I have a big sailing game

Chapter 297 Waiter Hei, a visit from the Church of Nature (two in one, please subscribe!)

Hearing what Sha Luo said, Rogge smiled in his heart.

Although Sha Luo still had some considerations and worries in her heart, this was normal.

Moreover, as time went on, the Black Tide Society became more and more important to her.

This can be seen from her choice.

After all, she chose to become a follower of the Lord of the Black Tide.

But she actually added a premise, that is, "the will of the Black Tide will last forever."

This means that if the Black Tide Society can continue like this, then she will be the most loyal follower.

For Rogge, there is almost no need to worry about this.

He had no intention of letting Heishatan touch the unknown source.

With the help of the changed belief system, as long as his territory is large enough, the power of faith will increase, and he does not need to gamble everything like ordinary spirits of faith.

[I already know your wishes. ]

[I will give you the power of the Black Tide. ]

The Lord of the Black Tide spoke in a deep voice.

As His voice fell, a thick, living black tide slowly fell and covered Sarah.

Looking at the mysterious and cold black tide, Sarah exhaled lightly and slowly closed her eyes...

The spiral black tide soon enveloped Sarah.

[You consumed 150,000 faith power to upgrade the rank of your fanatic Sarah. ]

[Your fanatic Sarah's rank has been upgraded to: Angel. ]

[Fanatical believer Sarah is being transformed into your God's follower... ]

[Transformation successful. ]

[You have obtained a God's follower. ]

Rogge quietly operated on the faith interface while watching Sarah's situation.

This process was completed quickly.

The huge spiral black tide gradually disappeared.

As the black tide faded, Sarah slowly stood up, and a deep black flashed in her eyes.

At the same time, she couldn't help but exude a faint sense of oppression from the angel creature.

However, in this dark black tide space, only the Lord of the Black Tide felt the strongest sense of oppression.

His voice also sounded again at this time.

[You are already my follower, you can choose a nickname. ]

Alias ​​is a feature of God's followers.

Due to the special nature of God's followers, they also get more than ordinary believers.

Not only can they use the authority allowed by some subordinates without hindrance.

Some powerful and trusted God's followers can even obtain some "special" ways to obtain the power of faith.

And the nickname is to facilitate this process.

In Rogge's view, this nickname is Sarah's exclusive "salary card".

Regarding his nickname, Sarah bowed slightly: "Please give me a name, Lord."


This made Rogge scratch his head.

One of the reasons why he let Sarah choose a nickname was that he wanted to be lazy and not think about the name.

Unexpectedly, Sarah threw the question back to him.

Sara undoubtedly wanted to show respect to the Lord of the Black Tide, but she didn't know that the Lord of the Black Tide had a headache about naming.

The most annoying thing for him when he was typing was naming...

But fortunately, Rogge had also imagined what Sara would be called after becoming a follower.

So he gave the answer after just a little thought.

[In that case, I will call you Waiter Hei. ]

"Thank you, Lord of the Black Tide, for the name."

Sara bowed respectfully.

Chergen, who was standing by, was quite envious.

He had experienced the magnanimity of the Lord of the Black Tide. Not long after he took over the Black Tide City, the Lord of the Black Tide used His great power to give him the magic potion he needed and helped him to successfully upgrade his rank.

This "colleague" named Sara should be an old employee, and it seems that the Lord of the Black Tide values ​​him very much.

[Next, I will disappear. ]

Sara could vaguely feel that the Lord of the Black Tide's eyes fell on him.

[As for the Church of Kitz, I have my own response, so you don't need to worry too much. 】

【If you have any doubts, you can find Rogge. 】

After that.

The huge figure of the Lord of the Black Tide began to slowly fade away in the eyes of everyone.

It was as if a deep-sea giant had completely left their sight.

But everyone knew very well that the Lord of the Black Tide had not left, he just disappeared here.

After letting the Heisatan clone disappear.

Rogge set his eyes on Chergen and Sha Luo, and said: "The Black Tide City should not make any moves in the near future. Now is not the time to start a war, but you can publicize to other city-states and settlements, so that those oppressed slaves and civilians can know about the Black Tide City."

