I have a big sailing game

Chapter 310: The ritual is completed, and he is promoted to a demigod (two in one, please subscribe!

The Black Tide Secret Society.

This newly emerged church in the Sea of ​​Repentance has almost reached a point where everyone is well-known within the sea of ​​​​Kiz Church.

On the one hand, they had heard rumors about Magrella some time ago.

On the other hand, it is due to some recent rumors spread by unknown people.

Rumor has it that the Black Tide Secret Society is a church where lunatics, extremists and psychopaths gather. The people inside are very scary and it is best not to have contact with them.

Moreover, the Lord of the Black Tide they believe in is also a terrifying existence.

It is said that even if you just recite its name silently in your heart, it will be watched by it, and then it will appear at the right time, covering people with a black tide. It is an extremely dangerous god...

Naturally, most of the believers in the Kiz Church would not believe this rhetoric at first.

After all, they knew very well that the terror of the gods was based on their strength.

As loyal believers of God Kizz, they only think that God Kizz is the most powerful existence, so they have always scorned the rumors.

However, something seems different this time.

The Sphyntos area and the Carmen area, two places that originally belonged to them, were actually assigned to the Kuroshio Secret Society by the church.

It is naturally impossible to hide the changes in the two large sea areas from the entire church, so many believers have learned about it.

However, the upper echelons of the Kiz Church did not make a reasonable response. Instead, they acquiesced to the Kuroshio Secret Society's actions and informed everyone of an important matter during the meeting - the Kiz Church and the Kuroshio Secret Society had stopped. war!

As soon as this news came out, it can be said that it shocked a large number of Kiz believers.

You know, it is not that the Kiz Church has never encountered emerging churches in the past.

Most of these emerging churches are developing in secret, for fear of being discovered by the behemoth of the Giz Church, let alone blatantly confronting the Giz Church like the Black Tide Secret Society.

The Black Tide Secret Society not only competes head-on with the Kiz Church as a new church, but now it seems that it has succeeded!

The attitude of the Kiz Church says it all.


Most people understand why others should not be allowed to snore on the side of the bed.

Then why did the Kitz Church have a truce?

The reason is naturally self-evident. The Kiz Church is likely to lose to the Kuroshio Secret Society!

This shocked some Kiz Church believers, and some even felt that the image of the church in their minds had collapsed.

But more people have doubts.

What special confidence does this Kuroshio Secret Society have?

With such doubts and shock, combined with recent rumors, many believers have become curious and afraid of the Black Tide Secret Society.

Some smart wallflowers started to have some ideas.

Maybe... joining the Black Tide Conclave is a good choice?

Therefore, some people began to try to contact people from the Kuroshio Conclave.

But they soon discovered that...the people of the Kuroshio Secret Society seemed to be just like the rumors!

"Never come into contact with people from the Kuroshio Secret Society!"

"They are just like the rumors, they are a group of terrifying lunatics!"

"I met a young man on a merchant ship a few days ago and we had a great conversation. But it wasn't until I went to bed in the middle of the night that I realized... he was actually staring at me next to my bed!"

"I didn't say anything and was frightened all night, but he actually looked at me like that all night long!"

"When I was leaving, I heard him muttering something in a low voice, 'If I had known better, I should have started earlier'..."

After some people began to try to contact the followers of the Kuroshio Secret Society, they ran back in fear and told their own experiences, with a look of relief on their faces.

Some Kiz believers also agreed with it, their faces full of fear.

They have heard that the followers of the Black Tide Secret Society often talk about sacrificing human beings to the Lord of the Black Tide.

Moreover, it seems that it is not just the followers of the Black Tide Secret Society.

When someone went to trade in the territory of the Kuroshio Conclave, some civilians were also filled with strange auras...

So, in the sea area of ​​​​Kiz Church.

There are mixed truths and falsehoods about the terrifying rumors about the Kuroshio Secret Society. People spread rumors and rumors, becoming more and more outrageous and exaggerated. It is so horrifying that people sweat.

Many people who want to inquire about the situation of the Kuroshio Secret Society are intimidated.

Most people do not believe that the rumors about the Kuroshio Conclave are false.

What’s more, I would not have thought that the slandered Kuroshio Secret Society not only failed to clarify, but actually added fuel to the rumors. Up and down the secret society, believers and even a small number of civilians began to show off their acting skills...

In such a situation.

Ordinary people and most of the believers in the Kiz Church Sea Area began to naturally fear this unknown and powerful Black Tide Secret Society.

In their opinion, the people living in the areas ruled by the Kuroshio Secret Society must be in the hot water, and life would be worse than death...

