I have a big sailing game

Chapter 282 Nothing wrong, genius! (Two in one, please subscribe!)

"Even if I separated you from each other, you would still be mutilated."

Roger's voice was flat.

Hear what Roger said.

Black Bone remained silent and did not speak, while Cartilage and Hard Bone couldn't help but get a little excited and spoke one after another.

"You mean you have a way to separate us?!"

"Incomplete...the master of the black tide, I don't understand what this means..."

Confront its doubts.

Rogge didn't hold back and spoke directly to answer his question.

"You think the source of power that made you become what you are now is that black bone."

"It's not."

"The power of the black bone only acted as a catalyst, or in other words, amplified something."

"Therefore, Black Bone is not completely an alien or parasite as you think. In essence, it is still one with you."

"In this case, although it is feasible for you to forcefully separate, there will actually be many defects, such as the mental and physical bloodlines will be broken."

Rogge's voice was deep and majestic, with a convincing temperament.

But the three heads of Heigu had different expressions after hearing his words.

Heigu remained silent, seeming to be thinking.

Cartilage was in disbelief and muttered to himself.

Hard Bones was the one who reacted the most and started roaring at Rogge: "You fart!"

"This is completely nonsense. If you can't do it, just say you can't do it. Stop pretending to fool me here. I don't..."


He didn't finish his tough words.

A terrifying, solid pressure came from all directions in an instant, crushing his head and causing bloody remains to fly.

Black Bone's three heads instantly turned into two.

The black bones and cartilage both made a painful scream.

"...On behalf of Hard Bone, I apologize to you for its rudeness and impudence, and ask for your forgiveness, great master of the black tide."

The black bones in severe pain held back the pain and spoke to Rogge with a very low posture.

Rogge glanced at its mutilated neck and was too lazy to say a word.

You have such an attitude when asking for help, but you don't believe it when you tell it the reason, and you still dare to curse people. Are you really fooling me?

"I have to say that although that piece of black bone didn't give either of you what you wanted, it did do an extremely right thing."

"Without this newly grown head, you would not have survived to this day."

Rogge looked away.

Hearing this, Heigu was a little surprised and glanced at Cartilage on the side.

Cartilage didn't pay attention to its eyes and was still whining in pain.

Seeing this situation, Rogge said nothing.

The situation of the black-bone sea monster is very special.

Before the appearance of black bones, cartilage and hard bones had naturally been competing for each other's body. No one would submit to the other, and the fight never broke off.

Although they are completely different in character and are diametrically opposed to each other, they have one thing in common and their desire, which is to completely control the body.

Then, the critical turning point of the problem came.

Stumbled into the mysterious zone of border fog.

Rogge did not investigate the specific situation of that mysterious area, and the power of faith was not enough.

But he did know what the black bone did to the Black Bone Sea Monster.

Its function, in a simple summary, is to make some improvements in accordance with the Black Bone Sea Monster's wishes.

Logically speaking, this is an opportunity, and anyone else would only be happy.

But the Black Bone Kraken is different.

The role of the black bone is directed at a single creature, the black bone sea monster, but there are two consciousnesses in the body of the black bone sea monster.

So, who should you listen to?

It finally chose a compromise method, which was to follow the common desire of hard bones and cartilage - to control the body.

But it’s unfair to choose any one of them...

Thus, the third head, Black Bones, was born.

Let you grow another head and let it roughly control the entire body. The two of you persuade it. Whoever is right can make it do what it does. That can be regarded as controlling the body in a certain sense.

The demands of both consciousnesses have been satisfied to a certain extent. Is there anything wrong with this?

Nothing wrong, genius!

As for whether you two are happy or not...what do I care about? Anyway, my mission is accomplished.

Thinking of this, Rogge couldn't help but feel a little funny.

There is no doubt that this is certainly not the result that Bone and Cartilage wanted in the first place.

They both want this body to themselves.

As a result, after being manipulated by the Black Bones, an additional Black Bone came out to control the body. The two original heads became marginal characters. Who would not collapse?

But no matter how many black bones there are, it is more like a set program that does things exactly according to the rules. As for whether it is a good thing or a bad thing, that is not up to it...

Moreover, the tricky thing is that the black bones are actually part of this body and are not completely outsiders.

It can be seen as a new head spawned by the power of the black bones. It appears because of the black bones, but it is not a manifestation of the black bones.

…That’s the case.

"How could it be possible... Doesn't that mean that I have to stay in the same body with this idiot, Jiangugu, forever..."

Cartilage also understood what Rogge meant at this time, with pain in his tone.

At this time, the hard bones that had been crushed suddenly reborn in a burst of flesh and blood.

As an extraordinary being, a head cannot simply disappear.

"... Lord of the Black Tide, please forgive my rudeness just now..."

It first bowed its head in a low voice to apologize to Rogge, and then turned its head to curse at Cartilage.

"Who are you calling a fool, you soft bone? Do you think I want to stay with you? I've had enough of you, this damn guy..."

The black bone in the middle just sighed slightly at the quarrel in his ears.

"If you can bear the consequences, it's not impossible to separate from each other."

It finished speaking.

Although the hard bone and cartilage were arguing, they heard its opinions clearly.

The mind and blood are broken... Such consequences are no joke, almost gambling with life.

And Cartilage and hard bone obviously don't have this courage.

After cursing each other for a few words, they stopped and answered the black bone's proposal.

"...Forget it, this risk is not worth our taking."

"In that case, what else can I say, I'll just stay with this soft bone reluctantly."

Both heads chose to make a certain degree of compromise.

After solving this problem, Heigu couldn't help but look at Rogge: "Lord of the Black Tide, can't we completely solve and change the current situation?"

In fact, it's not just hard bones and cartilage.

