I have a big sailing game

Chapter 270 The Gradually Spreading Faith (Two in One, Please Subscribe!)

The city of black tide.

As a new city born from the corpse of the old swamp city-state, it has to face many difficulties.

The first thing to solve is the food problem that has existed since the Ryan Rondo period.

Food is the foundation of a civilization.

After Rogge bloody purged almost all the extraordinary families on the island, Chergen received all their inheritance under his instruction.

The first thing he had to do was naturally to feed the original slaves and civilians.

However, even if the major families have abundant food reserves, they cannot keep opening warehouses to stock up on food and just sit back and eat. The most important thing is to organize everyone and create new food sources.

Fortunately, Chergen did this very well.

After receiving several functional potion formulas dropped by the Lord of the Black Tide, he quickly started cultivating a new transcendent.

Like ripening farmers, blacksmiths, etc., everything can be arranged.

The management of the Black Tide City also requires talents. Fortunately, Chergen is not the first person in this regard, there is also the Dewes family.

As long as they no longer carry the customs and habits of the original extraordinary families, Chergen still doesn't mind using them.

all in all.

Everything in Kuroshio City is gradually going on the right track.

The people who used to have numbness and pain in their eyes now have light in their eyes.

Although they still looked so weak and thin, Chergen had already seen new hope in this old city.

"Praise the Lord of the Black Tide!"

Two former slaves passing by smiled at each other and spoke piously, with expectations for life in their eyes.

"The number of believers is increasing very quickly..."

Looking at the faith interface, Rogge couldn't help but scratch his head.

He originally thought that the system and methods he implemented would reduce the number of believers and the power of belief, but now it seems that is not the case.

In fact, you will know it if you think about it.

You are a slave. You don’t have enough to eat or wear, and your life is in danger. You are oppressed and humiliated from time to time.

But at this moment, a man appeared, and he swept away all injustice and oppression.

Not only does he give you the freedom you never dared to expect in the past, but he also gives you dignity and the hope of living, and even walking farther and wider.

...In this case, even if he said that he didn't need anyone to worship or believe in him, you would instinctively regard him as a god.

The people of Kuroshio City are now in such a situation.

They instinctively regarded Rogge and the Lord of the Black Tide as their saviors and even their spiritual sustenance.

Therefore, it is not surprising that the number of believers and the power of faith have skyrocketed.

Maybe Rogge will be able to study the power of faith in angel potions after a while.

Of course, Rogge doesn’t know whether it will decrease later.

Thinking of this, Rogge couldn't help but think of the three destinations he would reach later.

If they were anything like the old Ryan Rondo situation…

After Rogge frowned and thought for a moment, he still shook his head: "No, it's better not to force it. The Black Tide City is only on the right track at the moment, and more problems have not been exposed yet..."

After he bloodbathed Ryan Rondo, he also had a lot of chats with Chergen.

From his mouth, Rogge learned that Ryan Rondo was a relatively barren place.

There is less land here, but there are more monsters nearby. Moreover, the Ryan Rondo family has completed the control and integration of the major families very early, and its blood-sucking degree for the entire city-state is unmatched by other city-states.

In other words, the situation in other city-states may not be as bad as Ryan Rondo...

"Take it one step at a time, and we'll talk about it when the time comes."

Rogge put away the planning paper on the table.

Before leaving, he still took away some of the savings from the Ryan Rondo family, but most of them were some extraordinary materials he needed, and he didn't think highly of the rest.

Let’s refine the self-sacrifice potion first.


As the first island to believe in the Lord of the Kuroshio, the current life of the island residents is relatively happy.

As an ordinary woman on the island, Winnie can truly feel this.

She felt that since the belief of the Lord of the Black Tide was popularized in Magrela, the entire atmosphere of Magrela had completely changed.

In the past, when there were many churches such as the Church of Kiz, the Church of Nature, and other churches, some horrific rumors would appear on the island from time to time, such as former acquaintances being eaten by monsters, the son of a distant relative being shipwrecked while out at sea, and old friends and Christians from the past. The members of this church were having sex and were caught by their husbands...

