I have a big sailing game

Chapter 335 Samipa Icefield Giant Island (two in one, please subscribe!)


The dragon's wings vibrated, and the wind roared past.

Rogge and Uvier Muze once again broke through the border fog.


Sensing that the danger had receded, the little dragon cub above Uvier Muze slowly moved away the paws holding its head and looked around curiously.

Roger looked ahead.

Looking at the scene in front of him, he couldn't help but squint his eyes slightly.

"Ice field..."

The biting cold wind howled by, broken ice floes floated on the sea, and a giant frozen island composed of eternal ice appeared in front of Rogge.

As far as the eye can see, it is white.

"This is……"

Seeing this situation, Uvier Muze was stunned for a moment.

"What? Have you been here?"

Roger asked.

"Maybe." Uvie Muze responded, then frowned and said: "Before I boarded Starry Sky Dragon City, I went to a giant ice island outside Dragon Township, which is the country of 'Samipa' ”

"The Samipa are a race that has lived on the ice sheet for generations. Only extreme cold zones can make them feel comfortable, and they are born with the bloodline ability to control extreme cold and blizzards."

"But they are violent, extremely xenophobic and cold-blooded."

"However, because of Frost Wing Lotharine, the relationship with Longxiang is pretty good."

"This looks a bit like Samipa's territory, but... I'm not sure."

Uviye Muze briefly explained the race of Samipa.

If it had been before, it might have thought that this was Samipa's country without hesitation.

But since this trip and Rogge saw all kinds of strange areas and creatures in the border fog, it is not sure... Who knows if there is any area similar to the Samipa Kingdom in this vast world? .

"Do you have any acquaintances in Samipa country?"

Uvier Muze was a little embarrassed when he heard this: "...I can't tell you any acquaintances, but I do have some enemies."

Rogge rolled his eyes when he heard this.

It seemed that he was overthinking it. Before he went to Starry Sky Dragon City, this guy Uvier Muze was just a simple kid from Longxiang Street who idled around and got into fights all day long.

How do you expect such a dragon to have a good relationship with the hot-tempered Samipa?

It seems that he also guessed some of Rogge's thoughts. Uvier Muze tried to defend himself: "These birds on the ice sheet are very annoying. A dragon with a temper will not have a good relationship with them."

"That 'Frost Wing' Lotharine you mentioned..."

"It doesn't count...it's an alien...no, it's a giant dragon with a special personality."

Uvie Muze said.

"It's rare to hear you show respect to other people in your words." Rogge joked after hearing this.

Then, he calmed down his expression.

"The direction of the scales has not changed. This is most likely the Samipa Icefield near Longxiang."

"Since it is possible that it is the old place, let's go and have a look. Maybe we can get some clues about the changes in Longxiang."

After hearing this, Uvier Muze didn't say anything more and started to concentrate on his way.

On the way, Rogge let go of his mental investigation while talking to Uvie Muze about the story of "Wings of Frost".

The dragon can be said to be a representative creature that is born powerful.

In this world, dragon bloodline also has classifications.

Bloodline represents strength, and different bloodlines naturally represent different strengths. The purity of the bloodline will also determine the talent of the dragon creature.

The sub-dragon race is naturally one of the dragon branches with weaker bloodline abilities.

Frost Wing Lotharine is a giant whale dragon.

"Old Wu..."

Speaking of this, Rogge couldn't help but take a deep breath and twitch the corners of his mouth.

"You dragons are really not picky, even whales..."

Giant Whale Dragon... is undoubtedly a name that contains a story.

Rogge didn't think that this sub-dragon species existed from the beginning like the giant dragon.

It is said that dragons are inherently gifted, but Rogge did not expect that these giant dragons are really not picky!


It was very rare that Uvier Muze did not refute immediately, but remained silent for two seconds.

Many times, Uviye Muze is proud of being a member of the dragon.

...but now it suddenly wants to find a crack in the ground to crawl into.

It’s really a shame to lose the dragon!

"I've never done anything like this."

"...I swear."

Uvie Muze responded dryly.

And this statement is undoubtedly an indirect admission of something.

Poor whale…

Tsk tsk, I don’t know if Lotharine still broke out of the egg...

