I have a big sailing game

Chapter 256 New interface, faith and believers (two in one, please subscribe!)

Magherera Island, Church of Kizi.

The bishop sitting here listened to the reports of the believers below, his face uncertain.

Damn it, why did such a terrifying monster appear on the way when they were at war with the Church of Nature, causing all their men to be wiped out?

You must know that the main strength of the church in the Sea of ​​Penitence is basically the fleet.

The fleet lost outside the Black Pearl Shipyard this time was the main force of their Magorella Island Church, and the high-ranking monks above were his right-hand men.

Now they are all destroyed, which is undoubtedly a heavy loss for them.

It's not all bad news, though.

Their old rival, the Church of Nature, also suffered heavy losses in this war.

Their church war on Magrela Island is coming to an end, and the Natural Church, which has lost its sea power, is no longer able to compete with them for the ownership of the island's faith.

"Report news to the cathedral."

"Stop the trial ceremony for the time being and send missionaries to find out the origin of the monster."

The archbishop ordered with a gloomy face.

At the same time, the rebel organization on Magrela Island was also holding a secret meeting.

"Both the Church of Kiz and the Church of Nature suffered heavy losses due to attacks by mysterious creatures."

"If they want to hold church trials again, it will certainly be easier for us to stop them."

Sharo said to Tariq.

After pondering for a while, Tariq took out his mark and said, "I think we might try to perform a prayer ceremony to it."

"The power we currently have is still too weak, and we cannot be promoted after we betray the church."

"The Lord of the Black Tide may respond to our prayers."

In a sea of ​​repentance.

Some believers are not devout believers in gods.

The reason why they believe in a certain existence is more to pursue power, seek promotion and powerful prayers.

The rebels are naturally such a group of beings.

However, for believers, if they deviate from the original church, they will naturally not be able to get promotion opportunities.

After all, in the church, if you want to be promoted, you need the approval of the bishop and the help of the promotion ceremony.

After hearing his words, everyone couldn't help but fall into thinking, and some people frowned.

"But we don't know where the master of the black tide comes from."

"He doesn't appear to be a kind person."

Someone raised an objection.

The prayer ceremony can be seen as an "application for employment" provided by wandering believers to a certain spirit of faith.

If the prayed-for spirit of faith responds to the prayer, it can harvest the believer's faith and grant prayer and strength.

But in this mysterious world, prayer rituals are a very risky thing.

Attempts have been made to perform invocation rituals to some mysterious and terrifying gods.

But when he received a response, he fell into pollution and became a crazy monster.

Therefore, when praying to an unknown existence, you'd better pray that the other party is a relatively friendly god.

And pray to the [Lord of the Black Tide]...

Those vague dark monsters don't look like friendly beings...

This is definitely a very risky thing.

“He saved merchant ships and civilians.”

Sarao spoke at this time.

"It's just a show. Isn't that what gods who want to believe in do? Who knows what deeper purpose He has?"

Some people shook their heads and argued.

As rebels and believers who defected from the church, they knew very well what kind of shit the god the church believed in was.

Such things as saving civilians and treating the sick and wounded have been done by gods in the past and are called "miracles."

"That at least shows that He needs believers."

Sarao stared at the person who retorted with serious eyes.

She is not stupid, and naturally she will not blindly trust the master of the black tide just because he saved the civilians.

On the contrary, she had already considered this aspect.

But since He performed "miracles", it can at least explain one thing - He needs faith, right?

Sara stood up from the table and spoke slowly.

“As rebels, everyone should know about the ‘good deeds’ secretly done by the Church of Kiz and the Church of Nature.”

"Otherwise, we wouldn't be gathering here today."

"Kiz Church advocates the release of desires, but secretly sacrifices believers, cultivates lustful beasts, and spreads unsightly doctrines to children..."

"The Church of Nature hopes to return to the primitive world. On the surface, it advocates the harmony of all things, but secretly it carries out the blood transformation of humans and animals..."

