy to verify the authenticity of this story. Even if the ancestor of the giant dragon and the mother of the giant dragon really existed, these stories passed down are often not true.

What he needs to care about is the current situation of the Sea of ​​Holy Scales.


Rogge's mental power swept across a floating island and soon noticed the movement on it.

A deformed giant with a small head roared and chased a beast that looked like an ostrich on the island.

There is no doubt that it intends to hunt this beast and swallow it into its stomach.

Rogge also found a base of deformed giants.

These deformed giants are obviously not the core of the two-headed giants, but only the bottom.

Because they have many heads.

The only meaning of these guys is that Rogge's current direction is correct.

Rogge took a look and then retracted his gaze and continued to jump.

After a while.

He found the figure of the deformed giant again.

This time, they were hunting a giant sea monster in the sea in groups.

Both sides roared constantly, blood was splashed, and the sea was red, showing a barbaric atmosphere.

It is worth mentioning that this is not an isolated case.

As Rogge moved forward, the number of deformed giants appeared more and more, but the number of creatures in the ocean and floating islands was getting smaller and smaller, and only traces of deformed giants could be seen.

The blood on some floating islands dried up, and some deformed giants with incomplete sanity had begun to cannibalize each other, and bones were everywhere.

Rogge narrowed his eyes.

A moment later, he came to a base of deformed giants.

"Roar, roar, roar--"

A deformed giant was standing in front of a small bed of flesh and blood, doing waist exercises non-stop, making rough roars, and swinging his fists to hit the bed of flesh and blood when he was excited.

The bed of flesh and blood seemed to have life, making shrill screams, which made the deformed giant even more excited.

After the deformed giant finished.

The abdomen of the human figure on the bed of flesh and blood was obviously swollen, and it began to beat like a heart.

After a while.


Accompanied by blood, mucous membranes and countless blood threads, a giant baby with a head and a deformed face was delivered.

However, this giant baby did not have any signs of life, and its body looked incomplete and had not been fully developed. It was a dead baby.

What was even more disgusting was that after the giant dead baby appeared, the bed of flesh and blood actually stretched out flesh and blood threads, wrapped it and swallowed it back.

Rogge calmly withdrew his gaze.

His figure jumped again.

At the same time, he also made a further analysis of the matter in his mind.

‘The reproductive capacity of the two-headed giants has reached a level that can be called bizarre...’

‘Although they reproduce and expand very quickly, the quality of their blood food cannot keep up, resulting in each generation being inferior to the previous one. They have more and more heads, but their strength and IQ are getting lower and lower...’

‘In addition, this bed of flesh and blood seems to have some problems. Although it is still a biological category, it actually only has the instinct to reproduce...’

‘If these deformed giants are allowed to continue to reproduce, I am afraid that by then the entire Holy Scale Sea will only be left with these walking corpses full of barbarity and animal desires...’

‘Well... Is it because of touching the unknown source? ’

Combined with Odoan’s previous memories, Rogge couldn’t help but guess.

Odoan should have a great desire to revitalize the tribe.

If touching the unknown source can make it prosper, it will surely not hesitate.

However, according to Rogge’s impression of this thing, although touching the unknown source will give the toucher a powerful boost, there is a high probability that there is a price.

Perhaps, this abnormal reproductive ability is the price that Odoan paid...

While thinking, Rogge suddenly raised his head.

On the sea level in front of him, there appeared endless mountains like high walls, stretching across the sea.

These peaks seemed to rise into the sky, a natural barrier.

Above these peaks, there are many huge floating islands, scattered all over the place.

Dragon Town, here we are.

The originally magnificent Dragon Town is now like a purgatory on earth.

The corpses of countless creatures are scattered in it, and the hideous roars of the deformed giants are endless.

Next to a deep pit, a deformed giant wearing leather armor carried several dead giant babies and threw them in indifferently.

After the dead giant babies fell into the deep pit, blood-colored silk threads emerged from the bottom, wrapped them up, and swallowed them up completely.

The floating islands in the air were originally the nests of the dragons, but now they are covered with blood stains, and from time to time, some deformed giants roared with animal desires.


In an open-air prison, a red young dragon roared in pain and struggled continuously. The iron chains with the characteristics of giant secret treasures bound its limbs tightly, making it unable to move.

Under its body, several two-headed giants greedily gnawed its flesh and blood, and dragon blood flowed.

There are more than one such prisons, and more than one dragon in pain.

The deformed giants kept dragons in captivity, trying to use them as their own endless nutrients.

The scenes in the Dragon Country were fed back to Rogge's mind.

Soon, he locked onto a more special place.

He raised his head and looked at the largest floating island in the sky, on which stood a huge statue.

It was an extremely strong two-headed giant, stepping on the head of the dragon under his feet and roaring to the sky.

The statue of Odoan...

Rogge narrowed his eyes.

He entered the Dragon Country very easily.

In the Dragon Country, he sensed many two-headed giants of angel level, sitting on one floating island after another, guarding the largest floating island in the center like stars.

That island should be the former "Ancient Dragon's Nest".

However, it is estimated that it has now become Odoan's bedroom...

Rogge's figure flashed, and he instantly floated in front of the ancient dragon's nest, and then his mental power swept over like a flood.

But soon, he seemed to have poked a hornet's nest, causing a chain reaction of terror.


"Who is it! Dare to spy on the father of giants!"

The huge oppressive aura came like a tsunami, and with it, there appeared an extremely huge golden axe!


In just a moment, the golden axe seemed to split the space, with a huge span, and seemed to know where Rogge was, and attacked him directly!

This golden axe seemed to ignore the defense line of the mysterious authority.

With a swish, Rogge's main body was directly split into two and turned into a corpse.

In just a moment, Rogge's main body was killed instantly, and he didn't even have time to respond.


But soon, Heisatan came, and countless black tides appeared from the sky.

Rogge grabbed his main body and repaired it with the power of faith, then looked at the majestic figure on the ancient dragon's nest.

Odoan raised his hand and took the golden axe. It was wearing armor. Both heads were hairless, but there were a lot of beards, which were stained with blood.

It was wearing majestic golden armor and had a burly figure, like a legendary figure in a myth.

Looking at the huge black shadow that was blurry and covered the sky, Odoan narrowed his eyes.

"Who... is it?"

Rogge did not answer it, but checked its information.

[Father of Giants - Odoan]

[Type: Creature]

[Quality: Demigod]

[Level: 90]

[Rank: Demigod]

[Description: The thief of Dragon Country, the founder of Giant Country, it leads a savage, brutal, and animalistic tribe, has many descendants, and almost every two-headed giant has its blood flowing in his body. 】

Rogge guessed correctly, Odoan was indeed temporarily living in this ancient dragon's nest.

His rank was also, as Rogge expected, at the demigod level.

The only thing that caught him off guard was perhaps the strength of the guy in front of him.

He just used his weapon to easily kill Rogge's main body in seconds.

You have to know that his main body was not without any preparation before the action.

This is enough to show that Odoan is powerful.

Of course, it is also possible that it is just because its weapon is very special. After all, Rogge also remembers that the blood ability of the two-headed giant is to turn mortals into treasures.

After swallowing up the Dragon Country, the remaining property is enough for it to use this ability to make powerful weapons.

But in any case, Odoan should not be underestimated!

"Arrogant criminal, dare to invade the giant's homeland!"

Just as Rogge was thinking, Odoan's first-generation descendants in the floating island near the ancient dragon's nest also sensed the change, and came one after another, forming a circle.

Some of them stepped on the secret treasures, and some grew wings on their backs and stayed in the air without any hindrance.

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