Heigu was also dissatisfied with the condition of this body.

It also wanted to have a body alone, and no longer had to listen to the nagging of these two guys all day long.

This wish is possessed by all three consciousnesses, but it cannot be realized in one body.


Rogge spoke and gave this hopeful answer.

For this question, he could give the same answer even if he didn't use the power of faith to find the answer.

After all, the vastness of this world is shocking. Who knows what kind of things may appear, and it is not impossible for something to meet Heigu's requirements to appear.

But what Heigu wanted to ask was of course whether Rogge had any solution.

"...If you are promoted to the demigod level, you may be able to reorganize or change the form of your body with your own will."

Rogge spoke slowly and gave the most reliable solution.

But when Heigu heard it, his heart suddenly sank.

Demigod... It's easy to say, but it's not that easy to achieve.

Not to mention that it's a half-dead believer on the verge of extinction...

As for the specific thoughts in Black Bone's heart, Rogge didn't know.

However, after saying so much, he should get something.

He didn't intend to answer questions for free for this guy in front of him.

"I provided you with what you need."

"Now, you need to provide what I need."

Rogge spoke calmly, and several scarlet eyes stared at Black Bone at the same time.

In an instant, huge pressure came.

The three heads of Black Bone couldn't help but lower two points.

Hard Bone looked at them, and then said with a stiff face: "Lord of the Black Tide, you didn't complete our initial request..."

Although Black Bone and Cartilage didn't speak, they remained silent.

Although the three of them didn't get along, they had some unspeakable tacit understanding.

The reason why Hard Bone spoke just now was because of this tacit understanding. It saw that Black Bone and Cartilage were not easy to speak, so it stepped forward to be the villain.

Anyway, it has already offended the Lord of the Black Tide.

"You got the answer."

Rogge was not angry, but answered calmly.

His question was not asked in vain.

"... Go and help my believers, help them win the war."

"Then, the choice is yours."

Rogge said.

He did not force Black Bone.

He did not have such an urgent desire for followers. Although the Black Bone in front of him could indeed become his follower, he did not have to have this guy.

To put it bluntly, he did not care about followers. In this world, being strong is the hard truth.

Hearing Rogge's words, Black Bone and the other two heads were relieved.

If Rogge really forced them, then they really had no choice but to pretend to be servile or consume a precious substitute bone to escape.

Fortunately, He did not do so.

"... Let's go, let's leave here quickly..." Soft Bone said hurriedly.

"War, I want to see it." Hard Bone was eager to try.

But Black Bone did not move, instead hesitantly spoke to Rogge again: "Lord of the Black Tide, I have another question to ask you."

"Okay, but you have to guard Magrela for a year after the war."

Rogge gave a price.

"What are you doing, Black Bone, hurry up and leave..." Cartilage was a little anxious.

Hard Bone was also a little confused.

"Okay." Black Bone ignored him, but nodded without hesitation, and then asked: "Do you think it is right for me to have the dominance of this body?"

"What? You agreed to stay for another year just to ask such a stupid question?"

Hard Bone was a little dumbfounded.

Cartilage was also a little unbelievable.

In response, Rogge just responded calmly: "I said, if it weren't for you, they might not be alive now."

"But you are one after all."

"I understand..."

"... Goodbye, Lord of the Black Tide."

After getting the answer, Black Bone left here with two puzzled heads.

Seeing this, Rogge couldn't help but smile.

The question Black Bone asked was a bit strange.

But in fact, the question it asked should be "Should I listen to them or act according to my own judgment?"

The youngest Black Bone also had his own confusion.

But now it seems that it has taken a step towards maturity.


The matter of the Black Bone Sea Monster has come to an end.

Rogge also used this opportunity to eliminate the potential threatening forces near Magrela.

And the Sharo fleet soon set off again and set sail for the area controlled by the Church of Kizz.

War is coming.

But before the war comes, the Green's range is obviously slightly ahead.

"We are out of the border fog."

Rogge looked back at the border fog behind him and felt a little relieved.

"This border fog is not dangerous, not as exciting as last time."

Nomi chewed an apple and said something that made Rogge's eyes black.

No danger?

Do you know how many times I sl to shake to two consecutive safe fog areas?

When the God-Eating Lantern Fish bit down before, you were the one who died the most miserably!

Rogge couldn't help but complain in his heart.

But this is normal.

The crew members are not Rogge. From their perspective, they ran into the Rice Falls when they entered the border fog, then bypassed an island, and then left the border fog...

"The sea water... is red..."

Mira came to the railing involuntarily at this time and muttered to herself.

A bright red color flashed in her eyes.


Yas frowned. He naturally noticed this scene and walked up to pat Mira's shoulder.

He glanced at the sea water below, which was naturally azure blue and ordinary.

"Huh?" Mira quickly came back to her senses and looked at him with some doubts.

"Are you okay?" Yas felt that she was a little abnormal.

"It's okay, just a little distracted." Mira shook her head.

Rogge on the side slowly retracted his gaze.

The curse on Mira is undoubtedly still there, and it seems to have been pulled by something just now and began to show.

However, he did not find any clues from the information interface.

"I saw the island."

"Well... Is this the Rose Island? It looks like a big place..."

At this time, Lina put down the telescope in her hand and said.

Rogge also looked forward.

Sure enough, there were traces of land on the sea level in front.

However, what is strange is that the color of the island is red.

"Red island..."

Rogge said to himself.

"Everyone be careful... Prepare to dock."

He took a deep breath and said.

Although he didn't know what Doyle prepared for him on this Rose Island, it was probably not a happy dessert.

While approaching the Rose Island.

Rogge also asked Heisatan to start exploring the sea area outside the Rose Island.

He wanted Heisatan to see what the situation was like under the sea here.

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