"There is no doubt that they are all our enemies."

"But our current strength is too weak and we lack the power to compete head-on with the church."

“And the prayers used are weakened by impiety…”

Sharo paused and glanced at everyone.

"The Lord in the Black Tide has attacked the Church of Kiz and the Church of Nature, and there has been enmity between them."

"We have a common enemy with Him."

“He needs us and we need Him.”

“It’s not a bad thing to be in contact with Him.”

Speaking of this, she took a deep breath and then made up her mind,

“I would do a prayer ritual and if I could, I would ask Him about the purpose.”

"If He reveals his true form in the future...then we...will betray him again."

Hear her words.

The rebels fell silent.

There is no doubt that this is a very risky thing.

No one will betray again at the cost of their lives... It's easy to say, but if the first person who performed the prayer ritual wants to betray, there is definitely no place to escape, and they will die without a burial place.

But these people who betrayed the laws of God... have no choice.

Now they can only hope that the mysterious master in the black tide is not the same as other gods.

What kind of existence will he be?


"This barbecue tastes good."

"Boss, give me two more."

After taking a bite, Rogge's eyes lit up slightly, and he asked the boss to bring two more.

As a transcendent, he actually has a big appetite, but at his level, he no longer needs to use food to replenish energy.

So sometimes eating is just to satisfy the desire for food.

After paying off the bill for the transformation of the Green, everyone on the Green also became idle.

The transformation of the Green is naturally not something that can be completed in a day or two.

They still have to stay on the island for a while.

Rog did not go into the cave.

He needs to lower his level now.

After all, when the upper limit of the level of the agent is reached, the fuel will be automatically condensed, and the authority will be eroded in the process, which is very dangerous.

He decided to see the effect from Heisatan first.

So, he has not been busy recently, just tasting food and fishing every day.

It is still very comfortable.

"Has the church found Heisatan?"

Lina came to him and asked in a low voice.

Rogge shook his head and smiled, "Even if they can go to the sea, it is impossible to find Heisatan's trace."

Unless they send a god.

Rogge thought to himself.

Not to mention ordinary people, even if it is an angel-level existence, it is impossible to find him Heisatan.

Rogge has the archive and the cave key, how can they find it?

Those who can't find it don't have the ability to know.

Recently, the church on Magrela Island has been very busy, asking around and sailing to the sea to try to find survivors.

And Rogge is very stupid.

As long as these church ships are far away from Magrela Island, he will let Heisatan drag them down.

The people of the Kiz Church are in a state of panic and have a headache.

They know that they are being targeted.

Rogge has indeed targeted them.

Heisatan is ready to take the path of the Spirit of Faith.

Then Magrela Island, an island of free faith, is a good choice.

Even if it cannot be completely controlled, it can be used to develop believers.

As for the Kiz Church on the island, it is naturally his competitor.

Rogge and his party are eating a big meal in the restaurant.

But he suddenly received a message from the sound transmission conch.

It was sent by Sarah.

When he heard what Sarah said, his face became a little strange.

Pray to the "Lord of the Black Tide"?

Isn't that praying to Heisatan?

The rebel... is he planning to become a believer of Heisatan?

[Your clone Heisatan has reached 100% and successfully transformed into the Spirit of Faith. ]

[The information of Heisatan has changed.]

[You have unlocked the faith interface.]

At this time, Heisatan has also completed the transformation.

Rogge can only put the matter of Sha Luo aside for the time being.

The seed of faith has given it a lot of transformation progress, plus some scattered faith and Rogge's own faith power, so the process is very fast.

Rogge didn't say much, just checked Heisatan's information and new interface while eating.


[Type: Spirit of Faith]

[Quality: Domination]

[Level: 70]

[Rank: Agent]

[Special Status: Combustion Condensing (8%)]


Most of Heisatan's information has not changed. The most important thing is the change of type and special status.

One is the change of its own type, and the other is that the progress of combustion condensation is about to reach one tenth.

