I have a big sailing game

Chapter 285 The symbol of roses, breaking the curse (two in one, please subscribe!)

As Mira's consciousness sank, the environment around her also began to change.

Soon, Mira came to an environment that was almost different from reality. This seemed to be a small town on an island.

"It's not enough, this is just the shallow level, Mira, you have to keep going deeper."

Rogge's voice sounded from the spiritual energy ball in Mira's hand.

Mira nodded without hesitation, her mental power spread again, and her body continued to sink.

Time passes slowly.

Under Rogge's leadership, Mira was like taking an elevator from the top floor of hundreds of floors, traveling downwards one floor after another.

Every time you go down, your surroundings change.

The most dangerous thing among them is the vague blood-red color around it.

In the uppermost scene, there is almost no blood.

But as Mira went deeper, the blood red color around her continued to deepen.

Some originally clear objects also began to blur.

I don't know how many levels I fell down like this.

"Stop, Mira."

Rogge's voice sounded, and Mira obediently stopped and continued to go deeper.

In front of their eyes, blood red almost occupied the entire sight.

This seems to be a laboratory, surrounded by various extraordinary biological materials, skulls, flesh and blood, herbs, and some things blurred by blood.

Mira was still looking at all this.

But soon, a voice caught her attention.

"...Damn it, Karabo, what the hell are you doing? This is disgusting!"

A red figure pushed away another red figure, wiped his mouth in disbelief, and cursed loudly.

"Sorry, Luther, sorry, I just...I just...accidentally...haha."

The red figure who was pushed away scratched his head in embarrassment.

"Damn it, you better stay away from me. Gazinya will definitely want to kill me if she finds out..."

Fortunately, the red figure didn't pay attention, just wiped his mouth and said with some disgust.

Soon, the scene changed, and some unremarkable scenes once again replaced the previous scenes.

However, the two people who witnessed this scene did not continue to go deeper, but fell silent.


"Hmm..." After Rogge pondered for a moment, he suddenly asked Mira: "Mira, what is the meaning of the bright red rose flower?"

"Ah? Why do you ask this suddenly?" Mira was a little confused. She was in the cursed space and didn't know what was going on outside, but she quickly gave a reply: "I'm not interested in these, but if I remember correctly, It should symbolize fiery love or something..."

"Fierce love..."

Rogge was amazed.

Okay, now some of his questions may be explained.

At first, he was quite puzzled as to why it was a rose instead of roses, roses, tulips or something like that...it was because of this level of relationship.

"...keep going down."

Rogge spoke to Mira.

This one thing alone cannot fully confirm his guess, so we have to keep looking.

"Oh, okay."

Although Mira didn't know why Rogge had such a reaction, she still nodded and continued downward.

The two of them continued to go deeper.

The surrounding scene became increasingly scarlet, and it was even difficult to see the surrounding things clearly.

But it also means they are getting closer to the deepest level.

"One more moment, Mira."

Rogge spoke again to stop Mira and continued down, then looked forward.

At this time, the blood red had blurred most of the scene.

They could only vaguely see a figure entering a building.

Soon, a vague voice came out.

"Damn it!"

The man was startled, and then he said in shock: "...Karabo, my God, what have you done? How could you become like this?"

"You experimented on yourself?"

This man should be Luther, there was disbelief in his voice.


The hoarse and sticky voice came, making people feel like a large piece of soft flesh was stuck to their ears.

"Why do you do this?" Luther's voice was full of anger and questioning: "You can't continue, you will completely turn into an irrational monster, Karabo!"

"...No, Luther...I have become stronger..."

Karabo seemed to be a little delirious at this time.

After Rogge asked Mira to move forward carefully, they finally saw Karabo's vague figure at this time.

Although hidden in the blood, Rogge and Mira could still see that his upper body had lost its human characteristics.

"Karabo!" Luther roared: "The potion master who leads mankind must not get lost on the wrong path. This is what you told me!"

"Yes..." Karabo did not deny it, but his deep voice soon sounded again: "But we have to consider how to survive first, Luther..."

“…the power of the Church is so powerful that we simply cannot contend with it, and…”

"The potion master is their primary target..."

"I want to protect you, Luther, and I won't let you get hurt..."

"I...I love you, Luther."

Rogge: "..."

Mira: "..."

"...Captain, them?"

"They're all men."

Rogge had anticipated Mira's doubts and gave an answer.

Mira was suddenly shocked and speechless.

At the same time, Luther was also shocked and speechless by Karabo's words.

"What... you... Karabo, are you kidding me... I... damn, this is not funny!"

"I'm serious." Karabo sighed: "Although I know you can't accept it."

After confirming that Karabo was really not kidding himself.

Luther seemed a little frightened and took several steps back involuntarily.

Rogge's mouth twitched slightly when he saw this scene.

He was only frightened when he saw Karabo's strange behavior just now and did not retreat.

Now, as if he had seen something terrifying, he stepped back involuntarily...

Now he has basically confirmed it.

Karabo, Luther's good brother, is a crook, but Luther is a straight man, and he is a couple with Gazina.

Although Karabo has been testing, Luther naturally cannot buy it, so he can only bury this emotion deeply.

The contradiction between the two should not be entirely due to differences in research. This factor should also exist.

Sure enough.

Under the watchful eyes of Roger and Mira.

A heated argument soon broke out between the two.

"Karabo! Damn it! I'm just going to tell you why you always say some damn ambiguous words. You're so damn disgusting! Damn it!"

Luther's reaction was huge, pointing at Carabao's nose and yelling.