Of course, rumors are just rumors after all.

It cannot be said that the lives of the civilians under the rule of the Kuroshio Secret Society are getting better and better.

Naturally, some people discovered the truth.

However, in this world where many people do not have enough to eat, and most people will never leave their hometowns in their lifetime, it is naturally difficult to know the truth.

Therefore, with the concerted efforts of many Kuroshio Secret Society believers, the scope of the rumors became wider and wider, eventually covering the entire Kiz Church area...

The progress of Heisatan's promotion ceremony is also increasing rapidly...

Except for the sea area of ​​​​Kiz Church.

There was another place that also provided Rogge with a small amount of ritual promotion progress, but since the number was not large, he did not notice it.

That is the sea area where the Church of Nature belongs.

The heavy news between the Kiz Church and the Black Tide Secret Society also spread to this sea area, letting many people know about it.

Many civilians also felt awe towards this new church.

However, some people were very angry.

"Damn it! Damn it! The abominable Black Tide Secret Society! You dare to deceive me and let me embarrass you in the Green Heart Temple. I will kill all of you with a thousand cuts. I will never be brave enough..."



An angry roar sounded in the room, and the utensils on the table were swept away and shattered on the floor.

Mu Weiwei's expression was distorted, his eyes were red, burning with anger, and he was breathing heavily from his mouth and nose.

There is naturally only one reason that can make him so angry - the truce between the Black Tide Secret Society and the Kiz Church.

Not long ago, before Desire was captured by the Black Tide Secret Society.

As a messenger, Mu Weiji naturally returned to the Green Heart Temple of the Church of Nature with the news of the Black Tide Secret Society.

In the Green Heart Temple, he spoke a lot eloquently and confidently.

Of course, this includes a report on the "leader" of the Kuroshio Secret Society.

He confidently stated that if he was given some time, the leader of the Black Tide Secret Society would see the situation clearly and join the Natural Church.

Of course, his remarks met with unanimous approval within the church.

And because of his strong background, he even seemed to be praised by the Pope.

This makes Mu Weiwei full of confidence.

After a period of time, he met with the Pope again to apply, and he wanted to take the initiative to go to the Kuroshio Conclave to observe the situation.

After all, he hasn't fully received this great credit yet, so he has to keep an eye on it.

However, Muweki’s timing was very “appropriate”.

At that time, the Pope was holding a meeting in the Temple of the Green Heart.

Mu Weiwei also thought that this way he could more truly express his piety and diligence.

As a result, things went unexpectedly unexpectedly.

After he finished speaking, the Pope looked pleased and was about to agree and give him a few words of encouragement.

Later, there were believers who sent urgent reports in public.

Then, amidst the voices of believers, the faces of the people in the Green Heart Temple became darker and darker, and their expressions became more and more gloomy.

Only Mu Weiwei's face turned greener and greener, and he was so embarrassed that he wanted to find a crack in the ground and crawl into it.

The Black Tide Secret Society defeated the recovery force sent by the Kiz Church to Scott, and then forced the Kiz Church to negotiate a truce with it, and also made the Kiz Church hand over two sea areas!

This undoubtedly made all the good news that Mu Wiki brought back before become a complete joke.

Didn’t you say that the Black Tide Secret Society is a weak and pretentious new church?

So how did it defeat the Kiz Church?

Didn’t you say that the spirit of faith of the Black Tide Secret Society will soon realize that reality belongs to the embrace of the Green Heart God?

Then why did it force the Kiz Church to hand over two pieces of sea area?

"...Mu Weiji, you are such a complete idiot, I think your eyes have reached up to your butt!"

The Pope's angry rebuke made Mukiki lose face and completely became a joke in the Church of Nature.

He was severely punished.

If his father hadn't worked so hard to get him, he would probably have been turned into fertilizer under the Green Heart Temple...

Naturally, Mu Wiki was filled with anger and hatred for the Kuroshio Secret Society, the culprit.

However, no matter how angry he is, it will not help. After this incident, no one in the Natural Church wants to listen to him anymore, and he is not free to leave yet.

The only good news is that Mo Teng told him that there seemed to be discussions about war in the Green Heart Temple.

Many in the Church of Nature are outraged by the actions of the Black Tide Conclave.

No one had ever dared to play tricks on them before.

Although Mu Weiwei is stupid, no matter what he says, he still represents the face of the Natural Church.

The Green Heart God also seemed to have sent down an oracle.

The Natural Church seems to have decided to teach the Kuroshio Secret Society a lesson and let them know the cost of deceiving the Natural Church!

The Church of Nature has always admired strength and was very confident.

