I have a big sailing game

Chapter 327 Adventurer's Guild (two in one, please subscribe!)

"Old Wu, how long will it take to reach the Sea of ​​Holy Scales?"

"I don't know. I haven't been to the Sea of ​​Confession either."

"How did you cross the border fog before?"

"...To be honest, the border fog I encountered at that time was not that thick...it seems to have changed a lot."

"...Forget it." Rogge shook his head, and then said: "The Pearl Sea is likely to be nearby. Since I'm here, I decided to take a look and investigate some things by the way."

"Whatever you say." Wuweiyemuze naturally had no objection.

After crossing the border fog with Rogge, it suddenly realized a problem.

That is, the border fog may have changed a lot during the time it was asleep!

Now it is obviously impossible for it to cross the border fog like before. It must have Rogge, the demigod, to be relatively safe.

And the changes in Longxiang have obviously happened a long time ago, and there is no point in being anxious now.

Thinking of this, Wuweiyemuze couldn't help but sigh again.

"Roar, roar, roar--"

The joys and sorrows of giant dragons are not the same. When Wuweiyemuze was worried about the Dragon Country, the little dragon cub was excited and screaming on its back, very happy.

"Don't jump around, you little cub!"

Wuweiyemuze's face turned black.

To go to the Dragon Country, they naturally have to take the little dragon cub with them.

This is not a problem for Rogge, he turned a corner and took it with him halfway.

However, Wuweiyemuze was very troubled by this little cub.

As an experienced dragon, it didn't know why this little cub had such strong energy.

You know, the giant dragon race likes to sleep very much when they are young.

Although the little dragon cub also sleeps, it is too lively and active when it is awake, which annoys Wuweiyemuze to death.

"By the way... Old Wu, tell me the truth, is it your child?" Rogge couldn't help but smile.

"Stop talking nonsense, kid. Are you color blind? Can't you see my black scales?" Wuweiyemuze replied unhappily.

"Whose child is this little guy?"

Rogge touched the little dragon cub's head.

The little dragon cub howled, and when facing Rogge, it behaved very well.

"To be honest, I don't know." Wuweiyemuze didn't hide it anymore at this time, and directly told everything before he went to Dragon Country: "This is what Dragon Country wants me to bring this little guy into Starry Sky Dragon City. I don't know the specific purpose."

"But they did tell me some information about you, one is your name, and the other is your bloodline characteristics, and you are very consistent."

"Another prophecy?" Rogge asked.

"Almost." Wuweiyemuze nodded.

Rogge was thoughtful.

It seems that the dragon clan obviously has a plan, but what is their purpose, and is the change in Dragon Country one of them?

"By the way, that Black Tide Secret Meeting... Is it okay for you not to be in charge in person?"

Wuweiyemuze couldn't help asking.

During this time, it naturally talked a lot with Rogge, including the Black Tide Secret Meeting.

However, it is obvious that it still does not know much about the methods of the demigod.

"If necessary, I can come at any time."

Rogge said.

The body of Heisatan naturally followed him all the time. With the help of the mysterious authority and the authority of fear, He no longer needed to stick to the deep sea. He was in a small "different space" created by himself.

"... Awesome."

Uweyemuzer didn't know how to respond after hearing this. He could only praise dryly. He learned it from Rogge.

The power of the demigod... I want it too...

"Let's rest on the isolated island in front before setting off. I also have something to do."

Rogge said.

The time required for this journey is destined to be not short. Judging from the situation of the Black Tide Secret Meeting, some of his arrangements can also be started.

"Okay." Uweyemuzer nodded straightforwardly, and after hesitating for a moment, he couldn't help but say: "... I'll go catch the prey, let's have barbecue."

"... OK."

Rogge was speechless. The boss was already a one-stop service, but he still wanted to eat this.


Scott Island.

Under the governance of the laws of the Black Tide Secret Society, everything in Scott has been on the right track.

Due to the existence of the Black Tide Cathedral, this place has become the veritable hinterland of the Black Tide Secret Society.

Thanks to the existence of various extraordinary magic potions available to civilians, Scott's productivity has also increased rapidly, and trade has begun to prosper.

People's lives have begun to improve visibly.

And the facts have proved that when material conditions are abundant, people will have the energy to pursue spiritual things.

For example... exploration and adventure.

Scott Port.

As the starting point for the adventurous spirit of countless people, Scott Port has undergone several expansions in a short period of time and can accommodate many ships.

Among them, there are also many young people and boys and girls.

"I will definitely become a famous figure in the Sea of ​​Confession!"