"As for how to do it specifically, it's up to you."

Chergen nodded slightly when he heard this.

In his opinion, Rogge should be a role similar to a think tank around the Lord of the Black Tide. His proposal is also in line with his style of doing things, so he has no objection.

Then he looked at Sharo: "The revenge of the Kitz Church should not be far away."

"Although my Lord has already responded, don't take it lightly. Tell me any important information at any time. I will come again when necessary."

"Okay." Sharo nodded.

After making the arrangements, everyone's figures slowly disappeared in the dark deep sea space.


Rogge on the Green came back to his senses.

He focused his eyes on the pointer in his hand.

Now, the Green has passed through the border fog and arrived at an unknown sea.

This place is also filled with blue ocean, without any land or island.

"Suck, suck, suck..."

The elf licked the icing with a happy face.

Today she didn't want to stay in the hut and wanted to go out and bask in the sun.

Coincidentally, most of the others were staying in their rooms meditating or visualizing at the moment.

After a moment, she looked at Rogge with some confusion.

"Big bad guy, where's the black stone you had before? Did you throw it away?"

Eya noticed that Rogge hadn't picked up the black stone for a long time.

She thought the Big Bad liked the black stone.

"..." Rogge was stunned when he heard this, and then realized that she should be referring to the illusory black stone. He shook his head and said: "No, how could it be thrown away."

Speaking of which, he also took out the Illusive Black Stone from his inventory.

At this time, there are more and more weird starry sky parts on the illusory black stone.

The illusory black stone is actually the body of Uvier Muze.

When such a situation occurs, it naturally means that Uvie Muze is being eroded by this inexplicable force.

Rogge also tried to explore the source and information of this power.

But that requires a huge amount of faith.

Even more than the power of faith required to promote Heisatan to demigod.

Starry Sky Dragon City... must have touched some dangerous secrets.

And with his current strength, he has no way to touch these.

Rogge could only pray silently to his old friend Uvier Muze.

Speaking of which, he hadn't heard Uvie Muze's voice for a long time...

Roger sighed slightly.

While the Glynn was sailing.

A ship with a green church flag slowly docked at the port of Scott Island.

Surrounding the ship were several warships of the Kuroshio Church, and they seemed to be "escorting" it.

The church represented by this green church flag is also quite familiar.

Church of nature.

A church of equal size located in the northeastern part of the Xinyang territory of Kiz Church. The concept they believe in is simply "the harmonious coexistence of man and nature."

It sounds very beautiful and very majestic.

But this is what all churches have in common. Their teachings and ideas always sound better than the last.

But no one cares about that.

After the Church of Nature ship docked, a group of people wearing the robes of Church of Nature believers quickly stepped down from it. The leader was a believer, and a tall knight stood beside him.

Their clothes are also very distinctive.

The robes of believers appear to be woven from some soft plant material similar to palm leaves.

As for the knight's armor, it is even more distinctive. It is made of hard dark brown bark, and it looks very hard and heavy.

Soon, the people from the Kuroshio Secret Society met the people from this boat, and both parties greeted each other politely.

At this time, everyone also learned the name of the other party.

The two leaders of the Natural Church are called Mu Weiwei as a believer and Mo Teng as a knight.

As for the person who received them... his name was Felner.

"Since I am an envoy from afar, please follow me and rest for a while."

Felner, the leader, smiled and spoke.

After hearing his words, the tall Knight of the Church of Nature, Mo Teng, frowned under his visor and leaned forward slightly as if he had something to say.

But Mu Weiji next to him responded first: "Okay, sir, please lead the way."

Fellner smiled and nodded.

Soon, the group followed him into Scott Island.

People along the way, including those from the Church of Nature, hardly stopped looking at it. They took this opportunity to observe everything on Scott Island.

Moreover, on the clothes of Mu Weiji and Mo Teng, there are different dim green dots lighting up. If you look carefully, you can see that they are actually small eyes.

They seem to be recording the scene before their eyes.

Regarding these, Fellner, who had been paying attention to them, was very calm.

Their arrival was permitted by Archbishop Salo, and so were these things.

Otherwise, these people would not dare to act so wantonly.