To use another word to describe it, it is...barbaric.

As an existence that has been at odds with the Church of Kiz for many years, the Natural Church has never admitted that it is at a disadvantage.

Now that the Kuroshio Secret Society has risen and shown great power, they have changed their positioning and put them on a unified level.

But precisely because of this, they decided to give the Kuroshio Secret Society a blow.

[The terrifying name of the Lord of the Black Tide spreads everywhere, but these ignorant creatures know nothing about you. The only impression you give them is mystery and fear...]

[You get a lot of ritual promotion power from it. 】

[The demigod promotion ceremony of your clone Heissatan has been completed! 】

[Your clone Heissatan has been promoted to the level of demigod! 】

[The level of your clone Heissatan has been increased, and the level limit has been increased to level 90. 】

[Your avatar Heissatan has ignited the fire of authority—mystery and fear! 】

[You can choose to let it actively transform again, which will make your clone gain a more powerful body and strength. 】

As a series of prompts appear.

An animation also appeared on Rogge's screen.

In the dark void, the power of deep black and purple appeared.

The black and purple power merged, making it grow stronger and stronger...

Finally, with a rustling sound, the black and purple flames ignited, symbolizing that Heisatan's body had a complete fire of authority.

In an instant, Rogge felt that a huge and extremely powerful rank burst out from the fire of authority and spread throughout Heisatan's entire body.

Demigod, promoted successfully.

The breath of terror also spread out involuntarily at this moment.

At this time, Rogge, who was rushing to the Sea of ​​Confession, also put down the things at hand.

Finally successfully promoted to a true demigod!

Rogge suppressed the excitement in his heart and controlled Heisatan's body to feel the power of the demigod.

The fire of authority can be regarded as a continuation of complete authority, which allows creatures of the demigod level to perfectly use the power of authority in this way.

The same is true for the "mystery and fear" mastered by Heisatan.

Moreover, on this path, Rogge did not feel the same intelligent life as Heisatan.

It is the only one on this path!

Of course, this does not mean that Heisatan is the only one who possesses the power of this path.

Due to the special rules of this world, it is very likely that some creatures without life also possess this power of this path.

It's just that they are very likely not in the form of "life" or wisdom.

Therefore, Rogge also needs to guard against this aspect at all times.

Because the authority of the same path is a natural hostility.


[Type: Spirit of Faith]

[Quality: Demigod]

[Level: 81]

[Rank: Demigod]

[Fire of Authority·Mystery and Fear]

[Skills: Mysterious Body, Drag into the Abyss, Fear Extension, Hidden, Ice Spikes, Blood Field, Lava Blood Wings...]

[Talents: Transformation, Blood-sucking Cortex, Unknown Coming...] 】

【Explanation: Accompanied by secrets, the fear that comes with the dark tide, no one can see its true face. This is an existence that all creatures in the ocean must fear. Countless people praise its honorable name day and night, and there are also many ignorant people who are intimidated by you and feel extremely afraid... You are a demigod with great power, surrounded by mystery and fear - the Lord of the Black Tide! 】


Rogge let out a long breath.

At this moment, in this sea of ​​repentance where most of the gods of the church are demigods, Heisatan, the leader of the Black Tide Secret Society, has finally become a demigod creature who truly controls power and has great power!

Before this, although Rogge suppressed the desire curse with the help of Doyle and the power in the ritual, the power of others is still others' after all.

Doyle is very special. He only has the rank of demigod and does not have the power of demigod. He can only use it temporarily and absolutely cannot be relied on for a long time.

Therefore, when Heisatan was truly promoted to demigod at this time, Rogge finally relaxed a little.

Now, even if he only relies on the power of Heisatan, it is enough for the Black Tide Secret Society to gain a firm foothold in the Sea of ​​Confession.

"These guys are quite capable."

He couldn't help but smile.

Recently, he has also been using the Black Tide Mark to check the situation of the Black Tide Secret Society.

The young people of the Black Tide Secret Society can be said to have made great efforts in his promotion ceremony this time.

They worked very hard to shape the terrifying image of the Black Tide Secret Society based on the stereotypes in the rumors, and they acted very realistically.

Some believers of the Kiz Church were frightened, and even the civilians in the Kiz Church waters were afraid of the Black Tide Secret Society.

Although such behavior has disadvantages, it is still very worthwhile for Rogge.

After all, he estimated that he would not consider taking over the faith territory of the Kiz Church for a long time in the future.

Alas, some rural customs in my hometown... are quite complicated, and the recent updates may not be stable. I hope that all readers can understand more. Thank you!

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