"Let's go!"

Many young people set sail with great enthusiasm.

And not all of them were sailing for the first time.

There were also some young people who were exhausted and got off the boat, setting foot on the familiar island again after many days.

Looking at the young people around them setting off, they couldn't help but smile.

But then, some of them began to look depressed.

"This time we went to sea and encountered the hairless rat-like sea monster again. Fortunately, it was not malicious. I recorded it."

"I also found a new marine plant, Lord of the Black Tide, I swear it has never appeared in any books!"

"Should we report the secret meeting?"

"Of course, but the Secret Society doesn't seem to have a department dedicated to handling such incidents, and Teacher Tariq is not here..."

"Then we can only sell the Chamber of Commerce first. Let's purchase some supplies first. I'm exhausted..."

It is not difficult to see that as the group of adventurers increases, their needs gradually become apparent.

It might be a good thing to establish a unified and effective corresponding organization.

Kuroshio Cathedral.

Mira and Yas walked out side by side.

Yas looked at the pile of documents in his sister's hands curiously, but Mira did not notice him, but was concentrating on the documents at hand.

"The level of adventurers needs to be graded, and the importance of information also needs to be graded. It is best to sort out the information about this secret organization..."

Mira said to herself, carefully read the information in the document at hand, and then made a corresponding plan.

"...No, I can't do it alone. I have to find someone with a brighter mind to help..."

After making the plan, Mira frowned and realized her current needs.

Then, she subconsciously glanced at Yas next to her.

Yas saw her looking at him and nodded slightly: "Tell me, you need me to do it..."


Before he finished speaking, Mira frowned and shook her head, and then fell into deep thought again.

Yas: "..."

No, sister, what do you mean? This is a bit insulting!

"You have to go find Sister Linna and ask her to help."

Mira didn't notice Yas being hit by her at all, and directly accelerated her pace.

Yas took a deep breath, suppressed the frustration in his heart, and followed.

Forget it, who made her my sister?

Mira and Yas soon found the place where Linna was, Kuroshio Academy.

The Kuroshio Secret Society is currently short of people in all aspects, especially doctors.

So Lina was "captured" by the Kuroshio Secret Society as soon as she got off the ship, and she was transferred to become a medical teacher, teaching students medical knowledge at Kuroshio College.

At the same time, he has to assist in the research of extraordinary medicine. It can be said that one person is cut in half and used, and he is very busy.

Fortunately, Linna has always been interested in this aspect and is willing to pass on her medical knowledge.

In fact, the same is true for Mira, but compared to teaching students or studying history, she prefers to spend time in the library of the Kuroshio Conclave.

Speaking of which, she found an ancient book about the Sea of ​​Demons in the library a few days ago. It was filled with information about the structure and race of the Sea of ​​Demons. It was very real...

But this is a digression. Mira received a request from Rogge today, and establishing an adventurer organization is a top priority.

"Mira?" Linna, who was preparing medicine, noticed her and was a little confused: "What do you want from me?"

"Miss Mira." The surrounding students who were studying medical knowledge with Linna also greeted her enthusiastically.

"Sister Linna, I need your help with something here. Captain Rogge asked me to establish an adventurers guild on Scott Island as soon as possible..."

Mira got straight to the point and told her needs, hoping she could take some time out.

This gave Lina a headache, and she was also very busy.

But since it was the captain's request, she could only squeeze out some time.

"...Miao Ni, I'll leave this to you. I'll be back soon."

Lina turned around and nodded a girl's name, and then left with Mira.

"Ah? Teacher Linna..."

The student whose name was called was a little confused, but before she thought too much, she found that the teacher had put on her coat and left...

Helpless, she could only grit her teeth, hurry up and bring a group of students to the shelves to continue Linna's unfinished preparation.

The students around him behaved very calmly, which was not surprising at all.

Anyway, this kind of situation is not happened once or twice in Kuroshio Secret Society because of lack of people.

"Yas, you don't look happy. What's on your mind?"

Lina glanced at Yas behind Mira and expressed concern.

When Yas heard this, his face turned darker.

"...It's okay, let's go."

He quickened his pace.

Linna was a little surprised.

A few days later.

A very important news quickly spread among the adventurer group.

An Adventurer's Guild has been established on Scott Island!

The Adventurer's Guild will provide certification and a trading platform for all adventurers. The intelligence and harvest collected by adventurers at sea will be rated and acquired by the Adventurer's Guild. Adventurers can also share information and intelligence through the Guild, etc...

After this news appeared, it undoubtedly caused an uproar in the Scott area.