After glancing at the information, Rogge focused his main energy on the faith interface.

[Source of Faith: Heisatan (your clone)]

[Available abilities: summon believers, create prayers, promote believers, perform miracles, grant authority, descend... (click to view details)]

[Power of Faith: 12]

[God's followers: 0]

[Law-supporting believers: 0]

[Fanatical believers: 0]

[Pious believers: 1]

[Believers: 6]

After reading the faith interface.

Rogge put the beef into his mouth, chewing and thinking.

There are many "View Details" options on the faith interface, similar to the instructions in the game. By viewing these, Rogge also understood a lot of information and usage of the faith interface.

I have to say that in terms of information, my game interface is still very interesting and explained in great detail.

At present, Heisatan has been transformed into a spirit of faith.

Then, for him, the power of faith given by believers is extremely important.

The power of faith allows Heisatan to perform various available, very useful.

But it is based on the power of faith, and it cannot be used without faith.

The power of faith can not only be used to exert abilities, but also to strengthen the spirit of faith itself.

For example, the burning material that Heisatan is about to condense.

If the power of faith is sufficient, it can use the power of faith to accelerate this process, thereby avoiding the erosion of authority.

This is also the reason why many extraordinary beings want to become spirits of faith.

"The game provides a corresponding interface... It seems that this path should be feasible."

Roger was thoughtful.

Then there are five types of believers.

From high to low, they are divided into followers of God, law-abiding believers, fanatic believers, devout believers, and believers.

Needless to say, there is no need to say more about the dependents of gods. Generally speaking, those who have reached this point are the confidants of the source of faith, or they may be the spirit of faith after conquering.

Secondly, there are law-supporting believers, who are staunch supporters of church laws and also fanatical believers. They are usually entrusted with important tasks by gods, usually the pope, bishops and other important figures.

Then there are fanatical believers, devout believers, and ordinary believers.

You can know what they mean just by listening to their names, so there is no need to go into too much detail.

"First decide on the doctrine and stuff..."

Rogge sighed, letting Heisatan take the faith route made him feel like "a dragon slayer will eventually become a dragon."

But he soon felt relieved.

Anyway, these church gods don't do anything, so it's better to let him come, which can also cause trouble for these guys.

At worst, the doctrines and laws should be made looser. He doesn't impose any requirements on piety or not. It's like a voluntary transaction between you and me.

"First make up an origin story or something, and then use the power of faith to summon the devout believer to develop..."

Roger began to make plans in his mind.

However, when he was formulating his plan, new information appeared on the game interface.

[Your avatar Heissatan has felt the prayer, will he respond? 】


Within the Rebel Organization.

Sharo is very mobile.

After making their plans, they immediately planned a prayer ceremony and directed their prayers towards the master of the dark tide who destroyed the Giz Church and the Natural Church.

Sharo took a deep breath, calmed her heart, and then began to chant and pray.

"The great existence outside Magrela..."

"The Lord shrouded in darkness and mystery..."

"Coexisting with the deep sea, the creator of the black tide, the destroyer of Kiz and nature..."

"I pray here to meet you..."

Next to Sharo.

All the rebels watched closely what happened during the ceremony.

Everyone is full of curiosity and awe of the existence in this dark tide.


Black tide suddenly rose from outside the ritual array.

Fuzzy darkness began to rise, slowly covering Sharo's entire body.

Sara during the prayer ceremony also felt it at this moment.

The coldness and darkness... completely enveloped her.

Looking at the darkness and blur in the center of the formation.

The rebels couldn't help but look at each other.

Their faces were filled with worry.

If it doesn't go as they expected, Sharo may be in danger.

But judging from just now, the way the Kuroshio Lord was receiving the prayer ceremony... he didn't look like a kind god at all!

All darkness and blur...

Instead, they are a bit like sinful believers who summon evil gods...

One goal a day!

Monthly ticket, monthly ticket, monthly ticket!

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