Are dragons powerful enough to break through reproductive isolation at will...

Some thoughts flashed through Rogge's head.

"...Let's continue talking about Lotharine."

Uvie Muze brought the topic back a little stiffly...

As a giant whale dragon, Lotharen's bloodline talent is naturally not very strong. If nothing unexpected happens, it will most likely stay at a low level throughout its life.

However, the world is vast, the opportunities are unlimited, everything is possible, and some lucky people can often break the shackles and shackles.

Lotharine, that's it.

It purified its own bloodline, stepped into the demigod level, and became an existence that no one could ignore in the entire sea.

After becoming a strong man, Lotharine came to Dragon Country.

Dragon Township is naturally willing to accept such a powerful compatriot.

Dragon’s arrogance? That’s arrogance towards ants.

Dragon Township is very enthusiastic towards Lotareen.

But it doesn’t seem to like staying in Dragon Township all the time. Not only is its gentle personality incompatible with other dragons, but so is its behavior.

It often wakes up from sleep, as if something is calling it.

So it left soon, following the call of its heart, and came to the Samipa Icefield.

At that time, the Samipa Icefield Island was still the enemy of Dragon Township.

This group of Samipa with irritable and exclusive personalities can be called flat-headed brothers, and their own strength is not weak. They "enthusiastically communicate" with some energetic young dragons in Dragon Township all day long.

Therefore, dragons are naturally not welcome here.

But at that time, Lotareen had already entered the ranks of the strong. Although Samipa did not welcome it, it could not drive it away.

For some reason, Lotareen forced himself to stay here.

Samipa was naturally very angry at first, but Lotareen was very determined and had several in-depth exchanges with Samipa's strong men. Samipa could not do anything with it, so he could only be vigilant against it at all times and be ready to seize the opportunity to drive it away at any time.

Until one thing happened, the relationship between the two changed.

Because one day, Samipa Ice Island... suddenly had a huge change, and the whole island was torn apart!

As Samipa's residence, this place is naturally very important to them.

But they were powerless to prevent this disaster from happening.

At the critical moment, Lotareen took action.

It prevented the collapse of Samipa Ice Island and saved Samipa's hometown.

Under such circumstances, Samipa was naturally grateful to Lotareen, and the relationship naturally warmed up, and Longxiang also benefited from it and no longer suffered hostility.

However, Lotareen seemed to have stayed here for a long time for some mysterious reason.

The evaluation of it in Longxiang was very good.

It's just that its overly gentle personality made other dragons a little disliked.

"What is the cause of the disaster?"

"Why did Lotareen stay in the Samipa Icefield?"

Rogge frowned and raised these two questions.

From the story told by Uweyemuzai, Rogge keenly realized that there might be some unknown situation in the Samipa Icefield.

"...Not sure."

Uweyemuzai said somewhat embarrassedly.

Rogge sighed and covered his face.

Thinking back to the past, when he was still a weak chicken, how reliable Uweyemuzai was. As long as it was not in a sleeping state, it always made people feel that it could calm down the situation.

But now...since it found that it could hug thighs, it simply stopped pretending to be profound, completely exposing its unlearned street scoundrel nature, and many questions were unknown.

No more pretending, I am a waste and I will show my cards!

Of course, that's what I said, but there is actually only one reason why Uweyemuzai is not as useful as before-Rogge's strength has increased.

If the angel level is a watershed, then the demigod level is a watershed that is even more terrifying than it.

After entering this level, the information you come into contact with is completely different.

Rogge estimated that there are records in Longxiang, but Wuweiyemuze would definitely not care about these.

Moreover... its strength and status in Longxiang are probably not enough to understand those situations.

"..." Rogge was about to say a few words to him, but suddenly felt the perception of the mental power sent back by the investigation. He frowned slightly and looked at a place: "Go there."

Seeing this, Wuweiyemuze also realized that Rogge had made some progress. He immediately stopped holding back and flapped his wings to fly in the direction pointed by Rogge.



The freezing cold wind was mixed with flying snow.

The blizzard covered almost everything, and only a piece of snow could be seen.


In the blizzard, the air flow surged, and suddenly a vigorous figure appeared.

His skin was ice blue, his body was strong, his upper body was similar to that of a human, but his lower body had no legs, only ice-like crystals.