The awful things will never stop anyway.

Moreover, as civilians, they have to be careful of believers appearing on the island from time to time.

This is not to say that believers will kill people and do evil things...

The key is... they want money!

Although it is called "God's blessing" or something euphemistically, in the final analysis it just wants money.

And when there were many churches, it was one wave after another. After the Kitz church, there was another church...

Coupled with the usual taxes, who can withstand this?

But it would be fine if these churches took the money to do things. After all, there were a lot of monsters involved in Magery.

For example, shallow sea catfish monsters, sand vipers, and the like appear from time to time, and even brain-eating ghosts in the cemetery occasionally appear.

If the believers who hold powerful power can eliminate these monsters, then they will pay the money with gritted teeth.

But in fact, these believers are more ruthless than each other in collecting money, and they don't care about the monsters.

When they hear someone report that monsters hurt people, they nod on the surface, but actually turn their heads and cover their ears and say they didn't hear it.

The propaganda is one round after another, overwhelming and endless.

The main point is that they take money but don't do anything.

There are monsters when I don't pay, and there are still monsters after paying. Isn't it a waste of money?

However, due to the silver power of the believers and those believers knights, they can only swallow their anger.

In fact, some of them think that if they can't beat them, they will join, become a member of the church, and become an oppressor.

However, imagination is beautiful.

Take the Church of Kiz for example, it is not enough to just believe, you have to be pious!

What is piety?

You have to put gold coins into the pockets of the believers who are responsible for recruiting new members, that's called piety.

So, you, an ordinary person, still want to join the church? Still want to eat meat with us?

You are so beautiful!

... Forget it, just live.

Most civilians can only live a day-to-day life and accept this kind of life.


This situation has been completely different since the Black Tide Secret Society expelled other churches.

After they took over the entire Magrela, not only did they not look down on them, but they opened the door to them.

They not only recruited civilian young people and cleaned up monsters, but also took the initiative to give them some special prayers.

For example, let people have some ability to ripen.

This makes many people feel unbelievable.

This is power, extraordinary power!

In the past, those believers always used it to show "miracles" in front of them.

Now they actually give them marks and prayers?

It's like a dream...

Is there any church like this? Give me a dozen!

Isn't it just paying money?


Pay it hard! Take it! (Snap a photo of the bank card.jpg)

Without monsters, the quality of life of the civilians has improved.

Every aspect of Magrela is getting better.

Winnie was actually very worried before...After all, "Lord of the Black Tide" is not a good name, it sounds like an evil god.

Now it seems...

Praise the Lord of the Black Tide!

And the people of the Black Tide Secret Society never abuse their power, and the rules are very strict.

In the past, if you looked at the believer for a second longer, you might be called a heretic witch.

And now, some brave children even dare to touch the armor of the Black Tide Knight.

There is just one thing that makes people confused. There are only a dozen Black Tide Knights on the island, but they seem to patrol more times than the previous Kiz Knights...

"Wow, so handsome!"

"So cool! I want to be a Black Tide Knight when I grow up!"

"Mom, I want to wear the Black Tide Knight armor!"



The Weeb under the Black Tide Knight's visor gave a silent smile, and the corners of his mouth were almost grinning to his ears.

As a former rebel and now a senior member of the Black Tide Conclave, he is naturally qualified to wear this knight armor.

...This knight armor was transformed after melting the knight armor of the Church of Giz and the Church of Nature.

However, the appearance style has been transformed into the characteristics of the Black Tide Conclave, with black as the main body, some dark purple in some places, some cloth decorations on each shoulder, and a clear Black Tide Conclave logo on the chest.

Anyway, it is very handsome.

According to Boss Sha Luo, it seems to be given by the Lord of the Black Tide, but he doesn't care so much.

In the past, he hated to deal with those church knights the most.

Now it seems...

Such a cool knight armor, it is finally his turn to wear it!

Must come out to patrol hard, clean up monsters, and show his power!

Under the mask, Wei Bu enjoyed the praise of the children outside the heavy armor and the eyes of the ladies in the distance.