"You say you dislike me, but you respond to me every time!"

Karabo was also a little angry and argued with reason.

"Fuck... I thought you were joking! Who knew you were serious! Damn it... Anyway, don't come near me again!"

Both were furious and yelling.

They even got into an argument and started moving their hands.

Karabo seemed to be unable to do anything, and was beaten passively many times.

But who would have thought that Luther would become even more angry because of this.

Until Karabo pressed it: "Enough Luther!"

"I know you won't accept it, but I just want to tell you. I don't intend to do anything to you and Gasinya!"

After saying that, Karabo turned around and looked back at Luther again.

"...No matter what, I will protect you..."

"Damn it! Karabo! I'm going to kill you!"

Upon hearing this, Luther was immediately furious.

But Karabo was gone.

Not long after he left, a figure appeared again. Judging from the conversation between the voice and Luther, it should be Gasinya.

But when Gazina asked Luther what happened, he only told Gazina that Karabo had gone astray and that he had some conflicts with him.

At this time, these scenes came to an end, and after a burst of blood-red changes, the scene just now was repeated again.

Rogge was thinking while letting Mira continue to go deeper.

It seems that the reason why Carabao rebelled against the church was not simple.

But why did he plant a curse on Luther?

Rogge was a little confused.

But he soon got the answer as Mira continued to go deeper.

The scene that appeared before them this time was a tragic war.

Extraordinaries and believers fight, and the battlefield is tragic.

There is no doubt that this is the battle Gazinya was talking about.

Karabo, who was already tall and weird to the point of not being human, grabbed the defeated Luther, stretched out his finger, and touched his forehead.

After doing this, Karabo took a deep look at Luther, then turned and left without speaking.

Luther and Gazina fled here.

This scene doesn't mean much.

What really gives the answer is Luther's memories in the next level.


After a muffled sound, a figure fell to the ground.

The blood flowed for a moment, and a tall figure looked down at the figure in front of him.

This seems to be Luther's mental space after being comatose.

"Lu, Luther... just stay here... I will... I will come back... No one, no one can hurt you..."

The voice was stumbling, and it sounded like he was delirious and unable to think clearly.

There is no doubt that this is Carabo.

"Karabo! You are killing people! The residents of the town are suffering because of the curse! Let me go! You damn church lackey, shameless traitor!"

Luther was furious and tried to attack him, but to no avail.

"God's will... no... no..."

"I...Luther...protect..." Karabo's delirious murmur continued.

His figure disappeared.

But huge and ferocious figures appeared around Luther, and they rushed towards Luther with their claws and teeth.

Luther's screams echoed.

Then, the surrounding environment began to change many times.

But without exception, the figure representing Luther has been suffering inhuman torture without stopping for a moment.

"This...that man named Karabo seems to be mentally disturbed."

Mira said.

Rogge touched his chin and thought.

‘So the original intention of Karabo’s curse was to protect Luther? Draw the blood of the townspeople to feed him? ’

‘The influence of alienation causing Karabo’s delirium? So these monsters appeared? Or is it because of the church god Carabao is loyal to? ’

He frowned.

This matter is still a bit complicated, and the truth cannot be found by just guessing.

"Continue to the next level."

Roger said.

The two of them went deep down again.

But at this time, Mira found that it was very difficult for her to go deeper.

Fortunately, although the process was difficult and arduous, she finally came to the next level.

This time, the surrounding environment has changed greatly.

The dark sky, blood-red roses, dark red thorns.

The thick red mist disappeared.

"Captain, this seems to be the source."

Mira said, she could sense this through the connection of the curse.

"I know."

Rogge breathed a sigh of relief.

Next, it is the most critical link.

They need to find Luther in the deepest part and find a way to take him out of here.

"Hehehe... Why come..."

Crazy laughter suddenly came from all directions.

At the same time, a sneaky figure poked his head out from under the huge thorn bush and peeked at Rogge and Mira.

And his face was very familiar, it was Luther.

Rogge's spiritual energy group stepped forward without hesitation.

As long as he could find Luther's spirit, he could use this spiritual energy as a medium, use a large amount of faith power to burst energy to break through the layers of obstacles above, take him away, and break the curse.

However, his movements soon stopped.




Luther poked out from countless corners one after another, and their faces were exactly the same.


Rogge was a little helpless, knowing that it would not be that easy.

He only had one chance, because if he made the wrong choice, Mira would be forced to stay here, but which of these guys was the real Luther?

'Well, I finally know why Doyle asked me to come here...'

Rogge thought to himself.


In reality, the dazzling sunlight outside Rogge's window gradually dimmed.


Along with the collapse of the thorns, the withering and disappearance of the roses.

Rogge and Mira opened their eyes almost at the same time.

"Huh!" Mira woke up and gasped.


With a slight sound, a blood-red rose flower on Mira's forehead turned into ashes.

And Rogge subconsciously looked at the thorn bed.


When Rogge heard Gasinya's surprised voice, his heart was finally at ease.

Finally, he found the real master...

The curse set by Karabo has deepened countless times, and has tortured Luther to the point of insanity.

And with each additional layer of the curse, there will be one more insane Luther spirit, and they all gather in the deepest part.

Rogge must get the first one to truly break the curse.

It has to be said that this curse is really complicated to the extreme. If Rogge could not read the file, almost no one could break it...

Of course, this refers to the same level. If Rogge is now a demigod, he only needs to move his fingers, and there is no need to be so troublesome.

And after the success, Rogge's heart was also a little more certain.

'Doyle, this guy, must have a very special treasure on him! ’

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