At the same time, Sharo was discussing this matter with Rogge.

"The conflict between the Natural Church and the Church of Kyrgyzstan has been going on for a long time. They both want to eat each other alive. The conflict between them and us is almost negligible."

Thinking of this, Rogge couldn't help but laugh.

Back then, he had killed a Natural Church fleet in Magrela. Strictly speaking, there was a grudge between them.

But the purpose of the Natural Church's coming this time is definitely not for revenge, otherwise it would not have sent two people with the rank of apostle.

Sara thought after hearing this: "So their purpose is to join forces with us?"

Rogge nodded: "Yes, this must be their main purpose. Before we captured Scott, they looked down upon us, but now the situation is different. In their eyes, we have already treated the Kiz Church." There is a certain threat.”

"This is something they like to hear, so it is inevitable that they will send people to establish contact with us. I even guess that if our situation is not optimistic, they may lend a helping hand to us."

Having said this, Rogge couldn't help but smile.

Sha Luo actually had someone contact the Church of Nature a long time ago, just before the attack on Scott.

But it is obvious that the news fell on deaf ears. The Church of Nature looked down on the Black Tide Secret Society at that time and did not respond.

However, the Black Tide Secret Society today is no longer the same as before. After taking over Scott, it is enough to cause some trouble to the Church of Kitz.

This is enough for the Church of Nature.

As long as the Black Tide Secret Society continues to threaten the Church of Kitz, the pressure they face will undoubtedly be much lighter.

Even the Church of Nature will help the Black Tide Secret Society to a certain extent to ensure its existence, so that the situation will be favorable to them.

Look, the messenger is sent here.

Rogge chuckled: "However, their purpose should not be limited to 'joining forces'."

"I guess they are holding some kind of 'recruiting' idea."

Hearing this, Sha Luo frowned.

Indeed, from the perspective of the Church of Nature, a new force has emerged behind its old rival and caused some trouble to it.

Then for it, if it can be brought under its command, it is undoubtedly the best choice.

After all, if the Black Tide Secret Society is not "recruited", then when the Natural Church benefits from the war, the Black Tide Secret Society will inevitably grow stronger.

No one wants a new opponent to emerge after the death of the old opponent.

"In short, it is okay to join forces with them, but they must give up some of their little thoughts as soon as possible."

"It depends on what you think about how to do it."

After saying that, Rogge paused and his tone became serious.

"By the way, it is best not to let them know the specific system of the secret society, at least not now, understand?"

Whether it is strength or any other information.

Rogge is not afraid of being known by the Natural Church.

But he does not intend to let the secret society's belief system leak out before he is strong enough.

Because this is digging the roots of the traditional church.

Some smart people can quickly figure out the key nodes.

If other churches know about it, the Black Tide Secret Society will be in big trouble.

Therefore, it is better to hide it as long as possible.

"I know."

Sarah nodded with a serious face. She also knew the key, so she also gave instructions to the people sent to receive it.


Scott Street.

Under the leadership of Ferner, Mu Wiki and Mo Teng from the Church of Nature have already walked through part of the Scott area.

The scenes they saw along the way surprised them a little.

The reason is that they met too many believers along the way!

Almost one can be met every two steps.

However... these people do not have the slightest extraordinary aura.

It seems that they are just dressed like believers?

Seeing this, they couldn't help but look at each other, and they all saw the suspicion in each other's eyes.

What a joke, you, a new church, can make so many people become believers in a short time?

Is your church gold or silver coins? Can people like it so much?

As if sensing their thoughts, the Black Tide believer in front of them also stopped at this time, turned around and smiled at them:

"How about it, guests from the Church of Nature who have come from afar, you can see that the faith of our Black Tide Secret Society has spread throughout the entire Scott."

"The people on this island are proud to believe in the faith of the Black Tide."

The Black Tide believer said proudly, even with some pride in his expression.

Mu Wiki and Mo Teng looked at each other again after hearing this.

A hint of understanding flashed in their eyes.

Got it.

After a moment, Mu Wiki politely complimented him twice.

And Mo Teng sneered secretly, with a look of disdain on his face.

They seemed to have seen through the ridiculous face of this emerging secret society.

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