"Hey, you can't touch there!"

After feeling a dishonest little hand, Wei Bu subconsciously shrank his body and hurriedly spoke in a serious manner.

Wei Bu was very happy.

But in comparison, his boss was much calmer.

Or, they needed to consider more.

"A large church war broke out on the land of the Mother Goddess, and many churches participated in it..."

After reading the report in his hand, Tariq was thoughtful.

"The Church of Kiz should also be involved. No wonder their revenge has not come yet."

Although Magrela is a large island with a large population, it is only a small island in the border area after all, and it is not even ranked in the entire Sea of ​​Confession.

No wonder the Church of Kiz looked indifferent after the setback and turned around to deal with more important things.

And because of this, the revenge action that the Black Tide Secret Society has been vigilant about has not come yet.

It was not until today that they got this news from the intelligence network that was established not long ago and knew the reason.

"That's great, we can take this opportunity to spread the faith of the Lord of the Black Tide."

"The combat effectiveness can also be put aside for the time being, and find a way to concentrate on helping the development of Magrela..."

Sharo rubbed his eyebrows and felt a little tired.

She has too many things to do now.

Although it is a free island, there has always been a management system on the island.

But the Lord of the Black Tide instructed him to directly split it up and reorganize it.

Because in Rogge's view, the original management system was nothing more than leeches.

On the various islands of the Sea of ​​Penance, churches almost always coexist with local administrative systems.

In other words, on the original Magrela Island, there were not only the church and its subordinate believers and knights, but also the lord and his managers.

The church is not stupid either. The lords cooperate with some of the original nobles to help them better control the territory and extract benefits after reaching a deal, while they focus on spreading the faith and a win-win situation.

The lords can use this to fake the power of the tiger, so some insects are always happy to do this.

Anyway, it is the civilians who pay more, not them.

However, Rogge didn't want such unnutritious things to appear on the land of his own beliefs. He needed to cultivate more talents.

If those insects continue to let go, they will only continue to suck blood through the skin of the Kuroshio Secret Society. In Rogge's eyes, it is no different from sucking his own blood.

Therefore, the lords and nobles should obediently hand over their land and be honest citizens. If they are not honest, then they can reason with the Knight Sword.

"The forging department is too busy again."

“They’ve been shouting about the lack of people all day long.”

Tariq received another report.

Sharo rubbed her eyebrows and said with a headache: "Then let's recruit again... reduce the budget of the Black Tide Knights by part..."

"Anyway, as long as that guy Webb wears armor, he won't cause trouble..."

Sarao was a little helpless.

There is no way. Their Lord is different from other gods. He requires that every civilian in his territory has a mark to use.

This is a huge expense.

Fortunately, He did not impose any strict requirements, but only allowed them to be as popular as possible.

Restricted by the materials, Sharo has tried to make the mark as civilian and simple as possible. Anyway, as long as it has a function, it won't say anything.

But even so, manpower and material sources are still relatively tight.

After all, it is an island and there are only so many resources.

"The Lord of the Black Tide is really completely different from other gods..."

Sarao couldn't help but sigh helplessly.

She thought that her life would be easy as she became a disciple of the Lord of the Black Tide, promoted to agent, and became a high-level combatant.

But it turned out that she thought too much.

Now she is as tired as a donkey all day long, but she still does this. After all, she became a rebel because she couldn't stand the church's secret evil methods of killing civilians.

Now she can see that life on the island is getting better and better, and she is very happy.


After finishing the task at hand, Sharo stretched out. After working all day, the body and spirit of extraordinary people will also be exhausted.

"Boss Sharo."

At this time, there was a knock on the door, and under Sarao's instruction, a subordinate came in.

"What's up?"

Sara frowned slightly.

It's not that she doesn't want to see this subordinate, but his arrival means that there are more important things that need to be dealt with immediately.

"A fisherman picked up a man adrift at sea while he was out fishing."

"He was a transcendent being."

One goal a day!

Monthly ticket, monthly ticket, monthly ticket!

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