These ice crystals kept moving, suspended on the snow, but their speed was unexpectedly fast.


Behind him, a deafening roar sounded, and the snow was shaking.

A giant with an extremely strange appearance was chasing him madly!

The reason why the word "weird" was used to describe the appearance of this giant was very simple.

As we all know, it is normal for people to have a head on their necks.

It is understandable that a giant has two heads, after all, he is a giant.

But... this weird giant, in addition to the neck, even the shoulders, arms, chest and spine are full of heads of different sizes and shapes!

Some have disheveled hair and dirty faces, some have dull eyes as if they are stupid, and even worse, they have no nose or eyes, only the shape of a head.

It is not an exaggeration to describe it as "weird"!

"Damn bastard, today is the day you die!"

Samipa in front showed a trace of hatred in his eyes, and then he sped up.

However, something unexpected happened.

A mysterious force suddenly appeared, and directly controlled him 360 degrees without blind spots. He seemed to be in a steel cage cast close to his body, unable to move.

The strange giant behind him was also the same, and could only vent helpless rage.

What is this? !

This Samipa's pupils shrank suddenly, and a sense of crisis instantly swept through his body.

At the same time, it suddenly discovered that the surrounding snowstorm seemed to have come to a standstill at this moment!

He could even see clearly the clear lines on the snowflakes that were very close to him.

The next moment, a calm voice suddenly sounded in his ears.

"Two heads...it looks like it has more than two heads."

"Is this the Samipa you're talking about?"


A huge figure suddenly landed on the ground, its wings folded and its head tilted forward.

"Well, it's Samipa. You can't fake this stubborn ass."

"Hey, what's your name?"

Seeing Uvier Muze asking, Rogge relaxed some restrictions.

"Are you a giant dragon from Longxiang? I thought you were all dead."

Although this Samipa was just surprised, what he said made people want to hit him.

Uviye Muze frowned slightly when he heard this, but he did not get angry at this time. The top priority was to ask what happened in the Samipa Icefield and Longxiang.

"I have no intention of fighting with you right now. Tell me, what happened in Samipa Icefield and Longxiang?"

Even if he didn't say his name, Uvier Muze didn't care, he just wanted to know what he cared about.

"What happened?"

"I still want to ask you!"

"These disgusting bastards who have no brains at all came from the direction of Longxiang. They captured the top of Samipa and tried to destroy the heart of Samipa. If I guessed correctly, they should all have secrets with the two-headed giant. Inseparable relationship!"

It was a good thing that Uviye Muze didn't ask this question. As soon as it opened its mouth, Samipa was like a ignited powder keg. He spoke three times without hesitation, without any regard for the fact that there was a strong man next to him.

"Calm down."

Seeing this situation, Rogge frowned slightly and stepped forward and said.

The power on Rogge's body combined with his rank aura has a very strong aura that frightens ordinary creatures.

But Samipa is obviously not one of them. They are notoriously bad-tempered and difficult to communicate with.

Therefore, when he heard Rogge's words, he immediately turned his head angrily.

"I'll calm you down..."


Before the irritable Samipa could finish speaking the curse words, a huge force oppressed his body. He knelt down uncontrollably and his mouth was directly sealed.

Rogge slowly stepped forward, looking down at him indifferently.

"I am not your enemy. Venting anger alone will not do anything to solve the problem."

"I came here because of the changes in Longxiang. I also need to know the reasons for the changes in the ice field. Tell me the causes and consequences in a concise and concise way. It will be good for you and me."

As he spoke, he raised his hand and shook it slowly.

The strange giant behind him suddenly seemed to be pinched by a huge hand and came to the front of Samipa.

"What's more..."


As Rogge's virtual grip became tighter and tighter, the pressure on the strange giant became more and more terrifying, crushing all the bones of its body and making a sound.

Several heads on the strange giant were also screaming in pain.

"...even newborn children know that they are afraid of the hands of adults."

"Then should you give the strong some due...respect?"

Rogge stared into his eyes and said calmly.

With the sound of the last word falling.

With a bang, the huge strange giant was violently crushed beside Rogge. Blood spattered everywhere, pieces of flesh fell out, and the white snow quickly dyed red...

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