The most excited people are actually not the adventurers.

But the major chambers of commerce.

In the past, when there was no Adventurer's Guild, the major chambers of commerce had actually been undertaking this work.

However, without a unified department, the corresponding business will naturally be extremely chaotic.

For example, high-priced information, chamber of commerce deliberately lowers the price of items, etc...

In the past, when the adventurer group was not a big deal, these problems naturally did not appear.

But as time went on, Scott developed faster and faster, and these problems became more prominent.

Some chambers of commerce that had made a lot of money because of this "side door" were naturally furious after hearing the news.

Damn, are you here to steal business?

You dare to set up a mountain without asking whose territory this is. Have you asked us?

If I don't teach you a lesson, you really can't tell the big and small kings apart!

Some chambers of commerce with bad intentions quickly started to make small moves.

Then they were dumbfounded.

The leading chamber of commerce and the rest of the chambers of commerce were directly fined a lot of money by the Black Tide Secret Society, and then left in disgrace...

The chambers of commerce that were originally ready to make the adventurer guild drink a pot were silent, feeling very aggrieved.

You have the Black Tide Secret Society behind you, why didn't you say it earlier!

Isn't this a fishing enforcement?

The chambers of commerce felt very aggrieved, and the Black Tide Secret Society fined them a lot of money.

But they had no place to complain, after all, what they did was not glorious, and their purpose was not to be seen.

As a chamber of commerce, they were a giant to the common people.

But to the Black Tide Secret Society, they were just a group of walking money bags at best...

Scott Island belonged to them, and the former church remnants and nobles who possessed extraordinary powers were chopped off in batches, and the wooden boards of the execution platform were dyed red!

To put it more bluntly, the chamber of commerce was making money by holding on to others' thighs.

If you still dare to make trouble... Good guy, then you are more awesome than the master of the Kitz Church believers!

Therefore, the chamber of commerce that took the lead in making trouble understood that this was the Black Tide Secret Society warning them, and they paid the money cleanly and decisively, and even slightly exceeded it, for fear of being taken to the execution platform...

But they actually thought too much. It is indeed immoral to make gray money in this area, but it is not a crime punishable by death, and the Black Tide Secret Society will not chop heads randomly.

After the incident, the Black Tide Secret Society also issued a notice, calling on adventurers to register with regular and legal adventurer guilds.

And the mastermind behind all this was happy!

"Hahahaha, I'm rich now!" Mira's eyes sparkled: "Sister Lina, you are really something, but you are still so mean!"

Linna was speechless after hearing this, and poked her forehead: "How can you talk like that, girl? What do you mean by mean? This is the money of the adventurer group. I just let these chambers of commerce spit it out."

In fact, in Lina's view, this is nothing.

The Adventurer Guild was established by Rogge, and it was endorsed by the Black Tide Secret Society, so there was no need to worry about anyone hindering it.

But after communicating with the adventurer group, Lina found that this group of chambers of commerce had done a lot of mean things in the past.

It just so happened that the establishment of the Adventurer Chamber of Commerce also required money, so she took advantage of the situation and let these chambers of commerce explode a wave of gold coins.

In fact, if they didn't come to cause trouble, there would naturally be no trouble.

But the problem is that they have become addicted to this kind of gray money in the past. The emergence of the Adventurer's Guild has naturally touched their cake, and it is impossible not to obstruct it.

Lina just took advantage of their greed.

Well now, the Adventurer's Guild, which has exploded a wave of gold coins, just has the starting capital.

"Yes, yes, yes..." Mira ignored this and began to prepare for more busy affairs.

"...Mira." At this time, Yas, who had been standing aside for a while, couldn't help but speak: "...Do you need my help?"

"Yeah, yes."

His sweet sister nodded and pointed to the door.

"Brother, go outside first."

"Here we are, what next?"

"Yes, just stand there. If someone wants to do harm to me and Sister Linna, you will beat him. Do you understand?"

Damn, isn't this a bodyguard?

Yas: "..."

At this moment, Yas felt extremely aggrieved, but he had no way to refute.

It's not like Mira didn't ask him to help, but he was always in a hurry and made a mess.

To put it nicely is useless, to put it bluntly is to do more harm than good...


Yas couldn't help but lean against the door and sighed at the ceiling.

To be honest, he used to sneer at his sister's love of reading, after all, he had earned his living with fists.

But now he suddenly realized that some things can't be solved with fists alone.

For example, math problems, statistics, etc...

Even if you punch the paper with the problem until nothing is left, the problem is still there...

At this moment, Yas finally understood the importance of learning.

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